Chapter 76

Yuan Zihan looked suspicious, but did not ask immediately.

After returning to the black car and sitting down, she asked Qin Feng, "Honey, why did you say that to Yuan Jiayan just now?"

Qin Feng smiled faintly: "We'll talk slowly after we go back. All in all, she wants to invest here, but she doesn't have the qualifications yet."

Yuan Zihan nodded, and immediately frowned, and said in surprise: "We had an accident that day, it seems to be here?"

Qin Feng nodded, thinking about what happened that day, he felt that he was arrogant at that time, if Qinglong and the others hadn't rushed over, then he might not even have saved his life.

Yuan Zihan was stunned for a moment, and then when the car drove down the mountain, he turned his head and looked out the window, his gaze was already on Linghe Industrial Park.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Feng found that something was wrong with Yuan Zihan, so he hurriedly asked.

"Honey, I want to find someone over there in the industrial park. If it wasn't for her help that night, I don't know if I would have left alive."

Yuan Zihan turned to look at Qin Feng, and said lightly, but his eyes were obviously flushed.

For Yuan Zihan, if you have a favor, you must repay it!
"Okay. Then we'll go find someone."

Qin Feng nodded, and then gestured to Huan Wei: "Go to Linghe Industrial Park."

"Yes, sir."

Huan Wei nodded quickly.

She also heard about what happened that night, so now that she heard Yuan Zihan saying that she was going to find someone, her affection for Yuan Zihan immediately increased.

The black RV drove straight to the road section of the industrial park.

Then, according to Yuan Zihan's instructions, the car drove straight to a nearby small village.

But this side is obviously in the development stage, because this small village is not an ordinary village full of mud houses, but a community in a busy city.

More than 30 houses are neatly arranged, and they are also close to the highway.

Many workers in the industrial park rent houses here.

As the car stopped, Yuan Zihan got out of the car immediately, and walked into this small village, Hebian Village, with Qin Feng who was hugging Yuan Yashi.

Soon, Yuan Zihan walked downstairs of a house.

But before he had time to ask anything, he found a middle-aged man grabbed a middle-aged woman out of a small shop on the first floor and threw her on the ground.

"You stinky woman, did I ask you to fund that bastard? 5000 yuan is not money, is it? What do you think I am?"

The middle-aged man spat angrily at the middle-aged woman.

"Bad gambling! What's wrong with my nephew if I give the money? It's my hard-earned money, not yours. What I want to do with my money is all my business."

The middle-aged woman fell to the ground, and she immediately turned over and spat at the middle-aged man.

"Isn't it the other way around? Your money is my money! If I don't let you spend it, you can't spend it!"

The middle-aged man roared sharply.

The middle-aged woman felt wronged, she looked at the middle-aged man with tears in her eyes, raised her head and shouted: "Divorce! I want to divorce you!"

"Aunt Yin!"

Yuan Zihan hurriedly shouted at the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman turned her head to look, and when she saw Yuan Zihan, she couldn't help being startled, because she didn't recognize Yuan Zihan anymore.

"Hehe, you called your helper over, right?"

The middle-aged man saw Yuan Zihan coming, and also saw Qin Feng and Lin Xuezhi walking behind Yuan Zihan. Since Yuan Zihan was wearing a mask, he immediately cast his eyes on Lin Xuezhi.

This woman is not bad!

The middle-aged man's throat slipped instantly, salivating.

At this moment, Lin Xuezhi had black straight and long hair hanging down her head, snow-white skin, and a well-proportioned figure. She didn't wear the white mask and looked slim and cute.

Not to mention the middle-aged man, even the old men and passers-by in the opposite house were dumbfounded.

Yuan Zihan wanted to step forward to support the middle-aged woman, but just as he freed his hand, the middle-aged man came to his senses and wanted to kick Yuan Zihan's arm.

When Qin Feng saw it, he quickly swung a few silver needles and threw them towards the middle-aged man's right leg.

Lin Xuezhi's face changed in surprise, she swayed, rushed forward like lightning, and kicked the middle-aged man's right leg away.


The middle-aged man's right leg was directly broken by Lin Xuezhi, and he was also thrown flying.

The middle-aged woman panicked when she saw it, and then turned to look at Yuan Zihan.

Yuan Zihan felt that the middle-aged man was going to kick him just now, and she was also panicked. If Lin Xuezhi hadn't stepped forward and kicked her away, her arm might have been kicked off.

As for Qin Feng's silver needle being thrown too fast, Yuan Zihan didn't see it at all.


After the middle-aged man fell to the ground, he wailed on the ground.

"Who are you?"

The middle-aged woman glanced at the middle-aged man, gritted her teeth, then turned her head and asked Yuan Zihan.

"Aunt Yin, it's me, I'm Zihan."

As Yuan Zihan said, he hurried forward and helped the middle-aged woman up.

"It's you? How is this possible? You clearly..."

The middle-aged woman looked at Yuan Zihan in astonishment. She clearly remembered Yuan Zihan's disfigured face, but the person in front of her was a fairy.

When those passers-by saw Yuan Zihan, they were all dumbfounded.

The middle-aged woman stood up, noticing the situation of passers-by, she quickly asked Yuan Zihan to put on a mask, after all, Yuan Zihan was so beautiful.

But this is a village, fortunately there are not many people in the alleyway here, otherwise, those men would have surrounded him.

She quickly dragged Yuan Zihan into the small shop.

"Girl, what the hell is going on with you? Also, why did you suddenly give me 10 yuan before?"

"10 yuan?"

Yuan Zihan looked puzzled, she didn't know about this, so she quickly looked at Qin Feng.

"By the way, Aunt Yin, let me introduce you. This is my husband, Qin Feng, and this is my daughter, Yuan Yashi. Husband, this is Aunt Yin. Her name is..."

Yuan Zihan introduced, and then turned to look at the middle-aged woman. She remembered that she didn't seem to ask the middle-aged woman's name.

The middle-aged woman nodded quickly to Qin Feng: "My name is Yin Qiulu. The one outside is my husband, Ma Congjian."

Qin Feng nodded, then turned to look at Ma Congjian.

After Ma Congjian wailed a few times, he seemed to have recovered, and immediately shouted: "You are dead, I want to sue you! This is my family business, why do you meddle in my own business?"

"When you see injustice, draw your sword to help. What's more, you are committing murder here, why can't we meddle in our own business? As for family matters, if beating and killing is a family matter, what do you need a prison for?"

Qin Feng said lightly, and gestured to Lin Xuezhi.

Lin Xuezhi immediately stepped forward, grabbed Ma Congjian by the back collar, and dragged Ma Congjian to Qin Feng.

Ma Congjian wailed again. Although his hands were fine, he didn't dare to break free from Lin Xuezhi, because he already knew that Lin Xuezhi was a powerful woman through just now.

He was even more afraid to move, because there were still several silver needles stuck in his right leg, and he felt pain even if he moved.

"What to do with him now?"

Qin Feng turned to Yin Qiulu and asked.


Yin Qiulu's face froze, she didn't know how to respond to Qin Feng, she looked down at Ma Congjian, frowned instantly, then waved the back of her hand to wipe away the tears on her face.

"If you want a divorce, I can get someone to help you, and you can get a divorce today."

Qin Feng continued to ask.

Yin Qiulu was startled, a trace of hesitation flashed across his face, but he quickly nodded to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng handed Yuan Yashi to Yuan Zihan, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Aunt Yin, are you being abused by this man every day?"

Yuan Zihan asked with a frown.

"Yes. This man is my second husband. When my first husband was working in construction, he fell from upstairs and died. Later, he chased me, so I agreed to be with him, but I didn't expect He's such a bad bet."

Yin Qiulu talked about her past excitedly, her body trembling slightly.

"This kind of person, you should stay away from him."

Yuan Zihan hummed lightly.

She didn't like a man like Ma Congjian, even if he gambled badly, he even hit a woman.

What's more, in her opinion, Yin Qiulu is a kind-hearted woman, gentle, virtuous, and willing to help others. How can this Ma Congjian not cherish her?

"But I couldn't be cruel before. After all, I'm married for the second time, but I didn't expect him to get worse."

"I work hard all day and ride a tricycle at night, and he just takes my money to gamble all day long. I'm like a money machine for him, and he always wants to control my income."

"Some time ago, you gave me 10 yuan, and I didn't dare to tell him that I had another bank card. In the end, he beat me violently because he lent 5000 yuan to my nephew."

As Yin Qiulu spoke, she looked at Ma Congjian tremblingly, with fear and resentment in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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