Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 67 Super Family 4 More

Chapter 67
Yuan Jiayan's expression changed, did this person come to deliver the Zhan Zun reception post?

However, Qin Feng is just a piece of trash, how could Zhan Zun send him a reception post?
"Fake, this must be fake!"

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized.

It turned out to be fake!
What a Qin Feng, actually hired someone to send fake posts?

However, the burly man in green uniform turned his head to look at Yuan Jiayan, and yelled sharply: "Presumptuous! This is a post signed by Zhan Zun, how can it be faked? If you talk nonsense and slander Zhan Zun, believe it or not, I will shoot you dead? "

As he said that, the strong man took out a handful and pointed at Yuan Jiayan.

When everyone saw it, their faces changed suddenly.

Needles could be heard throughout the hall, and the Yuan family almost held their breath, for fear that the gun in this strong man's hand was a real gun, and if it went off, it would be life-threatening.

"Brother, don't get angry. Some people in our Yuan family have some mental problems."

Qin Feng laughed.

The burly man in green uniform snorted softly, put away his bag, and said to Yuan Jiayan with a cold snort: "Next time you dare to insult Zhan Zun, you will die!"

Qin Feng hurried forward and took the five posts from the hands of the strong man in green uniform with both hands.

The strong man handed in the post, and immediately turned around and walked out.

Several members of the Yuan family also hurriedly chased him out, obviously wanting to see if this strong man was really sent by Zhan Zun.

Qin Feng stepped forward and distributed the posts to Yuan Jiayun, Yuan Jiaya and others.

"How could this bronzing post be fake? Mom, that's great, we actually got the post for the Zhan Zun reception."

Yuan Jiayun was very excited while holding the post.

"This is really a post about the Zhan Zun Cocktail Party, it must be true, it cannot be faked, and the hotel marked on it is Jiashi International Hotel in Xiapu, Dongpu District."

"That's right, it's Jiashi International Hotel, not the Oriental Hotel in Beituo District."

"Great, we can also participate in the Zhan Zun reception."

Yuan Huitang and the others were all overjoyed.

When the others saw it, they were envious, and they all prayed that this was a fake post.

However, the few Yuan family members who ran out just now came back, and they all looked shocked.

"Old Madam, they are Zhan Zun's people. Outside our compound, there are all their cars. They have such a long motorcade."

"Yes, I've been to the Oriental Hotel before, and I've seen a few of them, and I recognize them. At that time, they were still stationed at the entrance of the hotel, and we couldn't enter the hotel."

"My God, the posts sent by that big man just now are all real, all of them are posts from the Zhan Zun Reception. And they are stamped with names, and no one else can replace them."

All of a sudden, everyone in the hall was astonished, and then looked at Qin Feng.

This trash actually got the post of Zhan Zun Reception?
How could this be?
Qin Feng returned to Yuan Zihan's side, and then looked at the old lady.

"Old Madam, now that the post for the Zhan Zun Reception has been made, what more do you want?"

The old matriarch's face froze, her brows were tightly frowned, and she didn't know what to say. She really didn't expect that Qin Feng would be able to get the post of Zhan Zun reception.

After a long while, she asked Qin Feng: "Why did you let someone from Zhan Zun send you a post?"

"Oh! I once participated in a surprise operation at the border of Western Xinjiang and assisted War Venerable in arresting people, so War Venerable thought he owed me a favor, and now he is paying me back."

Qin Feng said lightly.

Everyone in the hall was amazed.


This trash actually made the First War Venerable owe his kindness?
Now this trash actually exchanged the kindness of the first war master for five reception posts?

Is there something wrong with this brain?
In an instant, everyone was talking again.

"It's just a fool! Since you have the kindness of the number one War Venerable, why don't you ask for something else with this kindness?"

"Waste is waste. If you waste a kindness for nothing, it may be difficult to ask for the number one War Venerable in the future."

"This kind of person is really lucky to be able to make the first war master owe you kindness. It's a pity that he changed a few useless posts."

Everyone sneered at Qin Feng unanimously.

Yuan Zihan's pretty face was covered with frost in an instant, and her eyes looked extremely cold. She never imagined that these people would insult Qin Feng even after Qin Feng got a post!
"If you are that capable, go and get the post, if you can't get it, you are trash! All trash!"

Following Yuan Zihan's roar, everyone in the hall turned red with embarrassment.

Yuan Jiayun came out, knelt down on both knees directly to Qin Feng, and said excitedly: "Thank you, Qin Feng, you will be my brother-in-law from now on!"

When Yuan Jiayan saw it, her eyes widened instantly, and she snapped: "Yuan Jiayun, are you crazy? What kind of brother-in-law is he? Isn't it just a post?"

Yuan Jiayun stood up and sneered at Yuan Jiayan: "A post? It seems that you are trying to deceive everyone!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I deceive everyone?"

Yuan Jiayan frowned, and immediately asked in a cold voice.

"This is a post for the Zhan Zun Reception, it's hard to find money! Understand?"

"At the Zhan Zun Cocktail Party, big figures from all over the world are here, not only in East China Sea City, but also not only in the entire Xia Kingdom, but from all over the world, understand?"

"When you go to the reception, you can make friends with all kinds of rich and powerful families, and get into their circle, understand?"

"Once you get to know someone at the reception, you can talk about business at any time and get tens of billions of investment, understand?"

"No one dares to be presumptuous in front of Zhan Zun, and dare not go back on the good business deal, otherwise someone will expose it, it is a failed business negotiation in Zhan Zun wine, Zhan Zun has no face, understand?"

"Did you tell everyone about these things? You know about the Zhan Zun reception, but you don't tell everyone about it. What's your plan?"

Yuan Jiayun snorted a few times after finishing speaking.

The hall was silent.

Everyone was shocked when they thought of what Yuan Jiayun said, and then they were full of remorse.

They could already imagine what they would miss if they missed the Zhan Zun reception.

At this moment, Yuan Jiaya frowned, and said, "I don't know anything else. But this Jiashi International Hotel..."

Seeing Yuan Jiaya speak, everyone also pricked up their ears.

After a pause, Yuan Jiaya continued: "I heard that it is the property of the Cao family, a super family in Beiyan City. I haven't gone to work for the past few days, just looking for an opportunity to meet Rong Shao who came over from the Cao family."

"Super family?"

The old lady looked at Yuan Jiaya in astonishment, her old face looked particularly excited.

"That's right, it's a super family. The family assets are more than one trillion yuan. Our Yuan family is only a third-rate family with tens of billions of assets. A second-rate family has assets of more than 500 billion. First-rate families, such as the four giants, are all billionaires." More than a billion. But the super family, that is more than a trillion."

"The children of their aristocratic families invest casually. There is no 100 billion, but 50 billion. Our usual investment is hundreds of thousands, and the top is only tens of millions. If it exceeds [-] million, we have to report to you, the old lady. The gap with them It's just too big."

"It's a pity that I didn't meet Young Master Rong. But if I can participate in this Zhanzun Cocktail Party, then I will definitely be able to meet Young Master Rong. If Young Master Rong takes a fancy to me, then I will be Mrs. Cao with trillions of palms in the future." !"

Yuan Jiaya said slowly.

A pretty face also blushed instantly, full of anticipation, and she had already started to imagine how she would meet Rong Shao at the reception.

Everyone didn't know Rong Shao, but seeing Yuan Jiaya like this, they were all shocked.

When the three generations of the Yuan family heard Yuan Jiaya's words, they all felt turbulent in their hearts.

If Lian Yuan Jiaya could become Mrs. Cao with trillions of palms, what about them?A man can climb up to Bai Fumei of a big family, and a woman can also marry a descendant of a super family like Rong Shao.

Once they get married successfully, they will have trillions of dollars in their hands. This is tens of millions of times better than the 200 billion yuan of the Yuan family's property that they waited to divide up. What's more, with so many people in the Yuan family, it is only a few hundred million yuan.

But the problem is, they don't have reception posts!
Therefore, the three generations of the Yuan family also looked at Qin Feng in an instant.

"Good brother-in-law, please, can you also ask me for a reception post?"

"I just want a reception post, and you can do whatever you want."

"I was wrong, brother-in-law, please, please help me get a post!"

Facing the entreaties of the three generations of the Yuan family, Qin Feng shook his head, sighed and said, "The number one warlord has always been one-sided. You didn't want it just now. Now that the name is confirmed, I can't help it."

When the three generations of the Yuan family heard this, their hearts were ashamed. It was over and they were going to miss the reception.

However, if it wasn't for Yuan Jiayan just now, they wouldn't have missed the reception post at all.

Therefore, the eyes they looked at Yuan Jiayan were instantly filled with sullenness.

Yuan Jiayan seemed to be their enemy leading to prosperity and wealth!
Absolute enemy!
(End of this chapter)

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