Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 451 Kill Them 7 More

Chapter 451 Kill Them Seven

"Sanjin, be careful, they are not simple."

Song Jiangshan quickly reminded Wang Zhengxin and his party.

After that, he immediately grasped the short blade tightly in his hand, and slashed at the short-haired man again.

"Bage! Kill them!"

The short-cut man didn't dare to show weakness, and he yelled angrily, and went to meet Song Jiangshan.

Everyone else continued to fight.

"You should be Xiaowu King of Dongsang Kingdom, right?"

Song Jiangshan asked while swinging the short blade.

"Who are you? Why are you killing our people?"

The short-cut man also asked quickly.

"Ten years ago, you Iga ninjas killed my wife and my daughter. I must kill you Iga ninjas tonight to avenge my hatred."

Song Jiangshan said sharply.

"Ten years ago? What was this situation?"

The short-cut man was confused by Song Jiangshan. He didn't know what happened ten years ago, and Song Jiangshan's appearance of reversing old accounts made him very unhappy.

Song Jiangshan was not too polite, and he did not slow down at all, and all his moves were fatally directed at the body of the short-cut man.

The short-cut man didn't take it seriously at first, but he was quickly pushed back by Song Jiangshan.

Song Jiangshan seemed to have no way out, he swung his short blade and made urgent moves, completely besieging the short-cut man in a corner.

The other ninjas were also firmly suppressed by Wang Zhengxin and the others.

"We have no grievances, why did you intercept and kill us like this?"

The short-cut man asked tremblingly.

Facing Mr. Song's non-stop offensive, his momentum immediately weakened.

But it is impossible to escape from here, because Song Jiangshan has already ordered that no Iga ninja should be let go.

Therefore, although they were injured a lot, Wang Zhengxin and the others made their moves as before, domineering and ruthless, and their moves were fatal.

"I said, I want revenge."

Song Jiangshan snorted softly, but he was able to speed up his strike, and swung the short blade at the heart of the short-cut man.

The short-cut man's face changed in shock, and he swung two short knives, trying to push Song Jiangshan's short blade away, but it was ineffective.

Because Song Jiangshan didn't care about the wounds on his body at all, and looked like he was trying his best to keep the short-cut man.

The short-cut man was distracted for a moment, and Song Jiangshan slashed his arm.

Blood splashed out, but Song Jiangshan didn't stop, and continued to chop across.

The short-cut man couldn't stop it, and both of the short knives were split in two by Song Jiangshan's short blade.

More than that, Song Jiangshan's short blade continued to slash towards the short-cut man's heart, and sent the short-cut man flying out, hitting the wall.

Seeing the defeat of the short-cut man, the other ninjas panicked instantly.

Wang Zhengxin and the others roared, and they shot faster and harder, attacking the ninjas.

After a while, all the ninjas were knocked down by Wang Zhengxin and the others.

The entire private room was in a mess, and even the walls were hacked with many knife marks.

Wang Zhengxin and the others were all wounded a lot, and when they realized that the ninjas had been cleaned up, they also lay on their stomachs, panting heavily.

Song Jiangshan stepped forward and grabbed the short-cut man.

"Let me ask you, do you know the person with a big black mole under his left eye? He is one of your Iga ninjas, and he was King Wu ten years ago."

Blood gushed out of the short-cut man's mouth. Hearing Song Jiangshan's question, he nodded quickly, "I know... that is... our Great Wu King, Shimadzu Ryusheng."

"Shimadzu Ryuu?"

Hearing this name, Song Jiangshan's face darkened instantly, his eyes were icy cold, and his left hand tightly grasped the skirt of the short-cut man: "Who is he to you? Did you go to the Kingdom of Zhuang ten years ago?"

"Ten years ago?"

The short-cut man looked confused. He didn't know why Song Jiangshan asked about such a long time ago, but he had no memory of it, so he shook his head.

Song Jiangshan laughed, but swiped it, and the short blade in his hand immediately sealed the throat of the short-cut man.

The short-cut man died instantly.

Song Jiangshan took out his mobile phone and reported the matter to Xianfu.

"I see. You don't want to stay at the Aprilday Inn, leave the inn quickly and leave it to the person who will deal with it."

Xianfu on the other end of the phone ordered sharply.

"Yes. Let's leave here."

Song Jiangshan nodded quickly, hung up the phone, and gestured to Wang Zhengxin and the others, "Leave the inn immediately."

Wang Zhengxin and the others did not hesitate, and left the private room with Song Jiangshan.

Dream Inn.

Zhou Qinya was a little surprised when she learned that Song Jiangshan and the others had killed two groups of ninjas at the April Sky Inn.

"It seems that they were not wrongly found. Actually, two batches of ninjas have been eliminated."

"Miss, are we going to send someone to clear the ninjas on Mr. Lurker's side now?"

Xianfu asked quickly.

"Don't worry! Brother Feng is not in a hurry, so let's not be in a hurry. The one who is in a hurry now should be the Iga Ninja side. When they all show up, Brother Feng should have countermeasures, and we are only in charge of the periphery."

Zhou Qinya smiled slyly.

(End of this chapter)

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