Chapter 816
Get out of the police station.

Qin Feng went straight into the original black RV, and he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Chu Xuan's number.

As soon as the phone was connected, Chu Xuan on the other end immediately said, "Brother Feng, are you free?"

"Yes, where are you now?"

Qin Feng asked lightly, and waved to the white tiger in the lead.

Baihu immediately started the black car.

"I'm in the southern suburb of Jinhui District. There is a new development zone here, Xinhui Building, No. 15th Floor, Tianji Network Lottery Company."

Chu Xuan at the other end immediately reported the address, and he seemed to be relieved to confirm that Qin Feng was free to come.

"Okay. I'll go right away."

Qin Feng replied in a deep voice.

The phone also hung up immediately.

The black RV drove out of the police station, and Qin Feng immediately made another call.

"Qinglong, someone is following me here, you can handle them."

After finishing speaking, Qin Feng hung up the phone immediately, and sternly shouted at the main driver, Baihu: "Speed ​​up, get rid of them."

Baihu got the order, and then accelerated to leave the lane here.

But there were four vans chasing from behind, and the other party seemed to have guessed the acceleration of the black RV, so the other party was also accelerating.

A chase ensued in the driveway.

"They ran away? Chase me! Hurry up! Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!"

In the front black van, a shaggy man on the co-pilot shouted sharply.

A bald man in the main driver immediately continued to accelerate, stepping on the accelerator with one foot.

After rear-ending the black RV, the bald man was very excited, and his eyes flashed with joy, but seeing that the black RV was still accelerating, he quickly turned his head to look at the shaggy man.

"Brother Talent, are we still colliding now?"

"Hmph, if you want to get rid of my talent, give it to me! Kill him! As long as you kill them, you will have done a great job."

Li Tiantian snorted and waved to the bald man.

The bald man is called Hou Yi, and chicken wings are his nickname. Hearing Li Tiantian's words, he immediately continued to step on the gas pedal.

But this time, Hou Yi failed to crash into the black RV.

At a corner, seven black off-road vehicles drove towards the lane.

Li Tiantian's face changed, he knew that this must be Qin Feng's support.

"All the cars behind me will hit them, hurry up!"

Following Li Tiantian's order, the vans behind also slammed into Qinglong's black off-road vehicle.

However, Qinglong and the others were not polite, and just bumped into it.

The two teams of vehicles then started colliding and chasing on the driveway.

Even Li Tiantian's van was hit. Although Hou Yi wanted to quickly catch up with Qin Feng's black car, he was constantly hit and intercepted by Qinglong's off-road vehicle.

In the end, Qinglong's off-road vehicle completely intercepted Hou Yi's van.

"The soul is pale!"

Li Tiantian saw that the car was forced to stop and stopped by the side of the road. He immediately swung a sharp knife, opened the door and got out of the car, "Get on me! Kill them!"

The off-road vehicles also stopped, and Qinglong and the others all rushed down from the vehicle, waving their daggers to meet them.

Li Tiantian wanted to make a phone call, and then deal with Qinglong and the others, but what he didn't expect was that Qinglong and the others attacked faster and more ruthlessly.

All of a sudden, this section of the remote driveway wailed one after another.

Hou Yi was directly killed by Qinglong, and the Mitsubishi Army stabbed him with a big gash in his abdomen, and then the whole body was kicked by Qinglong and lay on the ground, without even having time to shout.

"Chicken wings!"

Seeing Hou Yi's death, Li Tiantian was immediately annoyed, and swung a sharp knife at Qinglong.

However, after just a few moves in the duel, Li Tiantian's sharp knife was instantly knocked away by Qinglong.

Qinglong put the Mitsubishi army thorn on Li Tiantian's neck, "If you move again, I will pierce your throat."

Li Tiantian's face was pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, how could he dare to move around?

Although he was clamoring all the time just now, he never imagined that people like Qinglong would be so strong that they could almost kill them all in an instant.

"Big brother, don't kill me, I will tell you whatever you want to know!"

"Who sent you here?"

Qinglong asked coldly.

"We were sent by Long Xuelan. She asked me to intercept Qin Feng's car. Actually, I didn't even know who Qin Feng was before today. We are just a local team of thugs."

Li Tiantian said tremblingly.

"Long Xuelan? Even that woman dares to send someone over to intercept our husband? Hmph! She simply doesn't know what to do!"

Qinglong snorted and said, the Mitsubishi army stab in his hand still pierced Li Tiantian's neck.

Blood splattered on Li Tiantian's neck in an instant, his eyes widened like a bull's-eye, it seemed that he never thought that Qinglong would kill him under questioning.

Qinglong waved his Mitsubishi army thorn, then took out his mobile phone, made a call, and waved at a strong man in a combat training uniform.

The strong man in the training suit immediately stepped forward, checked Li Tiantian, and then found his mobile phone, and continued to check the mobile phone.

However, the mobile phone has a power-on password, and he cannot open it.

When the phone was connected, Qinglong immediately said coldly to Xuanwu on the other end: "Send someone to track Long Xuelan immediately, lock Long Xuelan's location, and start the mission to kill Long Xuelan."


Xuanwu quickly responded, and immediately hung up the phone.

"Take all the corpses away!"

Qinglong immediately waved to the strong men in combat training, signaling them to quickly clean up the corpses.

After the corpses were cleaned up, Qinglong and his party drove all the vehicles and left here.

However, after Qinglong and the others left, a royal blue sports car drove over.

A young woman was sitting in the car. She stopped the car, took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Sister Lan, those people are so powerful, they can't deal with Li Tiantian at all, what should we do now?"

"Let me think about it, don't expose yourself."

Long Xuelan on the other end of the phone warned sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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