Chapter 55
Yuan Zihan pulled Qin Feng inside, and a long-haired woman hurried over.

Without waiting for the long-haired woman to speak, Qin Feng waved to the long-haired woman, "Take us to the office immediately."

This long-haired woman is the secretary of the chairman arranged by Qin Feng, named Yan Jiaomiao.

A melon-seeded face like a sculptor's, very fair face, slender willow-leaf eyebrows, a pair of charming almond eyes, a soft and pleasant voice, tea-brown long hair, a full-fledged beauty.

But at this moment, Yan Jiaomiao's expression was very solemn, she knew that Qin Feng and the others were coming, but she never expected to come so soon.

Hearing Qin Feng's words, she also immediately turned around to lead the way for Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan.

Arriving at the chairman's office, before Yuan Zihan had time to appreciate it carefully, Qin Feng hugged Yuan Zihan across his arms and walked towards the sofa.

Yan Jiaomiao took a look, thought that something was wrong with the two of them, and wanted to turn around and go out.

"Yan Jiaomiao, come here."

Qin Feng shouted coldly.


Yan Jiaomiao quickly responded, closed the door, and followed Qin Feng to the sofa.

Yuan Zihan was gently placed on the sofa by Qin Feng, and then Qin Feng lifted his left foot up.

"Honey, my left foot is fine, she just stepped on it."

Yuan Zihan smiled lightly.

"That won't work, you still have to rub it to relax your tendons, and then I'll apply some medicine to you, otherwise your ankle will be swollen."

Qin Feng shook his head and said, and then gently rubbed Yuan Zihan's ankle that was stepped on.

Yan Jiaomiao suddenly realized.

It's just that her expression changed instantly. Someone stepped on Yuan Zihan's foot when Yuan Zihan came in?
This is to kill!

Yuan Zihan is the teacher's mother, the emperor's teacher's woman, how dare she step on Yuan Zihan's foot?Who is so rampant?

Without thinking too much, Yan Jiaomiao quickly turned around, took out her mobile phone, and made a call.

Soon, all the videos about Yuan Zihan entering Huafeng Building were sent to Yan Jiaomiao's phone.

After watching the video, Yan Jiaomiao couldn't help but her pretty face became furious. She never thought that Song Xiaxuan would dare to step on Yuan Zihan on purpose.

Qin Feng knew that Yan Jiaomiao was watching the video, and after applying medicine to Yuan Zihan, he turned his head to look at Yan Jiaomiao.

"You don't need to take action. Let's meet her later. A mere job seeker, who thought she could rely on the back door, has already started to be arrogant before entering the job. Let me see how much capital she has to be arrogant."

Qin Feng said coldly.

"Yes, sir."

Yan Jiaomiao sensed that Qin Feng was already angry, so she didn't dare to make any further moves. If Qin Feng didn't say anything, then she would have stepped on Song Xiaxuan directly.

You know, Qin Feng asked them to buy those small groups and small companies and form the Zifeng Group just for Yuan Zihan.

This Song Xiaxuan came to apply for the Zifeng Group, not only offended Yuan Zihan, but also deliberately injured Yuan Zihan's ankle, which is an unforgivable crime.

When Yuan Zihan heard Qin Feng's words, he quickly waved his hands to Qin Feng and said, "Husband, don't mess around, we still have to solve it peacefully, and we can't kill people."

"Don't worry, I won't mess around, so don't think about it. After you rest for 5 minutes, we will go to the meeting room to watch the interview."

Qin Feng nodded to Yuan Zihan and smiled.

When Yuan Zihan heard what Qin Feng said, she also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Qin Feng didn't mess around, it would be easy to say anything, but she was still worried that Qin Feng would do something.

After all, she didn't know whether Qin Feng was in good health or not. Seeing Qin Feng vomiting blood that day, she was silently worried in her heart.

5 minute later.

After Yuan Zihan felt a little better, she immediately got up and went back to the meeting room with Qin Feng.

Yan Jiaomiao naturally followed behind, but she followed Qin Feng's gestures and did not approach or follow Yuan Zihan.

The two groups were queuing up, and when they saw Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan approaching, they all frowned slightly.

Cheng Youyou, whom I met in the elevator just now, was coming out of the meeting room with a sad face.

When she saw Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan, she couldn't help but froze.

"It's you guys, come on."

Cheng Youyou nodded to Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan, but there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

"Didn't apply for the job?"

Yuan Zihan asked quickly.

"No. They eliminated me. I didn't expect Zifeng Group to be such a group that doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. I've already explained about the elevator, but they just didn't listen. Instead, they turned me into disrupting the company's order."

Cheng Youyou said with an awkward smile.

"So, you choose to leave?"

Qin Feng asked suddenly.

"It's time for me to leave. I can't apply for the job, and it's useless to stay here."

Cheng Youyou smiled wryly.

"Don't go, just stay here, wait for us, and then I will analyze it with you in detail."

Qin Feng smiled, but his eyes looked particularly gloomy.

Cheng Youyou's face darkened slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't refuse Qin Feng. He nodded to Qin Feng, and then leaned to the side and waited.

Qin Feng pulled Yuan Zihan and was about to go in. There were staff at the door who wanted to intercept him, but when they saw Yan Jiaomiao waving, the staff quickly stepped aside.

As soon as Yuan Zihan entered, he saw four interview recruiters sitting on one side of the conference table, and four candidates sitting on the other side.

Qin Feng glanced around, but stared at a slightly fat woman with long hair, and said coldly, "You are Guan Jingci?"

Guan Jingci squinted her eyes and looked at Qin Feng with a displeased face. In front of her was a desk card with her name on the red paper printed on it.

But Qin Feng, an applicant, dared to call her by her first name, it was simply too hateful.

"I'm Guan Jingci, what's wrong?"

No matter what the other party provoked, in her eyes, someone like Qin Feng was already sentenced to death by her.

"There was someone called Cheng Youyou just now, why did you eliminate her?"

"Cheng Youyou?"

When Guan Jingci heard this, her expression became stern, and she sneered, "That's what I received, what's the matter? My niece said that she has bad conduct and scolded others in the elevator. Such a person is not worthy to come to Zifeng Group."

"Your niece? Song Xiaxuan? So, what your niece said is trustworthy?"

Qin Feng couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, his forehead was covered with black lines, he didn't expect Zifeng Group to care about someone like Jingci.

However, the Zifeng Group was reorganized, and many of them were directly promoted from other small groups, so people like Jingci are actually normal.

"Of course I believe what my niece said. What's the matter? Just you, you still want to stand up for that girl just now? Boy, you should understand the situation. This is the Zifeng Group, not a place for you to run wild."

Guan Jingci looked at Qin Feng with disdain. She never thought that there would be a fool like Qin Feng who would come out to make trouble. She didn't even apply for the job yet, and she was worried that others would be eliminated.

"Zifeng Group is a fair and just place, not a place where you run amok alone?"

Yuan Zihan snorted coldly.

She didn't expect Guan Jingci to be such an arrogant person, such a person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, how many people have to be driven away if there are such people in the group?
This kind of person must never stay in Zifeng Group!
"Who are you? Do you know where this is? Didn't you see that we are interviewing? Get out of here immediately!"

Guan Jingci shouted sharply.

The others looked at Guan Jingci in astonishment, but they didn't dare to say anything. After all, Guan Jingci was the manager of the human resources department.

"What if we don't leave?"

Qin Feng chuckled, but stared at Guan Jingci with extremely cold eyes, as if he wanted to fight to the end.

Guan Jingci's face darkened, she snorted softly, her face was arrogant and domineering.

"Don't get out? If you don't get out, I'll let the security come over and throw you out. Just you two scumbags who humiliated my niece in the elevator, and now you dare to behave wildly here? You really don't know what to do!"

"Oh, who is so reckless?"

A voice came in suddenly.

Everyone looked up at the door of the conference room, only to see Yan Jiaomiao striding in with a pretty face, followed by four men in black suits.

"Secretary Yan, you came at a good time. There are two people here who are acting wild. They are simply too hateful. They can't apply for the job themselves, and they want to help others get ahead. They are all eliminated and come to make trouble."

However, Yan Jiaomiao didn't even look at Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan, but stared at Guan Jingci coldly and snorted softly.

"Manager Guan, I found out that you lied without blinking an eye. They just came in to seek justice from you, so why did you become wild? It's obvious that you are unfair, and you still want to accuse others?"

" did I become a false accusation? Secretary Yan, I'm telling the truth. I'm for the development of the group."

Guan Jingci quickly pretended to be heartbroken.

"Just you? For the development of the group? You are enough. Why do you pretend to be under my nose? No group rules, abuse of power, public revenge, and frame others. From now on, you are no longer a member of our Zifeng Group. "

Yan Jiaomiao shouted sharply, and immediately gestured to the four men in black suits.

(End of this chapter)

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