Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 449 Special Dishes 5 More

Chapter 449 Five Watches of Special Dishes
3 minute later.

The convoy arrived at Huanxiu Street, because there are alleys to the north, so they can only go there on foot, not by car.

Zhou Qinya and his party got off the bus at Huanxiu Street, and went straight through Tangjia Lane to West Street.

After arriving at the West Street Sub-branch, Xianfu also followed the instructions on the phone and took Zhou Qinya and his party to the Xunmeng Inn near the river.

On the top floor of the inn, Xianfu found binoculars and handed them to Zhou Qinya and Jiang Nishang respectively.

"You can see it here."

Zhou Qinya caught the binoculars and immediately looked at the cruise ship in the river.

"can see?"

Jiang Nishang also quickly picked up the binoculars to look at it, and then his eyes widened: "It really is Miss Zihan."

"Xianfu, let them all get ready. And that Nie Shengjun, let him pay attention, these Iga ninjas are not easy."

Zhou Qinya quickly gestured to Xianfu.

Xianfu nodded, then immediately picked up the phone and made a call.

After making this phone call, Xianfu also hurriedly reported to Zhou Qinyahui: "Miss, the Wang family's ancient house is on the west side of Shipi Lane, and the husband is here to deal with the killers sent by Fan Mingcai, so the people on the side of the husband said , Mr. left a message for you, you can borrow the old house of the Wang family as you like."

Zhou Qinya nodded slightly, but frowned: "Then can you find out the current situation of the Iga ninja? How are they planning to sneak over?"

"This... Mr. didn't say anything. He didn't suggest that we run into people from the Iga family. But I arranged all the people from our Zhou family on the side of West Street, and found that the nearby April Sky Hotel seems to be A ninja appeared."

Xianfu said with an awkward smile.

"Don't tell me it seems that you must immediately determine whether they are ninjas, call the sunset, and if they are ninjas, report to me immediately. In addition, pay attention to whether there are ninjas in other places on West Street."

Zhou Qinya waved her hand and ordered in a cold voice.


Xianfu didn't dare to delay, so she quickly dialed the phone again.

Soon, Xianfu received the feedback from Xiyang and the others, confirming that the suspicious people found there were all ninjas.

"In that case, let them all stay."

Zhou Qinya snorted coldly, and a coldness flashed across her eyes.

But Xianfu's cell phone rang again suddenly, and her face changed suddenly after answering the answer, and she immediately reported to Zhou Qinya.

"Miss, there is another situation."

"The situation on West Street is not that big, but on the other side of the river, and on our side of the river, there are ninjas lurking past the cruise ship."

"Now that the cruise ship team is not moving, the second batch of ninjas may attack the gentlemen again."

This news surprised even Xianfu.

Because judging from the route of the ninjas, it seems that they are trying to attack the cruise ship from both sides of the river, instead of rowing the cruise ship from the east side of the river and intercepting the Qin Feng cruise ship team as before.

"Are you lurking again? These Iga ninjas are really determined. If that's the case, then let Yuyang and the others prepare."

"As for the ones at the April Sky Inn, I'll leave it to Song Jiangshan and the others. On the east side of the West Street, Nie Shengjun will lead people to search on three-wheeled motorcycles. Nie Shengjun doesn't have to do anything."

Zhou Qinya instructed Xianfu in a cold voice.

Xianfu nodded, and then made three phone calls successively to convey the matter.

West Street, Aprilday Inn.

As the two black RVs stopped, Song Jiangshan and his group of ten people wearing earphones all got out of the car and walked into the April Inn.

Soon, Song Jiangshan and the others followed the instructions and arrived at a private room upstairs.

After sending away the waiter at the door, Song Jiangshan stood alone at the door and knocked on the door.

Afterwards, a muscular, crew-cut man opened the door and said impatiently, "Didn't we order?"

"Sir, you have already ordered, but we still have roast suckling pig for you. This is our inn's special dish."

Song Jiangshan laughed.

"Then hurry up."

The flat-headed man nodded and turned around immediately.

However, Song Jiangshan kicked the flat-headed man's rear end with one kick.

The flat-headed man was unprepared, and was instantly kicked in by Song Jiangshan.

At the same time, Song Jiangshan rushed in immediately and swung his short blade.

Wang Zhengxin and Li Jianhai also rushed over, and quickly followed Song Jiangshan into the bakery.

The other eleven ninjas in the private room were startled, and then they took out their ninja knives and slashed towards Song Jiangshan and the others.


Song Jiangshan snarled, swung the short blade, and slashed towards the ninjas.

In an instant, the entire private room started a duel.

The private room was originally more than 60 square meters, and it was spacious enough for more than ten people to come in to eat, but with the addition of ten people like Song Jiangshan, the private room instantly seemed narrow.

After a flash of swords and swords, more than a dozen ninjas were all ruthlessly thrown to the ground by Song Jiangshan and the others.

"Is there any life left?"

Song Jiangshan asked with a ferocious face.

"Old demon, I left a life alive."

Li Jianhai waved his hand, then dragged a ninja to Song Jiangshan.

(End of this chapter)

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