Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 822 It's All Fake 5 More

Chapter 822
Seeing the serious look on his face, the short crew cut man nodded with an awkward smile and said, "My name is Ju Wendong."

"My name is Qin Feng!"

Qin Feng also nodded, then waved his hand and turned to look at Tang Yulong.

Tang Yulong was staring at the computer with full concentration, trembling with nervousness.

"It's out! The result is about to come out! I will definitely win!"

Tang Yulong kept thinking in his heart, thinking that he could win a one billion bonus.

However, when the betting results came out, Tang Yulong was dumbfounded.

The 1000 million bets were all wiped out, and he didn't win a billion at all.

"How could this be? A mistake! It must be a mistake!"

As Tang Yulong roared, everyone looked at Tang Yulong curiously.

When Yan Longou learned about Tang Yulong's situation, she had already called the security guard over.

"Change the computer, I want to change the computer! It must be a computer problem!"

Tang Yulong yelled at Yan Roulou sharply.

"It's not a problem to change the computer. The problem is that you can't make a fuss here. After reading the results, you get out of here immediately!"

Yan Momo snorted softly, and immediately arranged a new computer for Tang Yulong.

Tang Yulong checked on the new computer, and he couldn't calm down at all.

"Fake! It's all fake! It must be you who played tricks, it was you! You are afraid that I won a billion dollars, so you played tricks, right?"

"Enough! This is not a place where you can make a fuss!"

Yan Molou sternly scolded, and she immediately waved to the two security guards.

Two security guards rushed over immediately, one on the left and one on the right, and detained Tang Yulong.

"let me go!"

Tang Yulong roared and struggled hard, but it was all in vain, because he was thin and weak, so he was no match for the two tall security guards, not to mention he didn't have any martial arts himself.

"If you lose money yourself, you can't rely on others. Hmph, look at that person. He won 1000 million yuan, but you lost 1000 million yuan. This is a matter of your ability."

Yan Chaolou sneered, and turned to glance at Ju Wendong.

Everyone also turned their heads to look at Ju Wendong, and then at Tang Yulong, and immediately laughed.

"People are more popular than others! Someone won 1000 million, and someone lost 1000 million directly."

"As for a person like him, I have already said that he will definitely not be able to win anything."

"If you don't have any money, get the hell out of here. You even sold your wife and children. You deserve it!"

Tang Yulong listened to everyone's ridicule, and he suddenly remembered his previous signing.

So he immediately turned his head to look at Qin Feng, and begged in a trembling voice: "Sir, please, give me the farmhouse, can you return the contract of my wife and child to me?"

"Return it to you? Why should I return it to you? Then can you return 1000 million to me?"

Qin Feng chuckled and looked at Tang Yulong arrogantly.

"This... I will definitely give it to you when I have money, but you must not let my wife see those contracts, you can't!"

Tang Yulong shook his head hastily, and looked at Qin Feng in panic, because if Qin Feng showed the contract to his wife, what would his wife do?Will you really sign a divorce?
"Then it's up to you. You spend the money. If you have money, you must pay it back within the specified time. Otherwise, you will never see your wife and children in this life."

Qin Feng smiled lightly, then turned around and gestured to Yan Rourou, and then walked out with Bai Xiong.

"Get him out of here too!"

Yan Chaolou waved to the company security, signaling the company security to drag Tang Yulong out.

When he arrived at the office hall outside, Qin Feng walked straight towards Chu Xuan.

When Chu Xuan saw it, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Then, Liang Ren also saw Tang Yulong being dragged out.

"Tang Yulong, you are really vicious, you sold your wife and children for 1000 million, you bastard."

Tang Yulong struggled when he heard Liang Ren's roar, and shouted at Liang Ren: "Brother, please help me."

"You're divorced. I won't be your uncle in the future. You can take care of yourself."

Liang Ren sneered, but he also turned the wheelchair and walked towards the company gate.

Qin Feng and Chu Xuan also walked over.

At the front desk at the gate, a long-haired woman with a good figure is pulling a little boy and asking.

Suddenly the little boy exclaimed: "Dad was dragged out!"

The long-haired woman is Tang Yulong's wife, Liang Ren's younger sister, Liang Rouxuan.

Seeing Liang Rouxuan, Tang Yulong's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted in a trembling voice, "Rouxuan, Zhengcheng, why are you here?"

"I sent them here!"

Liang Ren, who came out of the wheelchair from behind, said in a cold voice.

Tang Yulong was still detained by the company's security guards. He turned his head to look at Liang Ren, and frowned, "Why did you call their mother and son over?"

"Of course I want them to come and watch you buy lottery tickets! But it's okay now, don't read it, you have already signed the divorce agreement and bought your wife and children, and they will have nothing to do with you in the future."

Liang Ren said coldly.

"What divorce agreement? Brother, what's going on here?"

Liang Rouxuan looked at Liang Ren in surprise, and her pretty face turned pale instantly, because she felt that the situation was very serious when she heard what Liang Ren said.

"I have a copy here, you can take a look."

Liang Ren handed a stack of copies to Liang Rouxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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