Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 439 Looking for the old captain 3 more

Chapter 439

"That's right, a large number of Dongsang people have infiltrated into Xitang. If they are passing through Xitang for tourism, then I will not come here, because they are here to make trouble, so I need the assistance of local people."

Zhou Qinya stared intently at Brother Jun, and replied coldly.

"People from Dongsang country? Are these dwarfs crazy? Want to make trouble in our Xitang?"

Brother Jun's face darkened, and he hummed softly.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now. If you can find someone, please contact my secretary."

Zhou Qinya pouted her small mouth, a trace of impatience flashed across her pretty face, and then waved to Xianfu, "Xianfu, give him a business card."

Xianfu immediately took out a bronzing business card and handed it to Brother Jun.

Brother Jun took the business card, twitched his mouth slightly, and said with a sneer, "My name is Nie Shengjun, and I don't have a business card."

The black RV drove over, and Zhou Qinya and Jiang Nishang got into the car immediately.

Under the instruction of Xianfu, Han Fu and Li Handong boarded a black Mercedes.

Zhen Shanmei came back to her senses, stepped forward and patted the car window, and asked Han Fu, "Han Fu, shall I go with you?"

"This one……"

Han Fu hurriedly looked at Xianfu who was pointing at the side.

"A great chivalrous person serves the country and the people. What my eldest lady wants to do is chivalrous affairs. If you are a ruffian like your brother, then stay. If you are a chivalrous person, then get in the car."

Xianfu said coldly.

Zhen Shanmei was startled, she turned her head and glanced at Zhen Shuang who was still in a daze, then nodded to Xianfu.

"Then what are you waiting for? Get in the car."

Xianfu nodded and waved to Zhen Shanmei.

Zhen Shanmei also immediately got into the big black run.

"Sister, where are you going? Han Fu, what are you going to do?"

Seeing that they were all about to leave, Zhen Shuang couldn't help but feel abandoned, and hurriedly shouted at Zhen Shanmei and Han Fu.

"We do things with the eldest lady, what's your business? You can continue to go to the nightclub to play disco."

Han Fu snorted softly and gave Zhen Shuang a thumbs down gesture.

"Han Fu!"

Zhen Shuang was so angry that he gritted his teeth instantly. He wanted to get up, but he couldn't because his abdomen was still hurting.

Seeing Zhen Shuang like that, Han Fu sneered, then shook his head.

But he was even more curious about who Zhou Qinya was this week?

Nie Shengjun watched the convoy leave, and his brows instantly twisted into the word Chuan.

A bald man hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Brother Jun, you are lucky, the fairy is not interested in you, is it?"

"Go away, it's not that simple."

Nie Shengjun glared at the bald man angrily, but after thinking about it, he quickly waved his hand to let the bald man come closer.

"what happened?"

Seeing how serious Nie Shengjun was, the bald man also restrained his playful smile.

"Wen Daojin, tell me the old captain immediately, and say that I need 200 people, [-] locals who can fight, and no matter what he asks, I will agree to him."

Nie Shengjun said in a deep voice.

"Brother Jun, are you... Really heard her say to find 200 people? What she meant just now was to deal with the people of Dongsang. Are we really going to make trouble with her?"

The bald man Wen Daojin asked with a solemn face.

It is not difficult to find 200 people, but the difficult thing is to find these 200 people to make trouble, and they don't know what it is.

If he really went to kill people and set fire to them, he would have killed 200 people, and Shengjun Nie would lose all face.

As for the old captain Nie Shengjun mentioned, he was elected by the local shipping industry. After all, there are many rivers in Xitang, so there are naturally many cruise ships.

So he also knew the old captain, but some time ago, he heard that Nie Shengjun had a falling out with the old captain, but he didn't expect that he would ask him to beg the old captain because of Zhou Qinya.

"My grandpa was killed by the people of Dongsang, so don't ask so many fucking questions, and immediately find the old captain for me, a big man promises a thousand gold, go!"

Nie Shengjun ordered Wen Daojin.

He noticed that Zhou Qinya was very anxious, but the old captain didn't have a mobile phone or a landline, and he didn't let people go there in person, so it was not so easy to find 200 people.

"Yes, Brother Jun."

Wen Daojin nodded, and immediately took ten people with him, and then got in the car and left here.

Nie Shengjun looked at Wen Daojin's car, then walked to Zhen Shuang's side, squatted down, and asked coldly, "So, you don't know those two fairies?"

"Brother Jun, I, I really don't know them. If I knew them, would I be put down by someone? Brother Jun, don't be angry, this time it was my fault, I hurt the brothers, I will handle the medical expenses this time."

Zhen Shuang thought that Nie Shengjun was still angry, so he quickly said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, who cares about your medical expenses? It's not a big deal for brothers to suffer minor injuries."

"What I want to tell you is that the fairy just now, I'm afraid her identity is very difficult, and I don't have any unreasonable thoughts about her."

"I'm a little worried because I don't know how the fairy wants to deal with the people of Dongsang."

(End of this chapter)

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