Chapter 828

Next, when the luncheon began, Liang Rouxuan and the two little boys were shocked because all the famous dishes were served.

Liang Ren was much calmer. After all, he knew that Qin Feng and Chu Xuan must have extraordinary backgrounds, not to mention that this is the supreme box, so it is normal for the lunch to be rich and delicious.

Qin Feng's cell phone rang, and it was Yuan Zihan calling.

"You went back to Star International Hotel now? Then we will go back, we are in another place now."

Yuan Zihan on the other end of the phone laughed.

"Okay. Just be careful! Take care of yourself."

"At dinner time, come over if you're free."

"it is good!"

Qin Feng hung up the phone and smiled lightly, but at the same time, a new message was received on his mobile phone, and Feng Tianfu had not been searched yet.

Seeing Qin Feng's sudden change of expression, Chu Xuan quickly asked, "Brother Feng, what's the matter?"

"It seems that this Feng Tianfu is a bit wise, and he hasn't been caught yet!"

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth curled up, and he sneered.

"What? You have sent so many people, but you haven't found Feng Tianfu yet?"

Chu Xuan was very surprised. He naturally knew that Qin Feng had sent a lot of people. Logically speaking, it was already one o'clock in the noon, and Feng Tianfu should have been caught long ago.

Moreover, Qin Feng also captured a lot of Feng Tianfu's people, so it shouldn't be difficult to find Feng Tianfu's den, and with Qin Feng's manpower, it should be easy to catch Feng Tianfu.

Such a long time has passed, but Feng Tianfu has not been caught, or even Feng Tianfu can't be found. I am afraid that Feng Tianfu has already prepared.

"need my help?"

Liang Ren asked quickly.

Although he didn't know what happened, but if Qin Feng needed him, he would naturally be able to do things at any time.

"Forget it, you have an injury on your body, and it will take a hundred days to hurt your muscles and bones, and it will take a month at the earliest, so you should take a good rest."

Qin Feng shook his head at Liang Ren, he didn't want to use Liang Ren as a wounded person.

Liang Rouxuan didn't know what happened, but seeing that Qin Feng didn't need Liang Ren's help, she breathed a sigh of relief instead.

After all, Liang Ren was her elder brother, and he was injured. She didn't want to see Liang Ren go to work with the injury, as that would seriously affect his recovery.

"Mr. Qin, as long as you need me, I can do things at any time."

Liang Ren nodded quickly.

"Of course you have to do things, but you have to pay attention to these seven days. My medicine will take effect much faster. Under normal circumstances, most of them will recover in seven days. At that time, there are things that need you to be busy."

Qin Feng said lightly.

"I see."

Liang Ren nodded joyfully and said, he is really embarrassed to lie like this for a hundred days, it would be too uncomfortable for him.

What's more, Chu Xuan told him that day that Qin Feng was very skilled, so he naturally wanted to work with Qin Feng to see what kind of skill Qin Feng was.

Qin Feng's cell phone rang again, and the call was from Zhou Qinya.

"Brother Feng, there is news about the psychic team. Someone from the Ke family has hired someone from the psychic team. In addition, there is a professor who is probably related to the psychic team and focuses on psychic courses."

Zhou Qinya at the other end said in a deep voice.

"Then continue to thoroughly investigate these two things to see if they are the same team, but don't act rashly for the time being. After all, teams like them must be eradicated."

"Yes, Brother Feng, I will draw attention to it. If there is any special news, I will call you again."

The phone is hung up.

Qin Feng also immediately received a report that the Ke family was actually related to the Lin family, because Ke Shiqing, the wife of Lin Chengsi, the head of the Lin family, is the Ke family.

"It seems that this time we have to deal with the Lin family again."

"The Lin family?"

Chu Xuan looked at Qin Feng in surprise. He naturally knew about the Lin family. He had gone to Baode District with Qin Feng before, and even beat Lin Junhao.

As for the women's team, he didn't know if Qin Feng could handle it.

"Someone in the psychic team found the relatives of the Lin family, the Ke family. If we take action against the Ke family, then the Lin family may have objections. Of course, if the Ke family does not make mistakes, I will not take action against the Ke family. "

Qin Feng laughed.

He didn't pay attention to the mere Ke family, so naturally he wouldn't be afraid to attack the Ke family just because of the Lin family.

"The Ke family?"

When Liang Ren heard Qin Feng's words, his expression changed instantly, and his brows immediately twisted into the word Sichuan.

"Do you know the Ke family? Or do you have an enmity with the Ke family?"

Qin Feng turned his head to look at Liang Ren, and asked with a frown.

"That's right! There is a grudge! But I'm not sure if it's the Ke family you mentioned. It may be just a small Ke family under the Ke family. Our father was killed by the Ke family back then. I lived in Dongjiang City. It is also for the purpose of secretly investigating the murder of the father and the enemy."

Liang Ren said excitedly.

"Please tell me everything in detail, so as not to make mistakes!"

Qin Feng said in a deep voice.

at this time.

Shaoxin City, a city next door to Hangzhou City.

Zhuji District, Longpan Ruifu Villa Area, Villa No. 28.

Feng Tianfu stood on a lawn, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

"Master Fu, what's wrong?"

A middle-aged man next to him frowned and asked hastily.

This middle-aged man is called Ke Jingkai, the second son of Ke Zhesheng, the old man of the Ke family.

"Someone is kicking my nest! If I don't avenge this revenge, I won't be able to solve the hatred in my heart."

Feng Tianfu said in a cold voice.

"What? Someone is targeting you? Master Fu, tell me, as long as I can help, I will definitely help."

Ke Jingkai looked at Feng Tianfu in surprise. After all, in his eyes, Feng Tianfu was a person with psychic abilities. How could someone be so short-sighted that he dared to offend Feng Tianfu?

"Really? If Second Young Master Ke can help me, that would be really great. I will definitely kill all those souls, so that they will never be reborn!"

Feng Tianfu said with a ferocious face.

(End of this chapter)

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