Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 813 Bold and bold 2 more

Chapter 813
"You mean the Tangmen of Xishu? Probably not? Dongjiang is so far away from Xishu. As for whether they are locals or outsiders, I really don't know, but Liang Ren should be outsiders."

Chu Xuan replied in a deep voice.

"Then you'd better understand it first, and I'll call you when I'm done."

Qin Feng smiled lightly, then hung up the phone.

But the phone rang suddenly again, it was Fan Tiejun calling, so Qin Feng connected immediately.

"Sir, did your people find Feng Tianfu?"

Fan Tiejun's deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Not yet. Did something happen to you?"

Qin Feng asked with a frown. Hearing Fan Tiejun's voice, he knew something must have happened. That's why Fan Tiejun called to ask.

Otherwise, Fan Tiejun could have waited until he passed to ask.

"It's a bit of a situation. The other party has controlled the family members of several police officers and asked us to let go of the Black Boa Constrictor team immediately. When will you be able to come to the police station?"

"I'm already on my way."

"That's fine, I'll wait for you to come over. As for the robbers, I'll ask someone to delay."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng's expression darkened instantly. He never expected that someone would dare to arrest the family members and threaten to let go of the members of the Black Boa Constrictor team.

"Whether it is the psychic team or others, there is no bottom line!"

Hang Chau Police Station.

There is a compartment in front of the entrance of the detention room, and there is a counter. A fat, short-haired strong man named Yu Junhai, known as Uncle Yu, is sitting on a black wheelchair inside. He is looking at the computer files at this time.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and a man with a crew cut walked in.

"You are Yu Junhai, right? I want to go in and meet a woman who was dragged back last night. Director Ma asked me to interrogate her immediately and open the door for me immediately."

The crew cut man looked at Yu Junhai and said in a cold voice.

"Arranged by Director Ma?"

Yu Junhai was a little surprised, but he looked up and down the crew cut man, but felt that the crew cut man looked a little strange, "Why don't I seem to have seen you before?"

"I'm Yin Yang, the leader of the second criminal team transferred from the western suburbs, so Director Ma asked me to assist in the interrogation immediately. Since the accident at Hongyun Villa last night, everyone is very tired, so don't waste any more time , and now Director Ma is going to hold a second press conference."

The flat-headed man called himself Yin Yang, and said in a cold voice.

"it is good!"

Yu Junhai nodded, then walked forward, took out a bunch of keys from his belt, and unlocked the entrance door.

Yin Yang snorted coldly, gestured to Yu Junhai, then opened the door, and strode in.

Yu Junhai watched Yin Yang walk in, and then sat back at the original counter seat.

There was a small glass window above the entrance door, and Yin Yang saw Yu Junhai sitting up, and then he strode into the corridor inside.

After half an hour.

Yin Yang came out from the aisle inside, but when he wanted to open the entrance door, he found that the door was locked.

His expression changed involuntarily, and he quickly looked through the small glass window on the door, only to find that Yu Junhai was eating instant noodles.

So he immediately slapped the small glass window and yelled loudly.

"Yu Junhai, why did you lock the door?"

Yu Junhai heard the sound of beating, he hurriedly carried the instant noodles and walked towards this side.

"Open it for me!"

Yin Yang saw Yu Junhai approaching, and immediately continued to yell.

Unexpectedly, Yu Junhai shook his head at Yin Yang, and said with a light smile, "No!"

"You... what's going on with you? Do you want to offend Director Ma?"

Yin Yang stared at Yu Junhai with dark eyes, he didn't expect that Yu Junhai would not open the door, which made him very annoyed.

"Of course he doesn't want to offend Director Ma!"

The door outside was suddenly pushed open, and a tall man with a square face walked into the compartment, and this man was Fan Tiejun.

Following behind Fan Tiejun were four men in black combat uniforms.

When Yin Yang saw five strangers approaching, he immediately became flustered.

"You are so bold that you dare to come here for interrogation without permission? Where do you think this is?"

Fan Tiejun looked coldly at Yin Yang in the small glass window, and said sharply.

"Team Leader Fan!"

Yu Junhai quickly bowed his head to Fan Tiejun, and took a few steps back.

But when he turned his head and continued to look at Yin Yang, he snorted softly.

"Team Leader Fan has already told me that anyone who comes here for questioning must be a bad person."

"You are smart. You have read my personal file and know that I am a Sanda master, so you didn't shoot me. Unfortunately, you made too many mistakes when you came here."

"First, even if you pretend to be a new transferer, you should call me senior, but you didn't."

"Secondly, don't say Team Leader Fan ordered it. Even if Team Leader Fan didn't order it, if Director Ma ordered it, he wouldn't just send someone over."

"Third, you think I dare not call Director Ma to confirm, but what you don't know is that after the Hongyun Villa incident, our police station established a chat group, and I sent messages to it casually. It can also be verified that you came in as a fake."

Yin Yang was stunned when he heard Yu Junhai's explanation.

He never imagined that Yu Junhai had already seen that he came in as a fake.

But he didn't dare to be arrested like this, so he immediately swung a dagger.

If someone from outside came in, he would fight with a dagger.

Fan Tiejun saw Yin Yang like this, but he didn't panic at all, and waved his hand to ask Yu Junhai to open the door.

When the door opened, four strong men in combat training uniforms rushed in, entangled with Yin Yang.

Soon, Yin Yang was arrested.

"Hmph! Just like you, you want to fight against us? Tell me, who sent you here?"

Fan Tiejun stepped forward, squeezed Yin Yang's chin, and asked sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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