Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 53 1 Chance 2 Updates, Seeking Diamonds

Chapter 53

The female ninja looked at Qin Feng and her heart trembled. Although Qin Feng's tone was flat, she could feel that Qin Feng's murderous aura was also very heavy.

"I'm Yukie Hasegawa from the second faction of Iga Ninjas."

Qin Feng nodded and said coldly: "So, why are you here?"

Hasegawa Xuezhi's pretty face froze, fearing that she would be killed after saying this sentence, she quickly knelt down to Qin Feng.

"Sir, please let me go, I was forced, and I didn't want to come to participate in this operation. They said they came to snatch the dragon and phoenix painting of the first emperor, and also snatched all three beauties. "

Qin Feng frowned, but then opened his brows again, and smiled faintly: "Are you afraid of death?"

Hasegawa Xuezhi hurriedly nodded: "Scared!"

"Aren't you ninjas all trained strictly? Why are you afraid of death?"

Qin Feng asked lightly.

"Someone once told me that Xia Guo's masters are like clouds, and no matter what, they must never offend Xia Guo's people, so I was forced this time. I am afraid of death. I am just a woman."

Hasegawa Xuezhi responded tremblingly, looking at Qin Feng with eyes full of panic.

Qin Feng nodded, then waved to Qinglong.

"Prison her first, don't kill her for the time being. Clean up here several times, don't let Zihan smell the smell of blood."

"Yes, sir."

Qinglong nodded, and then ordered to go on, and then slashed at Hasegawa Xuezhi's neck with a knife in his hand, knocking Hasegawa Xuezhi unconscious.

Two strong men in white immediately stepped forward to hold Hasegawa Xuezhi, and dragged Hasegawa Xuezhi to the servant building.

Qin Feng had already stood up, turned around and walked towards the villa building.


Qin Feng saw Jiang Zhiling and Suzaku staring at Yuan Zihan sleeping, he immediately waved to them, and motioned them to go out.

The two looked at each other and walked out immediately.

Qin Feng changed into a set of pajamas, and then lay down beside Yuan Zihan.

the next morning.

Yuan Zihan woke up from a nightmare.


She opened her eyes, but found that she was in a bedroom, which was the one she had chosen last night. She did not share a bedroom with Yuan Yashi, but a bedroom with Qin Feng.

But when she looked sideways, she saw Qin Feng sleeping beside her.

Immediately, she felt relieved, because in this world, there is nothing more reassuring than her husband sleeping soundly by her side.

Therefore, Yuan Zihan turned sideways and looked at Qin Feng's handsome and slightly pale face.

Suddenly, her cheeks were flushed, and she couldn't help but imagine that she was rubbing against Qin Feng's face like a cat.

Once this man was a boy, a man, whom she had always missed, until now he suddenly became her husband.

All this made her feel very dreamy, especially when she thought of the string of sapphire necklaces in her drawer, she felt that life was like a dream.

Qin Feng slowly opened his long eyes, pouted his mouth, and looked at Yuan Zihan with displeasure.

"What are you doing?"


Seeing Qin Feng waking up, Yuan Zihan blushed even more, turned around and shouted, "It's nothing."

However, when Yuan Zihan was about to land, Qin Feng's big hand had already wrapped around her slender waist.

In an instant, Yuan Zihan was pulled in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng hugged Yuan Zihan tightly, breathing evenly, but his hands were strong, his arms were like iron pliers.

Yuan Zihan knew that she couldn't break free, so she had no choice but to give up.

"Brother Feng, what happened last night?"

"How about what?"

Qin Feng pretended to be stupid, he pressed Yuan Zihan's right cheek and asked in a low voice.

"It was about the ninja last night. Didn't you say that ninjas would come in? You went downstairs, I was so scared, and then..."

Yuan Zihan desperately recalled what happened to him last night, and suddenly his memory was a little fuzzy, "No, how did I fall asleep?"

"I don't know. When I came back, you were already asleep."

Qin Feng smiled faintly.

"I know you don't know. But after you went downstairs last night, I wanted to go downstairs too, and then I... By the way, I met Suzaku, and after Jiang Zhiling came out... I fainted?"

Yuan Zihan frowned, but couldn't remember why she was dizzy.

"You, your body hasn't fully recovered yet. Normally, it would take at least ten days, and you recovered in seven days, so it's still a bit hasty. You may faint intermittently, but it's not a big problem."

Qin Feng explained lightly.

"Is that so?"

Yuan Zihan's pretty face was surprised, she really didn't know that she would have this situation, she thought she was completely healed.

"Don't worry, I will take care of you by your side. As for what you were worried about last night, it is a bit redundant, because the ninja did come in, and we caught it. After you have breakfast, you can follow me Let's go and see together."

Qin Feng smiled.

"it is good!"

Yuan Zihan nodded quickly, but because she was still hugged tightly by Qin Feng, she turned her head quickly, trying to make Qin Feng let go.

Qin Feng leaned over and blocked Yuan Zihan's thin cherry lips.

Yuan Zihan's eyes widened, and her tender body froze for an instant, and she stopped moving, and closed her eyes.

After a while, Qin Feng let go of Yuan Zihan.

Yuan Zihan's pretty face was flushed, and she glanced at Qin Feng with some resentment but secretly delighted in her eyes, and hurried to the bathroom.

Qin Feng also chased after him, washed up with Yuan Zihan, and then dressed up with Yuan Zihan before going downstairs together.

When the two went downstairs, Suzaku and the others had already gone downstairs.

As for the breakfast, it has already been prepared by the maid, so the two of them can eat directly when they go there.

Yuan Zihan glanced at Suzaku and the others, and then hurriedly buried her head in eating breakfast. In the past, she made breakfast by herself, but now she doesn't have to do everything by herself, and she is not used to it.

Although she was fed breakfast during the treatment period, but now that she has been cured, she still wants to do it herself if she feels that she can do it.

"Brother Feng, if I want to make my own breakfast in the future, can I do it myself?"

"of course can!"

Qin Feng smiled faintly. He naturally guessed what Yuan Zihan was thinking. After all, Yuan Zihan used to rely on his own hands to work hard in his life. How could he get used to the rich clothes and good food now?

"Yes? That's great, then I'll make breakfast myself tomorrow."

Yuan Zihan smiled quickly.

"However, you may not be free, unless you can get up so early. Because you are going to report to the group today, I got a group for you."

Qin Feng shook his head lightly.

"This...you got a group? In other words, I'm going to work today?"

Yuan Zihan looked at Qin Feng with a pretty face in astonishment, she really didn't expect Qin Feng to create a group for her.

"That's right. Hurry up and eat. After eating, let's go and see that female ninja."

Qin Feng quickly reminded.

Yuan Zihan nodded, and could only continue to bury his head in eating breakfast.

After having breakfast.

Qin Feng took Yuan Zihan to the servant building.

Suzaku also came over, closely following behind the two of them.

Soon, Yuan Zihan arrived at a small hall in the servant building and saw a bound female ninja.

The female ninja was Hasegawa Xuezhi. When she saw Qin Feng approaching, she quickly bowed her head to Qin Feng and said, "Sir, please give me a chance. I will never be a thief again."

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, and did not respond immediately, but turned to look at Yuan Zihan.

"This is the female ninja who lurked in last night, as well as a few men. They were very stubborn and were killed by Qinglong. The bodies have been disposed of."

Yuan Zihan listened to Qin Feng's explanation, nodded, and then asked: "What about her, what should I do now?"

Qin Feng stared at Yuan Zihan, and asked lightly: "What do you want to do with her?"

When Hasegawa Xuezhi heard this, she quickly knelt down to Yuan Zihan, and begged: "Madam, please, give me a chance, I don't want to die, I really don't want to die, I can do whatever you want me to do. Will."

Yuan Zihan frowned, she naturally didn't think about killing people, seeing Hasegawa Xuezhi's pitiful clothes, she sighed, and then asked: "So, you decided to reform yourself, right?"

Hasegawa Xuezhi hastily nodded and said: "Yes, I have changed my past, please Madam, give me a way out."

"Okay. Brother Feng said just now that he helped me set up a group, then you can be one of my drivers in the future."

Yuan Zihan sighed again, and then looked at Qin Feng. She didn't know if it was right for her to arrange it this way.

"The driver is fine. Don't worry, she won't dare to run without my order."

Qin Feng nodded, embraced Yuan Zihan and got up immediately, and gestured to Suzaku: "Give her 10 minutes to change clothes, then prepare the car and set off."

(End of this chapter)

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