Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 43 Qiankun Auction 2 Update, Asking for Diamonds

Chapter 43

After eating a sumptuous lunch, Qin Feng and his party immediately boarded the car and set off.

But before leaving the house, Qin Feng received news that the Zhang family sent people everywhere to inquire about him.

Since Tang Xiaotong and Suzaku were both wearing Hanfu, Yuan Zihan didn't know how to drive, so this time it was Qin Feng who drove in person.

Qin Feng didn't change into any fancy clothes, just a set of ordinary-looking casual clothes.

Of course, Suzaku knew that Qin Feng's clothes didn't have a logo, but they were really custom-made high-end clothes, designed by world famous teachers and made by hand.

After Qin Feng drove out of the section of the villa area, he didn't notice anything, but when he approached the section of Shangpu Street, he found a van following up.

Then Qinglong's voice came from the intercom: "Sir, do you want to intercept the following car?"

"Intercept? That's not necessary. If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. If the enemy moves, I will move first."

Qin Feng snorted softly.

"Yes, sir."

The green dragon over there responded immediately.

Qin Feng continued to drive, glanced at the van in the rearview mirror, and then accelerated.

on the van.

A bearded man with a strong figure was hugging a beautiful woman, tightly clutching the woman's delicate and slender hands as pale as a scallion, grinning and grinning.

There are three men next to them, two with a crew cut and one with a bald head. They have strong bodies, strong arms, and thick calluses on their palms, which are obviously caused by regular training.

"Boss, it's just him, so there's no need for so many of us to fight together? Lao Jin and the others can't deal with it, and I can kill him alone."

A man with a flat head laughed ferociously.

The crew cut man was called Zhang Yuan, and the boss he called was the bearded man named Ji Weimao, one of the four masters of the Fuhua Group, an underground force in Tianhui District.

Ji Weimao raised his eyes to look at Zhang Yuan, frowned and said, "Master Rong was killed inexplicably, the old president has been furious and asked us to investigate the cause of death, but I always feel that the murder of Young Master Rong should be related to this kid, after all that day Young Master Rong only answered the call that Jiao Shao borrowed."

"But, he kid, does he really dare to kill Young Master Rong?" Zhang Yuan still looked puzzled.

"Whether it is or not, find a chance and capture him back."

Ji Weimao hummed lightly.

The car followed Qin Feng's black RV all the way.

Then, the two cars went straight to the Qiankun Auction Building.

Qin Feng stopped the car and got off directly.

Suzaku sensed what was going on behind her. She wanted to ask Qin Feng, but saw Qin Feng gesturing for them to go in first.

The receptionists at the entrance of the building were stunned when they saw Yuan Zihan and the others wearing exquisite Hanfu, and almost forgot to check their qualifications.

Qin Feng looked at Ji Weimao and the others who had already got off the car, the corners of his mouth curled up, but his eyes lowered.

Ji Weimao walked forward with the beautiful woman in his arms, glanced at Qin Feng coldly, and hummed softly: "Boy, you're quite clever, come with us."


Qin Feng said lightly.

Ji Weimao and the others all froze.

The glamorous woman snorted softly, glaring at Qin Feng with a trace of disdain in her eyes.
Because she felt that Qin Feng's clothes were not brand-name clothes, he didn't have accessories on him, and he was driving an ordinary Mercedes-Benz, so he probably was a poor man.

"Stinky boy, who are you letting go? How did you talk to our Brother Mao?"

Qin Feng squinted his eyes, his eyes were awe-inspiring, and his face was cold.

"Don't think that I don't touch women. If you don't know how to keep your mouth clean, then I can help you get rid of it."


The glamorous woman was speechless for a moment and did not dare to refute, because she felt that Qin Feng looked terrible.

Ji Weimao looked at Qin Feng sharply, and snorted softly: "Boy, are you going to come with us? Do you want to toast instead of eating fine wine?"

Qin Feng pointed at the receptionists at the entrance, and said with a sneer, "If you're not afraid of offending the people behind the Qiankun Auction, why don't you just try it?"

Ji Weimao was taken aback.

He really didn't dare to offend the people behind the Qiankun Auction, because he heard that the Qiankun Auction was organized by several families, and the Long Family, one of the seven super families in Beiyan City, invested the most.

He is just a thug of the Fuhua Group. If he offends the Long family, it will basically be a dead end.

"Boy, don't think so, I just..."

"What about you? Do you think you can take me away? Just rely on your rotten fish and shrimp?"

Qin Feng said disdainfully, his eyes narrowed in an instant, and a hostility was revealed all over his body.

Ji Weimao was astonished. He was thinking about something, but he saw a black off-road vehicle coming towards him.

Then, he saw Qinglong get off the off-road vehicle and walked straight towards him.

If it was an ordinary person, he would not be afraid, but Qinglong's imposing manner made him tremble a little, this person is not simple.

"Okay. Boy, just wait, I don't believe you will stay in the auction forever."

Ji Weimao gritted his teeth and said.

"No, boss, why don't we just take him away?"

Zhang Yuan said a little depressed.

He felt that Qin Feng was just scaremongering, they just took Qin Feng away, not equal to those who waited for the auction.

As for Qinglong, he didn't think so, not to mention they had five people here, and Qinglong was only one person.

"Shut up. We can't offend the Long family, but when this kid comes out of the auction, I'll let him know that he can't offend me."

Ji Weimao said sharply.

"Yes, boss."

Zhang Yuan nodded quickly.

But he turned his head and glanced at Qin Feng, and his eyes were filled with sullenness in an instant. He was so indifferent that he wanted to tear him apart with his own hands.

Qin Feng looked at Zhang Yuan's hateful look, but he curled his lips and smiled. He deliberately didn't say hello to Qinglong, so he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Send me the auction guest information."

"Yes, sir. By the way, sir, do you want to take down those people who blocked you just now?"

"No need. The auction has stepped up its security today. If our people are here, it will attract special attention. It's better to hide our identity and wait until my mother was burned to death."

Qin Feng said coldly.

It was just Ji Weimao, if he wanted to do something, he would have killed Ji Weimao directly, but in the crowd, he decided to wait and not worry.

"Yes, sir."

The other end responded, and then hung up the phone.

After Qin Feng was checked, he strode towards the hall on the first floor where the Qiankun Auction was located.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw that there was a lot of noise in the hall, and many dudes were blocking Yuan Zihan and the others.

Although Yuan Zihan and the others were all wearing veils given by Jiang Zhiling, because they were all wearing exquisite Hanfu, they looked like fairies who had descended from the Nine Heavens, attracting the attention of everyone in the hall.

"Go away quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Suzaku was yelling, because Qin Feng didn't arrange for other bodyguards to come, so she could only guard Yuan Zihan and the three of them.

It's just that, wearing a Hanfu, she looks like a modest lady. Even if she loses her temper, those dandies find it pleasing to the eye, and they are even more reluctant to leave.

The staff next to him tried their best to persuade them, but they didn't dare to do anything. After all, they couldn't afford to offend these dandies, so they had to report the matter to the higher authorities.

Tang Xiaotong also wanted to stand up and scold, but was stopped by Suzaku.

Yuan Zihan hugged Yuan Yashi tightly, and looked at the people in front of her with some apprehension. She just hoped that Qin Feng would come in quickly.

But a group of people surrounded here, and she couldn't see Qin Feng's arrival at all.

"Is this really the Qiankun Auction? What are so many people besieging me doing?"

Qin Feng said lightly.

His voice startled the group of people, and they turned to look at Qin Feng. Their expressions changed slightly because Qin Feng's eyes were so stern that they trembled slightly.

Who is this person, why is his eyes so terrifying?
In an instant, they retreated one after another, making way for Qin Feng.

"Are you okay?"

Qin Feng came over and smiled faintly at Yuan Zihan.

"It's okay. It's just that they are a little annoying. It's all our fault that we dressed too ostentatiously today."

Yuan Zihan sighed.

"As long as you are fine, you don't have to worry about being ostentatious. It's important to be yourself. You don't need to please anyone in the future."

Qin Feng held Yuan Zihan's slender and fair little hand, and said with a faint smile.

"Oh my god, he took that beauty's hand, who the hell is he?"

"It's over, it's over, I have no chance, judging by their appearance, they seem to be husband and wife?"

"I originally planned to introduce De Shao, but it seems unnecessary."

The group of playboys started chatting and chatting.

At this time, on the stage ahead, the beautiful host had already stepped out and started hosting the auction.

"Guests are welcome to come to our Qiankun Auction. The auction will start in 10 minutes. I hope you will find a seat first."

Just as the beautiful host finished speaking, someone ran up and whispered something to her, and her expression changed slightly in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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