Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 368 The Peak Showdown 3 Updates

Chapter 368
"Don't say it's you, I want to know who this Mr. Qin Feng is now. After all, it must not be an easy person who can make everyone in the Iga family nervous."

Musashi Shion said with a solemn face.

When Wang Xinman heard it, she was secretly happy, hum, I was having dinner with Mr. Qin Feng just now.

Miyata Kimiko nodded to Musashi Shion, but then looked at Wang Xinman and smiled.

"No matter what, I still appreciate Miss Wang's works as always. As long as Miss Wang is willing, I will maintain my previous opinion."


Wang Xinman didn't want to be pestered all the time, so she had no choice but to trade with Kimiko Miyata.

But she squinted at Miyata Kimiko and raised her chin, "The transaction is fine, but I hope you don't offend Mr. Qin Feng, otherwise, it will be difficult for me to explain to the family."

"You're overthinking. I never thought of offending Qin Feng, and it was Zhou Qinya who invited me to assist Mr. Qin Feng in dealing with the Yihe family. So, to be precise, Mr. Qin Feng and I are on the same boat now people."

Musashi Shion smiled faintly.

This is the truth, she really didn't think about dealing with Qin Feng, not to mention not knowing Qin Feng's identity, even if she knew, she was hindered by the Zhou family, so it was impossible for her to fight against Qin Feng.

"That's good."

Wang Xinman nodded and smiled, but after thinking about it for a while, she quickly asked, "What kind of family is this Iga family?"

"If Miss Wang doesn't mind, I can explain it to Miss Wang personally, but I hope to make friends with you, Miss Wang."

Musashi Shion said.

Wang Xinman frowned slightly, pouted her small mouth, then waved to Musashi Shion, motioning for Musashi Shion to explain to her.

at this time.

On a driveway, two black Audis were parked.

On one of the Audis, a short-cut man was answering the phone.

Next to him was a bald man fiddling with his cell phone.

The two are Takayanagi Keita and his confidant, Takao Yusho.

Keita Takayanagi put down the phone, shook his palm at Yusho Takao, and ordered sharply.

"Takao Yusho! Prepare now! Yamamoto Takuro has brought people to surround Qin Feng, and there will be a shot at any time."

"Qin Feng's bodyguards are waiting in the outer driveway, you ask Fujishima Yu to lead a team to block Qin Feng's bodyguards."

"Remember, you must never let Qin Feng's bodyguards come to support. Qin Feng's side is supervised by me, and Qin Feng's bodyguards are supervised by you yourself."

"Yes, Team Leader Gao Liu!"

Takao Yusho nodded, then took out his mobile phone, dialed the number, and got out of the car immediately.

Keita Takayanagi watched Takao Yusho get into another car and leave, and he immediately waved to the driver.

"Go find a higher inn, where you can see what's going on in the Zuiyuan."


The driver got the order and started the car immediately.

There are many hotels and hotels here, but most of them are called inns, with a strong retro flavor.

Gao Liuqitai looked at the bright lights outside, the corners of his mouth curled up immediately, his eyes were dark and terrifying.

"Qin Feng, this time, you are dead."

Although he didn't know what was going on, he was overjoyed to learn that there were only four female bodyguards on Qin Feng's side.

With just four female bodyguards, it must be easy for his people to kill the female bodyguards.

The mobile phone rang suddenly, interrupting Gao Liuqitai's thoughts. He connected the phone, and a middle-aged man's voice came from the other end.

"Group leader, after the old man went in, he has been standing in the open space outside, not moving, I don't know what's going on."

"Then wait and see what happens. No matter who it is, wait until they are both defeated before we take action."

The corners of Gao Liuqitai's mouth curled up, and he sneered.

"Yes, Captain."

The middle-aged man on the other end answered, then hung up the phone.

In the drunken garden, on an open space, Jian Yi did stand quietly, and did not rush in, just because Qin Feng said that he was too full and needed to digest.

Therefore, Jian Yi stood here for almost half an hour, waiting until Qin Feng came out.

After Qin Feng came out, he glanced at Jian Yi, shook his head and said, "No matter who sent you here, you are not my opponent. Our country of Xia has always had a tradition of respecting the old and loving the young, so you can go."


Jian Yi sneered, but waved his palm and rushed towards Qin Feng.

When Qin Feng saw it, he immediately dodged to the right.

Jian Yi was surprised, because his move was not slow, not to mention that Qin Feng was only six feet away from him.

Ordinarily, even if someone confronts him with this move, he would still use his punches to counter him, and he would not be able to dodge to the other side so lightly and swiftly.

"This kid is fast!"

Jian Yi chuckled, and instantly swiped his left palm towards Qin Feng's right abdomen.

This move is also fast and urgent.

The black-clothed ninjas lying in ambush on the walls and glazed tiles outside the drunken garden couldn't see Jian Yi's attack at all.

Jian Yi also thought that Qin Feng might continue to hide, but he was wrong.

Qin Feng didn't dodge, instead he waved his right palm to meet him, and a Tai Chi push hand was displayed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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