Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 36 Emperor Dragon Club 1 update, ask for diamonds

Chapter 36 A change in the Dilong Club, ask for diamonds

When they arrived at Baishizhou, Qin Feng followed Yuan Zihan to her rental house, and Yuan Yashi stayed in the car, under the care of Tang Xiaotong and Suzaku.

Qin Feng looked at Yuan Zihan's humble rented house, and couldn't help frowning, and asked, "Have you been living here all these years?"

Yuan Zihan nodded to Qin Feng, then turned around, intending to go into the bedroom to pack things.

Qin Feng stepped forward, hugged Yuan Zihan from behind with both hands, and a line of hot tears rolled down his face.

"Although I heard that you live in Baishizhou, I didn't expect you to live in such a dilapidated house for many years."

"I'm sorry Zihan, it's all my fault. It's because I didn't recognize you earlier. It's because I haven't come back once in five years. It's because I didn't give you a guaranteed life."

"Zihan, you have been wronged."

Yuan Zihan's delicate body trembled slightly, and her eyes turned red instantly.

"Brother Feng, it's all over now. I'm fine now, don't blame yourself."

Qin Feng stood still, still hugging Yuan Zihan tightly, as if he would lose Yuan Zihan if he let go.

Seeing Qin Feng not moving, Yuan Zihan let Qin Feng hug him.

After a few minutes, Qin Feng let go of Yuan Zihan, and said in a trembling voice, "If there is something I need to take, I will take it."

Yuan Zihan knew that she couldn't argue with Qin Feng, so she could only point Qin Feng to take all the things he needed to take away.

As for the rest of the tables and chairs, she gave them all to people she knew next door or downstairs.

The neighbors were shocked when they heard that Yuan Zihan was going to move out, but they were relieved when they saw that it was Qin Feng who was going to take Yuan Zihan away.

It turned out that a man came over!
It was only natural that Yuan Zihan left with her man.

After packing up her things, Yuan Zihan called the landlord and said goodbye to the neighbors in Baishizhou with a smile.

In fact, she is very reluctant, after all, she has lived here for five years, and the people here have helped her a lot.

When walking out with Qin Feng, she stopped several times. Looking back at the familiar road, she still couldn't help the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Let's go Zihan, Yashi and the others are still waiting."

Qin Feng said lightly, he also saw that Yuan Zihan was reluctant, but he would not let Yuan Zihan live such a poor life anymore.

Approaching the black off-road vehicle, Yuan Zihan quickly wiped away his tears.

After getting into the car, she immediately gave the things to Suzaku as Qin Feng said.

Qinglong and the others had already chased them over, drove two off-road vehicles, and gave one to Suzaku. Suzaku sent Yuan Zihan's information to Longhua Real Estate in person.

Tang Xiaotong personally drove the off-road vehicle Suzaku was driving.

"Brother Feng, where are we going?"

Tang Xiaotong asked Qin Feng while driving the car away from Baishizhou.

"It's already noon now, so of course I'm going to eat, so I'll go directly to the Dilong Club."

Qin Feng smiled faintly.

At this time, Qin Feng had already received information on Zhang Tianjiao's whereabouts. He knew that Zhang Tianjiao was in the Dilong Clubhouse, so he went to the Dilong Clubhouse on purpose.

But Tang Xiaotong didn't know, she thought Qin Feng liked to go to the Dilong Club.

Arrived at the Dilong Clubhouse.

Tang Xiaotong stopped the car in front of the clubhouse building, got out of the car with Qin Feng's family, walked towards the lobby of the clubhouse, and threw the key to the parking officer at the entrance of the lobby.

A place like the Dilong Club naturally doesn't need her to park the car.

But to Tang Xiaotong's surprise, Qin Feng took Yuan Zihan straight to a special elevator, and she quickly chased after it.

"Brother Feng has reserved a box?"

Golden Box Room [-].

A young man and woman were huddled together on a sofa, panting. They had just fought a battle, and the sofa still smelled of their sweat.

The young woman next to Zhang Tianjiao was Zhu Jiaoyue, a floor manager of the Dilong Club.

Zhu Jiaoyue has a melon-shaped face, and she looks relatively pretty, but her pair of peach blossom eyes make her seem to have a seductive temperament.

The first time Zhang Tianjiao came here, he directly spent money to take down Zhu Jiaoyue.

Because of the humiliation caused by Qin Feng today, he held a lot of anger in his heart, and he also vented it all on Zhu Jiaoyue.

After Zhu Jiaoyue took a breath, she said coquettishly to Zhang Tianjiao: "Young Master Jiao, how are you doing today? You are too aggressive, you have blacked out Jiaoyue's place."

Zhang Tianjiao chuckled: "I'm sorry, it's true that I made a serious move. Don't worry, I will make it up to you. After you get off work, I will take you to Xiaosha. You can buy whatever you want."

"Really. Thank you, Jiao Shao."

Zhu Jiaoyue smiled and said, what she was waiting for was Zhang Tianjiao's words. After all, she also knew herself. It was impossible for her to marry into the Zhang family, but the benefits she could get were absolutely indispensable.

"However, if I can take down that chick, then maybe I won't come here so often."

Zhang Tianjiao narrowed his eyes and said with a sly smile.

When Qin Feng is killed today, he will have Tang Xiaotong taken away, and then Tang Xiaotong will be locked in the basement of a certain villa.

At that time, he can manipulate Tang Xiaotong as much as he wants, and he will naturally not come to the Dilong Club when he is free.

When Zhu Jiaoyue heard this, she panicked, and quickly asked: "Young Master Jiao, did Jiaoyue do something wrong? Don't scare me, can I change it?"

"Not you."

Zhang Tianjiao shook his head, laughed and said: "I am going to take down that chick, so I may not come here for a long time, but when I get tired of playing with her, I will come to you."

"So that's it. I thought that Young Master Jiao didn't want me."

Zhu Jiaoyue pouted and said.

"How could it be? You are my little fairy, your skills are so good, why would I not want you?"

Zhang Tianjiao laughed.

While chatting, the room was suddenly knocked.

Zhang Tianjiao restrained his smile and frowned instantly.

"Come in."

Following Zhang Tianjiao's roar, a white-clothed bodyguard walked in.

"Young Master Jiao, something happened. I just received the news. Young Master Rong didn't report it. The people who sent out may have missed it. In addition, I just received the news that someone found that Qin Feng entered the Emperor Dragon Club. Qin Feng was completely unscathed. .”

The white-clothed bodyguard reported in a trembling voice, he hardly dared to look up at Zhang Tianjiao, but the corner of his eyes still passed Zhu Jiaoyue who had just picked up a piece of clothing to wrap her body.

"What? Qin Feng's soul is not dead? Unscathed? In other words, his soul is fine?"

Zhang Tianjiao's face changed in shock, his eyes widened, and his whole body trembled slightly.

He never thought that Qin Feng did not die.

He also thought that if the Fuhua Group sent people to smash up on the road, even if Qin Feng could not be killed, it was very possible to disable Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng had nothing to do, and even came to the Dilong Club indiscriminately?

"That's right. Qin Feng is unscathed. He has entered the elevator now, and he doesn't know where he is going."

The white-clothed bodyguard looked embarrassed and continued to speak with his head down.

"Check it out for me and find out what's going on with that Hundan."

Zhang Tianjiao immediately waved to the bodyguard in white.

However, before this white-clothed bodyguard walked out, another white-clothed bodyguard walked in with a flustered expression.

"Young Master Jiao, someone is coming, it's that Qin Feng!"

"Qin Feng is here?"

Zhang Tianjiao's face changed again, his eyelids were twitching, he didn't expect Qin Feng to come over.

Is this a coincidence, or did Qin Feng come to him?
Heart beating!

His face trembled slightly!

He was at a loss for a while, his teeth were chattering, and he almost couldn't even sit on the sofa.

"No, Hundan won't know that I'm here. If he dares to touch me again, then he's dead."

After muttering to himself, Zhang Tianjiao ordered the white-clothed bodyguard who came in from behind: "Go and find out for me, and see what Qin Feng and Hun Dan are doing here."

The bodyguard in white got the order, nodded quickly, then turned and ran out.

Zhang Tianjiao turned his head and said to the bodyguard in white who came in first, "Yu Ding, call Rong Shao immediately and ask what's going on."

As soon as the bodyguard Yu Ding heard this, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Hou Zhirong's number.

However, before the phone was dialed, there was a burst of yelling outside, and this yelling sound was exactly the voice of his companion just now.

"What's going on? Why is Wei Boming shouting so loudly?"

Yu Ding looked puzzled and ran out quickly.

But as soon as he reached the door of the box, he caught a glimpse of the corridor, where his companion Wei Boming led people to block Qin Feng.

Qin Feng shouted coldly: "Get out of the way immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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