Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 434 Huaxun Taste 4 More

Chapter 434 Huaxun Taste Four Changes
"I'll give you 1 minute, tell me quickly, I still have something urgent to do here."

When Zhan Hong heard what Zhou Qinya said, she quickly told what she had just heard.

"Is this the only thing?"

Zhou Qinya frowned, and looked at Zhan Hong disappointedly, "You used to be my father's student, so you can't say that you are the best, but you can't be so bad, right?"

"Miss, I... I am ashamed of Mr. Zhou."

Zhan Hong quickly lowered her head, and then knelt down on her knees facing Zhou Qinya.

The crowd was astonished.

Han Fu's eyes were rounded, his breathing was stagnant, and he felt that the scene in front of him was unbelievable.

Because he knew that his mother, Zhan Hong, had always been a proud and arrogant person, not to mention kneeling down, and even dismissing many powerful people.

But now, his mother is kneeling before Zhou Qinya?

Who the hell is this Zhou Qinya?

"Get up, you know I don't like so many rituals."

Zhou Qinya waved to Zhan Hong, then looked up at Han Fu, and asked coldly, "You are Zhan Hong's son? Have you ever taken someone else's family heirloom?"

"I, I am Zhan Hong's son. I have never taken someone else's family heirloom. My mother has always been strict with me and never allowed me to reveal my identity at school. I usually don't have any jewelry, let alone any family heirloom. Besides, if I want it, I can ask my mother to go to the antique city to buy it for me."

Han Fu shook his head at Zhou Qinya, and replied in a deep voice.

"This...you really haven't taken it?"

Zhen Shuang looked at Han Fu in astonishment, and asked with a frown.

Originally, he thought that Han Fu was a poor boy, and it was very likely that Han Fu stole his family heirloom jade, but he didn't expect that Han Fu seemed to be the son of a rich man.

He won't recognize Zhan Hong for a while, but he knows that Zhan Hong is definitely not simple.

"So, you don't have solid evidence, so you come here to wrong others? Even if you arrest people at the police station, you have to pay attention to evidence to arrest people. What kind of thing are you?"

"He, I'll guarantee it. You immediately lead someone to get out of here! Otherwise, I don't mind having all of you cut off. I, a disciple of the Zhou family, will never be bullied like this."

Zhou Qinya said domineeringly.

Zhen Shuang was stunned, and then his face turned pale. He waved to the men in floral shirts behind him, and then backed out.

If it was just Zhou Qinya and a few women, he would definitely not be afraid, but behind Zhou Qinya stood a few burly men in white clothes, full of murderous aura, he was immediately cowed after just one look.

After walking out of the courtyard inn, Zhen Shuang immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of her sister Zhen Shanmei.

"Zhen Shanmei, tell me clearly, what's going on? Han Fu said he didn't take the heirloom jade."

A girl's exclamation came from the other end of the phone: "Brother, you ran to find Han Fu? Don't hurt anyone, where are you?"

"I'm at the Courtyard Inn, Nanyuan Road, west of Xitang."

"Wait, I'll be there soon, just give me 5 minutes."

Before Zhen Shuang could respond, Zhen Shanmei on the other end had already hung up the phone.

"This stinking girl!"

Zhen Shuang snorted softly, and immediately dialed a familiar number.

"Brother Jun, something happened to me here, can you bring dozens of people over to help?"

In the lobby of the hotel.

Zhan Hong stood up under Zhou Qinya's signal, and she quickly asked with an awkward smile: "Miss, what else can I help you?"

"I need a group of people who know martial arts, how many can you find for me? By the way, the more locals the better, of course, you need to be trustworthy."

Zhou Qinya said coldly.

"Well, if you want to talk about martial arts people, I can let my bodyguards go there, but if you want local people, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find them in this time period."

Zhan Hong said with a troubled face.

When Zhou Qinya heard this, she frowned instantly, because she planned to hire a group of local people, maybe to help Qin Feng.

"This fairy, I can help you."

Li Handong waved to Zhou Qinya.

"Li Handong, don't talk nonsense, even my mother can't do it, what can you help?"

Han Fu quickly pulled down Li Handong's raised hand, and looked at Li Handong with a gloomy expression. He never thought that Li Handong would want to help others like this.

This kid thinks she is a big beauty, right?
Zhou Qinya waved to Han Fu, signaling Han Fu to back off, and then looked at Li Handong coldly, "If you can help me, I can grant one of your wishes."


When Li Handong heard this, he was instantly delighted, "My mom plans to turn her Huaxun Taste Snack Bar into a chain store, but my dad doesn't support her. If you can support her, I can definitely find 300 people for you."

"make a deal!"

Zhou Qinya nodded, then waved to Xianfu who followed behind her.

Xianfu immediately stepped forward to learn about Li Handong's actual situation and family information.

After Li Handong finished speaking, Xianfu immediately nodded to Zhou Qinya.

"Let's go, don't worry about your Huaxun taste, you should find someone for me first."

Zhou Qinya said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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