Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 431 I Am The Prodigal Son 1 More

Chapter 431 I Am The Prodigal Son

But as soon as it was conveyed here, Xianfu received the news that there were more cars following behind.

"Miss, if there are three cars left, wouldn't it be too few? Besides, when the sir and the others passed by Xitang, there was a series of car accidents on the expressway. The other party followed them, and there must be many people."

Xianfu looked at Zhou Qinya with a sad face, because she knew that there were actually less than ten people in the last three cars.

"Three cars are enough. You inform Xiyang and Prodigal Son to intercept each other. If there is a killer following them, they will come to see me."

Zhou Qinya said with a pretty face and coldly.

"Yes, Miss."

Xianfu frowned and nodded, it was the first time she saw Zhou Qinya's solemn and cold look, and she immediately passed on Zhou Qinya's instructions.

A big black Mercedes came up at the end, and a burly man with a short cut heaved a long sigh after receiving the news.

"It seems to be a bit busy tonight."

This brawny guy with a short cut was none other than the master of the Zhou family who killed Crossbo with Zhou Taihui, Xiyang.

A brawny man with short hair and short hair in a plaid shirt next to him rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"These people are probably sent by the Sun family. They have been staring at Missy and Hang Shao for the past few days. It seems that if they don't teach them a lesson, they still don't have a long memory."

This brawny short-haired man is a master of the Zhou family, a prodigal son.

On the day Sun Zhengqi was captured by the police station, Zhou Qinya also immediately transferred several top masters of the Zhou family to Donghai City.

But now, the four masters of the Zhou family are following Zhou Qinya to Xitang, and they all want to see what the emperor Qin Feng is like.

It's just that they didn't expect that Sun Zhengqi would dare to send someone to follow him.

Stab it!

At a fork of the high-speed exit, the last three Mercedes-Benzes of Xiyang stopped and stopped all the cars behind them instantly.

Soon, the drivers of the cars behind were all shouting or cursing in dissatisfaction.

After all, they were very upset when they were suddenly stuck on the highway at night.

"What's the matter? There's no car accident in front, why did it stop all of a sudden?"

"Are these people crazy? They are still wearing ancient costumes at night, filming?"

"I'll go, imitate Xingye's big talk about Journey to the West, standing on the wall, holding a long sword? Do you really think you are a sunset warrior?"

Hearing what the drivers behind him said, the prodigal son couldn't help but sigh: "I'm not Xiyang, I'm the prodigal son."

"You're a prodigal son, you are so cool at night, there are no beautiful women here, they are all a group of social animals, be careful, no one knows what the stalker wants."

Xiyang quickly warned the prodigal son.

The prodigal son chuckled, then turned to look at the drivers behind him.

Those drivers were yelling, but no one dared to step forward to scold Xiyang and the others, because they all took out daggers or long swords.

From this point of view, it was clear that it was not easy to mess with, so ordinary drivers also turned around quickly, and they didn't even dare to go back to their own cars, instead they hid away.

As for the rest of the black short-sleeved men who didn't hide, they were naturally the ones following them.

"These souls must have been deliberately stopped. In this way, we will lose track of Zhou Qinya. Dongjiang City is so big, and it will not be so easy for us to find it."

A burly bald-headed man said with a gloomy expression.

"Brother Liang, what shall we do now?"

On the right side of the bald man, a slightly thin man with a short cut asked.

"If we lose track of Zhou Qinya, Shao Qi will definitely get angry, and we will be unlucky in the end."

"Since this is the case, if you don't do it, you will never stop."

"Brothers, all of you, let me abolish these people, but don't kill them, so as not to provoke investigators."

The bald man immediately gave the order.

The short-haired man got the order, he immediately pulled out a long knife from a black van, and shouted sharply: "Brothers, come on, maim them all."

All of a sudden, the black short-sleeved men all rushed towards the setting sun and the others.

At this time, Zhou Qinya was in the black car.

Xianfu received the news that the stalkers had made a move, and she immediately reported it to Zhou Qinya.

"It seems that they still want to court death!"

Zhou Qinya snorted softly, but ignored those stalkers, and asked Xianfu to arrange a convoy to go to Xitang quickly.

"Miss, our convoy has now transferred to the Xitang route, is it going directly to the ancient theater on Huanxiu Street?"

Xianfu asked quickly.

"Give Brother Feng a call and see where Brother Feng and the others have gone. Since the Iga family has already left, let's go and watch the battle from the sidelines. Don't get involved, lest we become a burden to Brother Feng."

Zhou Qinya said coldly.


Xianfu nodded quickly, but a trace of surprise flashed across her pretty face, because this was the first time she heard Zhou Qinya compare herself to a burden.

Of course, she also knew that things were serious tonight, after all, the other party was Emperor Wu of Dongsang Kingdom, and the visitor was not kind.

Xianfu picked up her mobile phone and immediately dialed Lu Yaohong's number.

(End of this chapter)

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