Chapter 64

"Old lady!"

Yuan Jiayan looked at the old matriarch in astonishment, she never thought that the old matriarch would actually say to wait for them to come.

Because she felt that the old lady meant that she didn't seem to be on her side.

This made her feel inexplicably panicked.

"Stop talking, just stay there."

The old lady waved her hand to Yuan Jiayan, but did not listen to Yuan Jiayan's words.

Yuan Jiayan's face was slightly stiff, and she could only retreat resentfully, and then sat down at a table.

Thinking of Yuan Zihan, she felt angry.

Obviously that ugly monster has already been expelled from the family tree, why did the old lady suddenly let everyone go back to Yuan's compound, waiting for that ugly monster to come back?

Hmph, no matter what, she would never allow such an ugly monster to return to the Yuan family.

On an inner road in front of the compound gate.

A black RV drove over slowly, and then stopped at the gate of the compound.

Qin Feng pulled Yuan Zihan, who was wearing a mask, out of the car.

Yuan Zihan originally wanted Yuan Yashi to come over, but after thinking about it, she decided not to let Yuan Yashi come over.

Because coming to the Yuan family compound, she would inevitably be ridiculed by the Yuan family, and she did not want Yuan Yashi's future childhood memories to be images of her parents being abused.

There were three men standing at the gate of the compound. The two strong men were the security guards of the Yuan family, and the short-cut man with a pot-bellied figure standing in front was the old butler of the Yuan family, Liang Dianhai.

Liang Dianhai has gray hair, long face, high nose, but small eyes.

Seeing Qin Feng approaching, he immediately led someone to block the door.

"Yoyo, who did I think it was, so it was the two of you? I didn't expect you two to come together?"

Liang Dianhai sneered at Qin Feng and the two with a teasing face.

"Step aside!"

Qin Feng said coldly.

As for Liang Dianhai's face, Qin Feng naturally couldn't be more clear. When he entered Yuan's family, Liang Dianhai humiliated him a lot.

But now, he is no longer the Qin Feng that everyone can humiliate, and he is still here with Yuan Zihan, how can he continue to endure Liang Dianhai?
Liang Dianhai's face darkened, he never expected that Qin Feng would dare to yell at him, which made him feel very shameless.

Not only did he not get out of the way, but he stretched out his arms directly, as if he wanted to completely intercept Qin Feng and the two of them.

"Qin Feng, what do you think you are, why do you want me to get out of the way?"

Yuan Zihan's eyes darkened slightly, she never imagined that Liang Dianhai would be so arrogant.

Of course, the mere Liang Dianhai didn't mean much to her, because she knew that Qin Feng would definitely be able to handle it.

Qin Feng's face was cold, his eyes stared at Liang Dianhai like a falcon, and suddenly he waved his right hand.

Liang Dianhai was about to continue to sneer, but suddenly found that Qin Feng had stabbed his heart with a few silver needles at some point, and he froze, unable to move.

Not only Liang Dianhai, but also the two security guards behind him were also unable to move.

Qin Feng pulled Yuan Zihan around them, and walked straight inside.

Soon, the two walked into the hall.

Seeing many people waiting in the hall, Yuan Zihan couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat, and a trace of panic flashed across his beautiful and picturesque eyes.

Qin Feng held Yuan Zihan's palm tightly, and said with a faint smile, "Don't be nervous, they won't give you a penny if you're nervous."

Yuan Zihan laughed when she heard it, and looked at Qin Feng with a smile in her eyes, but she knew that what Qin Feng said was right, no matter how nervous she was, these people would not give her a penny.


The old matriarch looked at Qin Feng and the two of them coldly, and spoke lightly.

As for the rest of the Yuan family, except for Yuan Jiayun who nodded to Qin Feng and the two, no one paid any attention to Qin Feng and the two at all.

"Old lady! I'm Yuan Zihan, I'm back, I hope you will let me continue to return to the Yuan family."

Yuan Zihan looked at the old matriarch, and didn't know if Qin Feng was by her side, or if Qin Feng was holding her hand tightly. Now she was not afraid of the old matriarch at all.

"What do you think our Yuan family is, a place where you can come and go whenever you want?"

The old lady scolded sharply.

She didn't know why Yuan Zihan came back to Yuan's house suddenly, but she was full of anger.

At that time, Qin Feng made a big fuss in the Oriental Hotel, which made her feel very humiliated.

Now that Yuan Zihan is with Qin Feng, she will not think highly of them, not to mention she has never liked Yuan Zihan.

It's just an ugly monster, it's of no value to her, and it can't bring any contribution to the family.

But when looking at Yuan Zihan, the old lady's eyes changed slightly, because she felt that Yuan Zihan was obviously different from before even though he was wearing a mask.

"Old Madam, I don't know how you resent us, but after all, my blood is from the Yuan family. My mother Yuan Huiying is also your daughter after all, and she is dead now."

Yuan Zihan said lightly, with a slightly sad voice.

The old matriarch's face froze, her old eyes were narrowed into a line, and the golden dragon-headed cane was clenched tightly in her hand, and she almost couldn't hold it.

Yuan Huiying is her eldest daughter, but when she gave birth to Yuan Huiying, she felt that Yuan Huiying was too ugly, so she followed the advice of a fortune teller and abandoned Yuan Huiying.

Later, she obeyed the fortune-teller's instructions, adjusted the Fengshui cemetery, and gave birth to four daughters in a row, all of whom were named after plum blossoms and cuckoos.

But for Yuan Huiying, she has always been very indebted, and she doesn't like others to mention Yuan Huiying, even if she knows that Yuan Huiying has been adopted by someone, she never takes a look.

It wasn't until her wife brought Yuan Zihan back to Yuan's house that Yuan Huiying was mentioned again.

However, she still forbids others to mention Yuan Huiying, because Yuan Huiying was adopted and has a new name called Lin Chaoyan, even if she mentions it, she still calls it Lin Chaoyan directly.

But now, the old lady can't stop Yuan Zihan from mentioning Yuan Huiying. After all, Yuan Zihan is Yuan Huiying's biological daughter.

"Yuan Zihan, what do you mean by telling me this now?"

The old matriarch snorted coldly, with a serious face, showing no joy.

"My parents hope that I can return to the Yuan family, and I also hope that my parents' names can be included in the genealogy, and the tombstone can be invited into the ancestral hall. This is why I came back to the Yuan family compound today to find you."

Yuan Zihan poked his neck and said in a deep voice.


Someone was yelling.

Everyone looked up and saw that Yuan Huimei had stood up, and jokes flashed across their faces.

Yuan Zihan turned to look at Yuan Huimei, and said with a cold snort, "Second Aunt, what's your opinion?"

Normally, Yuan Zihan would definitely be afraid of Yuan Huimei, but now, with Qin Feng by her side, she is not afraid of Yuan Huimei at all.

"What second aunt, who is your second aunt?"

Yuan Huimei immediately refuted angrily.

Because Yuan Huiying is the eldest daughter of the old lady, if Yuan Huiying is counted, then her eldest daughter becomes the second daughter.

She used to be the eldest, but since the old man brought Yuan Zihan back to the Yuan family, there was an extra eldest daughter, Yuan Huiying, and she felt like her status was being challenged.

So she never admitted that Yuan Huiying was the daughter of the old matriarch, not to mention the old matriarch herself didn't want to admit it.

Now, she naturally doesn't want to be called Second Aunt by Yuan Zihan.

The Yuan family has always respected women and never married outsiders. The seniority is naturally dominated by women's three aunts and six wives. She was originally an eldest aunt, which is equivalent to an uncle in a male family. How could she be willing to suddenly become a second aunt?

Yuan Jiayan also stood up quickly to support her mother.

"That's right, who is your second aunt? Yuan Zihan, don't think you are anything, let me tell you, you are nothing to us."

Yuan Zihan's heart trembled slightly, and her face turned red from anger. Fortunately, she was wearing a mask, so few people could fully see her face.

Qin Feng smiled faintly at Yuan Zihan: "Some people have always been so shameless, it doesn't make much sense for you to argue with two dogs, it's better to ask the old lady directly."

Yuan Zihan nodded, and quickly turned to look at the old lady: "Old lady, please allow me to return to the Yuan family. No matter what conditions you ask, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it."

"It must be done?"

The old matriarch sneered, knocked on her golden dragon head crutches, and continued: "You should know that our Yuan family has always paid attention to contributions, so if you want to return to the Yuan family, you can, but you must make contributions."

"Contribution? What contribution?"

Yuan Zihan hurriedly asked.

(End of this chapter)

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