Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 39 Blacklist 2 update, ask for diamonds

Chapter 39 Pull the blacklist for the second update, ask for diamonds
After Qin Feng finished the phone call, he frowned and looked at Ye Wushuang.

"You asked someone to cancel the cooperation with Fuhua Group? In that case, Fuhua Group will easily focus on you."

Ye Wushuang smiled lightly: "It's okay, as long as I can help Mr., no matter what happens, I won't be afraid."

Qin Feng nodded, his eyes were like a torch: "It's fine. However, those bodyguards around you can't deal with any masters. I'll transfer two female masters to you for the time being, until the Hou family and Zhang family of the Fuhua Group are dealt with."

"Thank you, sir."

When Ye Wushuang heard this, he was overjoyed and nodded quickly.

Qin Feng immediately picked up his cell phone and made a call.

But after Qin Feng finished the call, Song Hao also walked in in a little panic.

"Ye Dong, something happened. Zhang Shilong of the Zhang family brought a lot of them to the main entrance of our Dilong Club."

Song Hao reported panting.

"I see. From now on, you can handle such small things. You will disturb the guests."

Ye Wushuang said with cold eyes.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I took the liberty."

Song Hao hurriedly apologized to Qin Feng and the others.

Ye Wushuang made a gesture to Song Hao, signaling Song Hao and the others to go out.

Song Hao backed out immediately.

He recognized Tang Xiaotong and knew it was Tang Shengshou's granddaughter, but he didn't know who Qin Feng was. He only glanced at Qin Feng when he entered the box, but he suddenly felt that Qin Feng was not simple.

Because he had never seen Ye Wushuang treat others so respectfully.

Ye Wushuang noticed that Song Hao had completely withdrawn from the box, so he said to Qin Feng: "Sir, do you want me to go down and drive Zhang Shilong away?"

"No need. If you go down in person, your aura will be weak, just let him go away by himself. And with Qinglong below to help, no matter how many people he brings, he won't be able to get cheap."

Qin Feng said with a sneer.

There are more than 30 vans, and there are only a hundred people in the district. In fact, it is not enough for Qinglong and the others to squeeze their teeth.

So Qin Feng was not worried that Zhang Shilong would be able to rush in.

What's more, Zhang Shilong's escalation of the incident will not do any good to the Zhang family. Instead, it will cause him to collide with the clubhouse.

When Ye Wushuang heard what Qin Feng said, she immediately gestured to Yin Qing, indicating that Yin Qing must be paid attention to all the time.

Yuan Zihan was eating in small bites, she didn't ask these things, she knew it would be useless even if she asked, because she couldn't handle it.

Yuan Zihan didn't bother to ask, and Tang Xiaotong naturally didn't dare to ask. She just lowered her head and ate these delicious dishes. After all, this is the supreme box.

Soon she was like a little squirrel eating chestnuts, her mouth was bulging, and she looked very delicate and cute.

Yuan Zihan couldn't help laughing.

"Tongtong, don't eat so fast, I think Brother Feng probably didn't leave so quickly."

"No, these things are so good that I can't usually eat them. Sister Zihan, you don't know. When I was at home, my dad made a lot of rules. Even when I arrived in the East China Sea, he still stared at me. What about the food. So when I see delicious food, I really can’t help it.”

Tang Xiaotong swallowed a few mouthfuls, and laughed awkwardly.

Ye Wushuang looked at it, and said with a faint smile: "Eat more if you like it, it's fine. But sister Zihan is right, you can't leave now, let's wait until the Zhang family is driven away."

Tang Xiaotong looked at Ye Wushuang, nodded to Ye Wushuang, and continued to eat freely.

Yuan Yashi stopped eating, and said to Yuan Zihan, "Mom, I can't eat anymore."

Yuan Zihan quickly said: "If you can't eat it, don't eat it. Mom and you can rest on the sofa."

As she spoke, she hugged Yuan Zihan and walked over to the sofa.

Qin Feng glanced at Yuan Zihan's back, and then gestured to Ye Wushuang.

"For the time being, don't let Zhang Shilong spread the word that Zhang Tianjiao will be killed tonight."

"Yes, sir."

Ye Wushuang nodded, then picked up the phone and made a call.

At this time, more than 30 vehicles were blocking the main entrance and exit of the Dilong Club.

On a Rolls-Royce, a tall and strong bald-headed middle-aged man was glaring at the security room, and shouted at a short-cut man lying on the window: "What's going on? We don't even have the qualifications to enter the Dilong Club." there is none left?"

This bald middle-aged man is the head of the Zhang family, Zhang Shilong.

The man with a short crew cut is Gao Bingyan, one of Zhang Shilong's confidantes. He was in charge of running to communicate with the security room, but was blasted away by the security room people.

"Chairman, the Dilong Club has blacklisted Zhang's family. Our motorcade may not be able to enter. If we force our way in, it may not be very good."

Gao Bingyan said tremblingly.

"What? The Emperor Dragon Club didn't protect my son, threw my son out, and now he doesn't even let me in? He's also blacklisted? Is this not taking my Zhang family seriously?"

Zhang Shilong was trembling with anger, his fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes seemed to breathe fire.

Gao Bingyan's face turned pale for a while, his throat throbbed a few times, and he asked nervously: "Chairman, what should we do now?"

"What should I do? I'll fuck him, rush in!"

Zhang Shilong roared angrily.

He is really annoyed now, his son has become a "celebrity" now, and Dilong Club doesn't let him in?
No one can bear this matter.

Although he knew that the Dilong clubhouse was owned by the Ye family, he was so angry that he couldn't care less now.

Gao Bingyan got the order, and he immediately gave orders to the more than 30 strong men in yellow suits on the van who followed him.

The brawny men in yellow suits all waved their short sticks and flocked to the main entrance of the Dilong Clubhouse.

In the security room, when the four security guards saw that these people were about to rush over, they were instantly frightened and trembling like chaff.

Qinglong was eating a boxed lunch. He glanced at the strong men in yellow suits outside, and then gestured to the door of the security room.

Dozens of strong men in white clothes stood at the door of the security room, they were the bodyguards of the Ye family. When they saw Qinglong's gesture, they all swung their short sticks and rushed out, forming a line of defense in an instant.

The burly men in yellow suits were even more excited when they realized that someone was rushing towards them suddenly, and their expressions all became hideous.

The strong men in white clothes were not impatient, nor did they rush over, they just stayed where they were.

Even so, they were soon covered in injuries, after all, there were too many people coming from the other side.

The strong men in yellow suits were full of momentum and tried to break in directly.

Suddenly, a figure flashed out, it was Qinglong.

Qinglong was wearing a black hood, so those people couldn't see his appearance clearly, and they couldn't even see how he made a move.

Wherever they passed, the strong men in yellow suits fell to the ground one after another.

Not to mention the strong men in yellow suits, even the strong men in white clothes were shocked. They never thought that Qinglong would be so powerful that it could almost kill people instantly.

When Qinglong stood still, all the strong men in yellow suits had been swept to the ground by him.

Therefore, the ground was full of the wailing sounds of the strong man in the yellow suit, and thanks to Qinglong's order, he did not kill the killer.

"Here, what's going on? Who is this?"

Zhang Shilong saw the Qinglong standing proudly through the car window, and asked Gao Bingyan in panic.

"I don't know either. Chairman, it may be the master prepared by the Dilong Club. Let's retreat first."

Gao Bingyan quickly suggested.

Zhang Shilong frowned.


All his people were knocked down, and he really should retreat, but he was really not reconciled.

The mobile phone rang in his trouser pocket, he took out the mobile phone and glanced at it and connected it immediately.

An old man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Leave quickly, don't stay there anymore, the Ye family is not something our Zhang family can offend."

"Father, I..."

Zhang Shilong wanted to argue a few words, but was immediately interrupted by the old man yelling.

"I told you to leave immediately, did you hear that? If you continue to stay there, you will be caught."

Zhang Shilong's expression changed, and he quickly waved to the driver: "Go, turn around and leave immediately."

The driver looked at Zhang Shilong with a bitter face: "Chairman, I can only get out of the car and leave."

Zhang Shilong was stunned, so he could only get out of the car?

Because there are several vans behind, which have already blocked the Rolls-Royce. Just now, when everyone was asked to rush past, there was no one in the van, and naturally no one moved those vans.

Zhang Shilong gritted his teeth, and had no choice but to get out of the car and escape.

Gao Bingyan quickly gestured to the driver, and then followed Zhang Shilong.

Qinglong did not go after Zhang Shilong, but retreated back to the guard room.

As for the dozens of strong men in white clothes, they all squeezed into the guard room, and they all wanted to learn kung fu from Qinglong.

Song Hao arranged for a doctor to come over to bandage them, and asked the security guards in the clubhouse to throw all the strong men in yellow suits into a large truck, and then took them all away and cleared all the cars.

"Ye Dong, the door here has been cleaned up."

Song Hao took out his mobile phone and called Ye Wushuang.

"I see. Continue to have people guard the door. If the Zhang family dares to send people over, they will kill Wushe directly."

Ye Wushuang on the other end of the phone said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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