Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 482 Don't Scold My Mom 3 More

Chapter 482 Don't Scold My Mom
If it is said that Qin Feng will protect their team in the future, then she is naturally not afraid of the Iga family.


Ma Wanting couldn't figure out what Qin Feng meant, she was still worried that Qin Feng was just using their team this time.

Without Qin Feng's protection, her small team would not be a match for the Iga family.

Qin Feng looked like he was waiting for Ma Wanting's reply, and didn't say anything else.

Zhou Qinya saw that Qin Feng did it on purpose, so she didn't say anything, just watched the scene with cold eyes.

While Zhou Qinya didn't say anything, the others glanced at Qin Feng, all of whom were thoughtful, and didn't say anything.

Ma Wanting suddenly felt cold sweat, and the tip of her nose was already dripping with sweat.

"Sir, we want a chance to follow Mr."

After thinking about it, Ma Wanting quickly bowed her head to Qin Feng.

"It's not impossible to follow me. But after following me, you have to abide by the rules. Sneaking is not the right way. What is your right business now?"

Qin Feng asked lightly.

"We are now mainly engaged in some small jewelry. The company is a chain company of Liren jewelry. Most of them are products with small profits but high sales. There are also expensive jewelry, but there are too few outlets and sales are very poor."

Ma Wanting nodded.

"As long as the source is pure, then sales are not a problem. But if you let me know that you sell national treasures, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Qin Feng said coldly.

"No. We are all folk works of art, and have never been associated with national treasures."

Ma Wanting quickly waved her hands.

Qin Feng nodded, and then looked at Zhou Qinya, "Leave this matter to you. Within three months, we will build Liren Jewelry into the top ten group companies in Dongjiang City's jewelry category. No problem, right?"

"no problem."

Zhou Qinya nodded quickly.

When Ma Wanting heard it, her breath stopped for an instant.

Becoming a top ten group company within three months was something she never dreamed of. Originally, she thought that she could ask the second master of the Wang family to help her and strive to become the top [-] group company.

All of a sudden, Qin Feng increased the scale of development and sales tenfold, and she was naturally very excited.

What's more, this is the assistance of the Zhou family. Unless she is a fool, otherwise, she can definitely seize this opportunity and soar into the sky.

How could she let go of this opportunity when she is old and mature? The top ten group companies in the jewelry category cost at least one billion in Dongjiang City.

Ziyan and the others were also listening, they were all shocked, they didn't expect Qin Feng to speak so loudly.

Compared with Ma Wanting thinking about the future of the group, they are more worried about the present, where do they have so much money to grow the company?

Suddenly, they felt an invisible pressure on their bodies.

Because no matter whether the company has money or not, if they really follow what Qin Feng said, then they will definitely be exhausted in the next three months.

"In that case, after the banquet, you should find an opportunity to discuss with Qinya yourself. Do you have any questions?"

Qin Feng asked calmly.


Ma Wanting hurriedly waved her hands again.

Shi Qimeng came over, bowed her head to Qin Feng and said, "Sir, Mr. Wang and the others are here."

"Please come in."

Qin Feng waved to Shi Qimeng.

"Yes, sir."

Shi Qimeng nodded, then turned and walked out.

Wang Xinman's pretty face immediately rejoiced. After all, her family could come, and there was nothing she was looking forward to more than this.

Originally, she thought it was impossible to invite her family members to this celebration banquet, but she never thought that Qin Feng would invite her anyway.

For her, it was a very honorable thing for her family to come and participate in the celebration banquet.

at this time.

The entrance of the hotel.

A white Santana car stopped, and Li Handong, who was wearing a clean white shirt and casual clothes, got out of the car immediately.

He ran to the driver's door and opened the door for a middle-aged woman with a dignified appearance and long black straight hair in a bun.

This middle-aged woman is called Qiu Huaxun, and she is Li Handong's mother.

"Dongzi, why did you bring me here? Who is so important to meet!"

Qiu Huaxun said with some dissatisfaction.

Suddenly, a red Maserati drove over aggressively, braked rapidly, and stopped behind the Santana sedan.

Both Qiu Huaxun and Li Handong's expressions darkened.

As soon as the Maserati stopped, a woman with long curly hair in a blue OL uniform got out of the car and yelled at Qiu Huaxun.

"Stinky [-]! A broken car has the nerve to park in front? Move it out of the way!"

"Don't scold my mother! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Li Handong looked at the long-haired woman with a serious face and shouted sharply.

"Hehe, where did the brat come from, and dare to yell at me?"

The long-haired woman looked at Li Handong and said arrogantly.

Another big black Mercedes drove by.

As the big Benz stopped, a middle-aged man in a black suit with combed back got out of the car.

"Wife? Dongzi?"

The middle-aged man looked at Qiu Huaxun's mother and son, and said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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