Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 455 Qimen Dunjia 4

Chapter 455 The Fourth Change of Qimen Dunjia

A black Toyota RV was parked on the side of Xiaotong Street in the north, and Ota Chizuru's melodious voice kept coming out of the car.

Half an hour later, Ota Chizuru and Jincheng Hideaki both slumped on their seats.

After receiving a message on the phone, Chizuru Ota read the message, and immediately frowned at Hideaki Jincheng and asked, "Dijun, do you want to start the lore plan immediately?"

"Activate! Kill Qin Feng, and leave all the women behind!"

Jin Chengying said with a wretched face.

"Yes, Emperor."

Chizuru Ota bowed his head coldly in response, and then replied to the message on the phone.

"When you catch Qin Feng's woman, you immediately ask them to bring it to me. I want to see how this woman is."

The corner of Jin Cheng Yingming's mouth curled up, and he ordered.

Ota Chizuru smiled awkwardly, but didn't respond, because she didn't want to bring Yuan Zihan and the others to Hideaki Jincheng. What if Hideaki Jincheng fell in love with Yuan Zihan and didn't want her?
Hideaki Kaneshiro saw that Chizuru Ota didn't make a sound, so he guessed what Chizuru Ota was thinking, and then he laughed.

"Don't worry, Xia Guo women are just our stepping stones. You are not, you are a flower of our Dongsang country."

When Ota Chizuru heard it, his face instantly smiled like a flower, and he leaned on Jincheng Hideaki again.

"Let's go, find an inn, I want to see the night at Xitang."

Jin Chengying said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Emperor."

Ota Chizuru nodded quickly.

Then, the two got dressed and got out of the car.

Soon, the two arrived at the Hongyun Inn and reached the top floor. Chizuru Ota also found binoculars and handed them to Hideaki Jincheng.

Jin Chengyingming took the binoculars and immediately looked towards the cruise ship on the river.

However, since the Hongyun Inn is on the north side of the river, it is in the northwest corner compared to the Qinfeng cruise team.

Therefore, Jincheng Yingming did not see Yuan Zihan and the others, which made him a little annoyed, and then threw the binoculars away.

"Dijun, it's inconvenient for us to get too close to that side. Otherwise, Qin Feng's people will find us."

Ota Chizuru quickly explained.

But she knew very well that the closer to Qin Feng's cruise ship team, the more Jin Cheng Yingming could see Yuan Zihan clearly.

Now Qin Feng's cruise ship team has stopped moving and is still staying on the river.

And Qin Feng and the others are still on the cruise ship. If they find a good spot, they can still see Yuan Zihan. She did this on purpose.

"Then let the Five Elements Ninja kill Qin Feng for me!"

Jincheng Yingming snorted softly, his body full of murderous aura.

"Yes, Emperor."

Ota Chizuru hurriedly nodded with an awkward smile, and then sent a message.

at this time.

on the cruise ship.

Qin Feng was still meditating with his eyes squinted, while Yuan Zihan and the others continued to play poker.

As for Mizutani Tetsuya and the others who approached deliberately, they were all taken care of by Qin Feng's fairy team.

People didn't die, but they were all abolished, and then people moved Tetsuya Mizutani and the others away from the cruise ship from the stone steps to the south.

As for Tetsuya Mizutani's four cruise ships, Qin Feng still kept them in the river.

Although Musashi Shion was playing poker, she noticed that there were dark shadows moving around the houses on both sides of the river, which must be the Iga ninja lurking over.

But she was not arranged by Qin Feng, so even if she knew that someone was coming, she could only pretend that she didn't know.

Suddenly there was a sound, and several black figures jumped out of the houses on both sides of the river.

Soon, a group of black-clothed ninjas fell from the awning of the cruise ship. They moved lightly, as if they were cats landing on the ground.


Qin Feng looked up at the sky and roared sharply.

On the side of the cruise ship, a sword stabbed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng didn't move, as if he wasn't the one who was going to kill with the sword, which surprised the black-clothed ninja behind the sword.

But on the other cruise ship, the white tiger leaped towards Qin Feng, and a short knife hit the back of the ninja in black.

The black-clothed ninja's face changed suddenly, and he turned around quickly to meet the white tiger's dagger, because the white tiger's dagger swung too fast, if he didn't turn around again, he would definitely be hit by the white tiger.

Yuan Zihan's face changed slightly, because she saw that the ninja in black had already attacked, but she didn't expect that the ninja in black ran to fight Baihu again.

But what Yuan Zihan didn't know was that there was a ninja in black on her cruise ship.

So Qin Feng swung two silver needles and threw them towards the awning above.

The black-clothed ninja on the awning let out a muffled grunt, and could only jump onto other cruise ships.

"Qimen Dunjia!"

Qin Feng looked at a cruise ship and shouted coldly.

On that cruise ship, Li Nian and other strong men in white all jumped up, and then supported the side of the boat with their hands, and they climbed over the awning.

Of course, their weapons also shot towards the ninjas in black on the rain canopy.

The ninjas in black didn't expect Qin Fengfeng to let the strong men in white make a move, and they made a move so quickly, they immediately swung their katanas and hit them hard.

(End of this chapter)

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