Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 61 Father's Last Wish 2 More

Chapter 61
Qin Feng nodded, but didn't say anything.

Zhang Xiaojing smiled awkwardly, and didn't ask Qin Feng any more, but continued to look at Yuan Zihan.

"Sister Zihan, I've met you. I never thought you'd become so beautiful now."

For Yuan Zihan's beauty, she was really envious, and at the same time, she was also happy for Yuan Zihan.

After all, she had been watching Yuan Zihan being ridiculed and ridiculed because of her disfigured face, and even she felt distressed by others.

"You are beautiful too!"

Yuan Zihan smiled lightly.

"I'm not so beautiful. I work and stay up late every day, and I'm about to get sick."

Zhang Xiaojing sighed.

"You are so nervous to find me, what's the matter?"

Yuan Zihan asked quickly.

Because she felt that Zhang Xiaojing was not looking for her out of excitement, but must have something urgent to look for her.

Zhang Xiaojing helped her a lot in the past, if Zhang Xiaojing needs help now, she must be obliged to help.

Zhang Xiaojing nodded eagerly: "When your mother died of illness last year, she gave me a letter for safekeeping, but because I suddenly lost your phone number, I transferred to the hospital again. I can't find you here. , I haven’t been able to give you your mother’s letter since then.”

"What? You mean, my mother has a suicide note in your hand?"

Yuan Zihan was very surprised. She knew Zhang Xiaojing five years ago when her mother Yuan Huiying fell ill, but she never saw Zhang Xiaojing again when her mother Yuan Huiying died of illness one year ago.

But she never knew that her mother, Yuan Huiying, had left a suicide note with Zhang Xiaojing.

"That's right. Sister Zihan, don't worry, I have kept those letters from your mother very well, and I have never opened them. I have asked my younger sister to help bring them here. You only need to wait for ten minutes. , I live near here with my sister."

Zhang Xiaojing quickly explained.

"Okay. Then I'll wait for your sister to come over."

Yuan Zihan nodded.

Then, the two chatted about other things.

During the whole process, Qin Feng didn't say much, and just listened silently beside him.

The reunion of the two after a long absence seems to be more exciting than Qin Feng's seeing Yuan Zihan at that time.

After Tang Jishi finished his explanation, he couldn't help being surprised to see Yuan Zihan's true face.

Because he never imagined that Qin Feng not only cured Yuan Zihan, but also turned Yuan Zihan into such an alluring appearance.

This healing method made him amazed. He was busy these days and didn't have time to ask Tang Xiaotong, but now he regretted not asking.

Because the explanation was over, Tang Jishi did not stay here, he greeted Qin Feng, and he left here.

Not long after Tang Jishi left, a woman with short hair appeared at the door and was stopped by Huan Wei and the others.

Panting, she looked at Huan Wei and the others, and then shouted: "Sister, the things are here."

When Zhang Xiaojing heard the voice of her sister Zhang Xiaolan, she quickly said to Yuan Zihan, "It's my sister Xiaolan who came here. She should have brought the things here."

With that said, Zhang Xiaojing also ran to the door immediately.

Yuan Zihan ran out after him, and asked Huan Wei to let Zhang Xiaolan in.

Zhang Xiaolan is a little fat, but her facial features are very correct. Unlike Zhang Xiaojing's long black hair, she has short hair, dyed blue, and is still wearing cartoon clothes, as if she is doing some role-playing.

Zhang Xiaojing took a wooden box from Zhang Xiaolan, and then she handed the wooden box to Yuan Zihan's hand.

Yuan Zihan caught the wooden box, and then opened the wooden box, and there were some letters inside.

She recognized the handwriting on the letter at a glance.

She was sure that this was probably the letter left by her mother, Yuan Huiying, so she immediately read it impatiently.

Qin Feng was also watching from the side, he could see even faster than Yuan Zihan, he could see ten lines at a glance.

After reading it, his brows were already furrowed.

Because according to the description in Yuan Huiying's letter, the greatest wish of Yuan Zihan's father, Long Shouzhi, is to see Yuan Huiying return to the Yuan family.

It's a pity that because his father Long Shouzhi died of illness, he did not help Yuan Huiying return to the Zhao family, and because Yuan Huiying had been rejected all the time, she also fell ill and was hospitalized, and she was unable to return to the Yuan family.

Therefore, Yuan Huiying's letter meant that she hoped that Yuan Zihan would follow her father's last wish and return to the Yuan family on behalf of Yuan Huiying and stay in the Yuan family.

Yuan Huiying wanted Yuan Zihan to prove that although Yuan Huiying was abandoned since she was a child, she never gave up on returning to the Yuan family and hoped to become the most promising member of the Yuan family.

Yuan Zihan finished reading, then turned to look at Qin Feng.

She didn't know what to do, because she didn't like the Yuan family, and she didn't want to go back to the Yuan family.

But now, the mother's suicide note hopes that she can obey her father Long Shouzhi's last wish and return to the Yuan family.

"No matter what you choose, I will support you. Besides, Mom just let you return to the Yuan family, not to let you get anything from the Yuan family, nor to let you be afraid of Yuan Jiayan and the others."

Qin Feng said lightly.

"Husband, I choose to follow my father's last wish and return to the Zhao family. However, I don't want to work in the Yuan family's Taining Group."

Yuan Zihan frowned and said.

"Of course you can. You are now the chairman of Zifeng Group, and you don't need to work in Taining Group. Instead of looking at their faces, it's better to do things well."

Qin Feng comforted him. He really didn't want Yuan Zihan to go to Taining Group, because Taining Group had Yuan Jiayan and the others there, and Yuan Zihan could only be bullied by them after he passed.

"I know."

Yuan Zihan nodded, but smiled on her pretty face. She never thought that Qin Feng would agree to return to Yuan's house.

In an instant, she was also very happy.

"Thank you Xiaojing! If you hadn't brought my mother's letter, I wouldn't have known that my mother had left so many letters for me."

Yuan Zihan turned his head again, and said gratefully to Zhang Xiaojing.

"You're being polite. It's true that I'm wrong. I'm only handing over the letter to you now."

Zhang Xiaojing said with a chuckle, but it seemed like a big rock was finally let go of her heart, because she never expected to meet Yuan Zihan here.

If she didn't hand over the letter to Yuan Zihan, she would never feel at ease.

"What, I thought there was something important in it, but I didn't realize it was just a pile of letters."

Zhang Xiaolan curled her lips and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Zhang Xiaojing scolded Zhang Xiaolan.

Zhang Xiaolan quickly shut her mouth tightly, not daring to speak nonsense.

But if she knew it was a letter, she might really be reluctant to take it.

After such a trip, she was so anxious that she was out of breath, and her legs were almost unsteady.

"I'm sorry, it's all because of me that your sister came here."

Yuan Zihan quickly apologized to Zhang Xiaojing.

"No, sister Zihan, don't mind, it's nothing for her to go for a trip."

Zhang Xiaojing quickly waved her hand to Yuan Zihan, then she turned her head and gave Zhang Xiaolan an angry look, and continued to say to Yuan Zihan: "Sister Zihan, you should read the letter first, I have to go to work here, we will leave a contact information, there is Let's talk again."

"it is good!"

Yuan Zihan nodded quickly, and then exchanged cell phone numbers with Zhang Xiaojing.

Zhang Xiaojing registered her mobile phone number, then turned around and walked out with Zhang Xiaolan.

Yuan Zihan watched Zhang Xiaojing's sister go out, she let out a breath, and sighed: "Husband, this time it is really thanks to them that I know that my mother still wants to return to Yuan's family."

"But I also know that maybe my mother is afraid that I won't get help from the Lin family and take good care of Ya Shi, so she wants me to return to the Yuan family and seek help from the Yuan family."

"Unfortunately, what she doesn't know is that even if I kneel down to the Yuan family, the Yuan family still refuses to help me. They would rather push me to the ground, taunt me, mock me, and scold me!"

Qin Feng felt that Yuan Zihan was very excited, and quickly embraced Yuan Zihan in his arms.

"Don't worry, with me here in the future, no one can bully you. If the Yuan family owes you, they will definitely pay the price."

"Husband, I want to go back to Yuan's compound tomorrow and ask the old matriarch and the others. After all, the old matriarch is in charge."

Yuan Zihan gritted his teeth.

"No problem. Then I will accompany you there tomorrow. Don't worry, no matter what they ask, I will settle it and let you return to Yuan's house smoothly."

Qin Feng said in a deep voice.

A pair of eyes looked more and more cold and sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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