Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 405 Dead End 1 Path 3 Updates

Chapter 405 Dead End, Third Watch

"We are not their opponents, retreat, retreat!"

Smith waved to Lin Qiwei.

When Lin Qiwei heard this, he frowned instantly. So many people on their side are still retreating?

But when he saw Baihu's attack, he was also stunned for a moment, because Baihu's attack was too fast.

Knife up and down.

One move to kill.

Who are these people?How did you make such a bold move?It's like treating people like scarecrows.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Lin Qiwei did not dare to hesitate, and immediately waved his hands and shouted to retreat.

Unfortunately, it was impossible for them to withdraw, because Baihu and the others would not let them go.


Fan Mingcai has been watching the duel of these people, but he thought he could be rescued, but he didn't expect Lin Qiwei and the others to call back in the end.

So he was immediately anxious, wishing he could yell "don't go".

However, his mouth was stuffed with a white towel, and he could only watch helplessly as these two groups of blue and black people retreated towards the south.

"Where to escape? Leave them all to me."

Qin Feng gestured to Bai Hu and the others.

As soon as Jian Yi heard this, he immediately yelled at a man in white robe beside him: "Jin Zaihuan, give me the long sword!"

The man in white robe immediately threw a long sword on his back to Jian Yi.

Jian Yi jumped up, caught the long sword in the air, then drew out the long sword, and chased after the man in black.

Jianyi's people all chased after him.

Baihu and the others were even more aggressive, rushing over and knocking down six or seven people directly.

Smith and Lin Qiwei, who originally had hundreds of people, were immediately blocked by Jian Yi and Bai Hu in the open space to the south of the backyard.

Lin Qiwei saw that he couldn't escape all of a sudden, so he could only turn around and shouted at the men in blue: "Kill, kill them."

But Smith didn't think too much about it, he hurriedly took his two confidants over the wall and went out.

More than a dozen men in black also followed Smith and the others to flip out.

Of course, outside the fence, waiting for Smith and the others was Li Nian and the others who had been waiting for a long time.

"Come on, no one is allowed to escape."

When Li Nian saw Smith and the others coming out, he immediately rushed up with his men.

Inside, Lin Qiwei swung his short knife to meet the white tiger, but with just one move, his short knife was split in two by the white tiger's double-edged short knife.

He himself was pushed back more than ten steps, and he was shocked by the powerful strength of the white tiger.

"You're not from the Profound Realm..."

But the white tiger didn't stop, and continued to swing the double-edged dagger without saying a word, and bullied him again.

Lin Qiwei swung half of the dagger, kept backing away, quickly rolled on the spot, picked up a dagger on the ground, and continued to meet Baihu's double-edged dagger.

But soon, Lin Qiwei discovered that Baihu's attack was too fast, and he had no time to react.

If it wasn't for the man in blue walking around to block the white tiger, he would have been killed by the white tiger.

Even so, Lin Qiwei was cut several times in the blink of an eye, and blood gushed out from the deep and long incision, which caused him unbearable pain.

"Who are you?"

Lin Qiwei stabilized his body, with a knife wound on his body in one hand, and tightly clutching the short knife in the other, he sternly shouted at Baihu.

Baihu still ignored Lin Qiwei.

Lin Qiwei turned his head and glanced, but found that Smith was no longer there, and his heart felt cold for a moment.

It’s over.

Seeing that the white tiger continued to charge over, he could only grit his teeth and go forward to confront the white tiger.


A howl sounded, because the white tiger slashed across Lin Qiwei's heart.

Lin Qiwei slammed towards the back, until he slammed into the wall.

The two men in blue wanted to step forward to block the white tiger, but they were thrown away by the white tiger.

As for the other blue-clothed men, they were also surrounded by Jian Yi and the others, and kept lying on the ground.

Bai Hu rushed forward and continued to block Lin Qiwei's throat.

Blood splattered on the wall, Lin Qiwei's eyes widened, and he looked like he was dying. He never imagined that he would die here.

Bai Hu retracted his knife, and immediately stood still, watching Lin Qiwei's body fall down with cold eyes.

The men in blue and a small number of men in black had nowhere to escape, and they were all killed here by Jian Yi and the others.

Outside the fence.

Smith and the others were surrounded by Li Nian and the others, and they couldn't escape at all.

Moreover, Smith never imagined that the south side turned out to be a dead end, and there was only a dog hole to the west, and Li Nian and the others were closely chasing and killing them to the east.

"Boss, what should we do? This is a dead end!"

A curly-haired man hurriedly asked Smith.

But at this time, Smith couldn't respond to the curly-haired man, because he was completely suppressed by Li Nian.

"Who are you? I'm afraid your cultivation is not at the Profound Realm. Could it be that you are already at the Realm..."

Smith was only at the Profound Realm, the master of the Realm was Emperor Wu, he was no match for Emperor Wu at all.

"Who the hell are you? I can warn you, you can't kill me, otherwise we of Guiyuanmeng will never let you go."

Li Nian didn't respond to Smith, nor did he go all out, but kept consuming Smith's energy.

(End of this chapter)

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