Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 453 Q Tyrant Injured 2 More

Chapter 453

"Hurry up and make up for it!"

Seeing that something was wrong with the bald ninja, Nie Shengjun hurriedly yelled deliberately.

"Damn it! Your motorcycle is not broken, so we won't pay for this money."

The bald ninja glared at Nie Shengjun angrily, then waved to the other ninjas, and was about to walk towards an alleyway.

"Don't go!"

Nie Shengjun shouted sharply, how could he let these ninjas slip away.

As Nie Shengjun waved his hand, Nie Shengjun's people continued to intercept the ninjas.

"Isn't it courting death?"

The bald ninja said angrily.

Since this is West Street, even though it was night, there were still many pedestrians, and people from nearby shops were looking at this side, so he resisted not making a move.

"Tell me you're courting death?"

Nie Shengjun looked like a rascal and ungrateful, snorted softly, raised his chin and said, "If you damage my car, you must compensate us, and you can't leave here without compensation."

"Eight grids!"

The bald ninja cursed and swung a dagger.

"Hehe, are you going to use a knife with me? Do you think I'm afraid of you? Since when have we Xitang people been afraid?"

Nie Shengjun shouted sharply, and immediately swung an iron stick, looking at the bald ninja coldly.

"You forced me to do this. I, Takashi Tanimura, will take your head first tonight! Kill!"

The bald ninja Tanimura Takashi said coldly, and gestured to the flat-headed ninja.

When Nie Shengjun saw it, he immediately gestured to the people around him.

The two groups of people fought together in an instant.

But in the confrontation with Takashi Tanimura, Nie Shengjun discovered that this Takashi Tanimura was not simple, and his shots were very ruthless.

In just over ten strokes, he was cut three times, and the blood soaked into his clothes in an instant.

"Boy, you are no match for me, so just accept death obediently, haha! You Xia people are all trash!"

Tanimura Takashi laughed, and said with a mocking face.

"The soul is pale!"

Nie Shengjun spat angrily, gripped the iron rod tightly, and swung it more fiercely.

It's a pity that Takashi Tanimura is stronger than Shengjun Nie, and Shengjun Nie can't deal with Takashi Tanimura at all.

After a while, Nie Shengjun suffered a lot of injuries, his clothes looked a bit tattered, and he was very embarrassed.

Even so, Nie Shengjun still did not retreat.

Takashi Tanimura kicked over and flew Nie Shengjun away, trying to slap Nie Shengjun's throat.

Nie Shengjun fell against a wall, seeing Takashi Tanimura stabbing sharply with his dagger under the dim streetlight, his expression changed involuntarily.

But the pain in his abdomen made him freeze, and he couldn't dodge for a while.

"Brother Jun!"

When the others saw it, they all exclaimed.

Suddenly, a figure flew towards this side.

Immediately afterwards, a silver steel pipe struck over, precisely knocking away Takashi Tanimura's dagger.

Takashi Tanimura was shocked back a few steps, leaned against the wall on the other side, and then looked at the comer with cold eyes.

The person who came was Q Ba. He was in charge of the surrounding situation, but he didn't expect to see a ninja attack here.

"Who are you? How dare you meddle in my affairs?"

Tanimura Takashi asked sharply.

"I'm your father, why don't you call your father to listen?"

Q Ba laughed.

"Bage, I'm going to kill you!"

Takashi Tanimura scolded angrily, then swung two ninja swords, and rushed towards Q Bull with small steps.

Nie Shengjun's palpitations were caused by his swiftness.

But Q Tyrant didn't have the slightest fear, swung the silver steel pipe, and also hit Takashi Tanimura.

The two of you come and go, and the moves are very fast.

"This... What level of master are they?"

Nie Shengjun couldn't help muttering to himself.

"He is Martial King!"

Hearing Nie Shengjun's words, Q Ba quickly responded to Nie Shengjun while making a quick move.

Nie Shengjun's face changed in shock. He really didn't expect that the opponent was still a Wu Wang. No wonder the opponent was so arrogant.

And he is just a martial tyrant in Huangjing, equivalent to a Junin in Dongsang Kingdom, and Wu Wang is naturally above Junin.

To his surprise, Q Bully was able to face Takashi Tanimura.

At this time, Nie Shengjun completely regarded Q Ba as Zhou Qinya's person.


Takashi Tanimura let out a roar, and suddenly swung a pack of white powder at Q Ba.

The powder splashed instantly in this empty space, and the Q bully was also hit, so he had to back away with his eyes closed.

But Takashi Tanimura brandished a ninja sword and stabbed straight in the past, hit Q Ba on the right shoulder, and flew Q Ba into the air.

"Be careful……"

Nie Shengjun roared, but it was too late.

Q Ba fell to the ground and rolled out.

"Dragon Slay!"

Takashi Tanimura jumped up suddenly, his hands suddenly turned into two hands holding a ninja sword tightly, and he slashed down from the air thinking about the Q bully on the ground.

Q Ba gritted his teeth and didn't hear the footsteps, because his eyes were closed tightly, and he didn't know that Takashi Tanimura was chopping down from the air.

"Get out of the way! He's up there..."

Nie Shengjun snarled, but immediately turned his body over, because when Takashi Tanimura was in the air, he was able to throw a diamond-shaped hidden weapon at him freely.

(End of this chapter)

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