Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 496 Suing You For Rape 6 More

Chapter 496
"Who else do you have?"

Qin Feng didn't go to see Zhen Long, but looked at He Ruicai coldly, and said with a sneer, "Why don't I give you another chance to call another group of people?"

"Wait, wait for me!"

Zhen Long was furious, gritted his teeth and muttered in a low voice.

Because Zhen Long remembered that he divided a group of people into two groups, one group stayed in the downstairs lobby of the hotel, and the other group was brought here by him.

If he called that group of people up, would he really be able to fight against Qin Feng's people?

At this moment, Zhen Long was so confused for the first time, if he couldn't fight Qin Feng, what should he do?
"I'll wait here, you can just call someone, I, I want to think about how many people are with you!"

Qin Feng chuckled, then waved to Bai Hu and Li Nian respectively, signaling them to back away.

As for whether Zhen Long would run away, he wasn't worried at all, it wasn't because Zhen Long was old, but because he had already made arrangements.

Zhen Long took out his mobile phone, but no matter how he called, the group of people in the lobby downstairs didn't answer at all.

This made him panic, wondering what happened.

Bai Hu answered a phone call and quickly said to Qin Feng: "Sir, Ruan Hezhu has been brought here."

"Then let someone bring her up!"

Qin Feng waved his hand and said lightly.

Bai Hu nodded, then picked up the phone and replied a call.

A few minutes later, a group of people came out of the elevator.

A handsome girl was protected by two strong men in combat training uniforms. Seeing a group of men in black pullovers lying on their stomachs in front of the elevator platform and in the corridor, she immediately exclaimed.

But He Xiaofeng and Tan Kangbiao were buttoned up by Lu Yaohong and Zhang Junguo respectively. He and Tan were shocked when they saw the people lying on the ground.


Lu Yaohong and the others came over and greeted Qin Feng.

"You are Ruan Hezhu, right?"

Qin Feng looked at Ruan Hezhu and asked indifferently.

"That's right! I'm Ruan Hezhu."

Ruan Hezhu looked at Qin Feng, feeling that he had a strong aura and stammered a bit.

"Then go into the box, your grandpa is inside."

Qin Feng gestured to Ruan Hezhu, then looked at He Xiaofeng.


He Xiaofeng looked at his grandfather He Ruicai, and then yelled, but because his hands were removed and his back collar was buckled, he couldn't go forward to hug He Ruicai.

However, He Ruicai looked at He Xiaofeng with a pale face. He never expected that He Xiaofeng would be arrested.

That's why He Rui looked at Qin Feng, and asked coldly, "What's going on? Why did you arrest my grandson?"

"Because he was not pleasing to the eye, so I asked someone to arrest him."

Qin Feng smiled lightly, as if he didn't bother to respond to He Ruicai at all, and his face showed a trace of disdain.

"Grandpa, save me!"

He Xiaofeng continued to look at He Ruicai, and shouted with fear on his face.

However, He Ruicai's face was gloomy, he himself was blocked by Qin Feng's people, how could he save He Ruicai?

Therefore, he could only continue to look at Zhen Long.

But Zhen Long glanced at the man in the black sweater who was lying on the ground, his heart sank, and he was helpless.

"Wait, people from the police station will come soon."

Qin Feng waved to Lu Yaohong and ordered.

"Yes, sir."

Lu Yaohong nodded quickly, and then looked at He Xiaofeng with disdain in his eyes: "Wait, my husband said that people from the police station will come, so they will definitely come."

He Xiaofeng's expression changed instantly, and he didn't dare to say anything, because on the way here, he confessed many bad things about himself.

"You dare to call the police, hum! Wait for the police station, you will die, I will never let it go."

He Ruicai sternly shouted at Qin Feng.

"Really? Then just wait, I won't give up like this."

Qin Feng sneered and shook his head at He Ruicai.

He Ruicai's face darkened, he didn't expect Qin Feng to be so confident, he wondered in his heart, could it be that Qin Feng sent someone to do something?
He couldn't help trembling slightly, he was very curious about Qin Feng, but also very afraid.

Apart from Zhen Long, he couldn't find anyone else to deal with Qin Feng, but he didn't expect Zhen Long's people to be so vulnerable.

Who is this Qin Feng?Why can't even the people in the police station be afraid, and why can they arrest Xiaofeng so quickly?

He Rui couldn't figure it out, and he was also very depressed.

Suddenly, the elevator door was opened, and a group of people in black uniforms came over.

"Who is He Xiaofeng?"

One of the crew cut men shouted sharply without looking at the man in the black sweater lying on the ground.


He Xiaofeng responded quickly.

"Catch him for me."

The crew cut man waved to the two uniformed men beside him.

The two uniformed men immediately stepped forward and took He Xiaofeng from Lu Yaohong and the others.

"There is a girl named Huo Yunwei who is suing you for rape, and you must come with us."

The flat-headed man hummed softly, then waved his hand: "Take it away!"

(End of this chapter)

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