Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 83 The Order from the Sky 2 More

Chapter 83
Yuan Zihan took Qin Feng's arm into the elevator, and asked in a low voice, "Should we not go to the ninth floor?"

"What are you going to do on the ninth floor? Let's go straight home now."

Qin Feng shook his head.

"No, what about Jiayun and the others?"

Yuan Zihan asked quickly.

"Of course they are going back by themselves. Don't worry, they are not children and will take care of themselves, not to mention Wushuang is still there."

Qin Feng smiled lightly, then hugged Yuan Zihan's shoulders tightly.

The two went downstairs, walked out of the hotel building, and then got into the black RV and left here.

However, as soon as he left the hotel, Qin Feng felt a car following him.

"Qinglong, stop all their cars. Zihan just had dinner, I don't want anyone to scare Zihan."

Qin Feng dialed Qinglong's phone and said in a cold voice.

"Yes, sir."

Qinglong on the other end of the phone responded immediately.

Qin Feng made a gesture to Huan Wei, signaling Huan Wei to speed up the car.

Huan Wei immediately stepped on the accelerator and accelerated the speed of the car.

When Yuan Zihan heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous on her pretty face, and quickly cuddled Qin Feng tightly.

Return to the hilltop villa.

Yuan Zihan was completely relieved and let out a soft breath.

She also gradually got used to being followed.

This time, she didn't bring Yuan Yashi there, so as soon as she entered the hall, she saw Yuan Yashi waiting in the hall.

"Mom! Dad!"

When Yuan Yashi saw Yuan Zihan and Qin Feng coming in, she immediately shouted, threw away the puppet bear in her hand, and walked towards Yuan Zihan.


Yuan Zihan quickly squatted down and hugged Yuan Yashi.

"Yashi thought her mother didn't want Yashi anymore."

Yuan Yashi was picked up by Yuan Zihan, and immediately said with a small face.

"How could it be? You are mother's baby!"

Yuan Zihan said with a chuckle.

"Then I'm going to sleep with mom tonight, okay? I haven't slept with dad either."

Yuan Yashi quickly suggested.

When Yuan Zihan heard this, his face froze immediately, and he quickly looked at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng nodded and said with a smile, "Of course."

After speaking, Qin Feng gestured to Yuan Zihan, hugged Yuan Yashi from Yuan Zihan's hand, and walked towards the stairs.

Yuan Zihan saw it, and only nodded with Jiang Zhiling and the others, and also caught up with Qin Feng.

Upstairs bedroom.

Yuan Zihan and Qin Feng helped Yuan Yashi take a bath together, and then told Yuan Yashi a story until they put Yuan Yashi to sleep.

"Honey, I'm sorry, I didn't know Yashi would suddenly cling to me."

Yuan Zihan quickly whispered to Qin Feng.

"What are you sorry for? Since I am Yashi's father, of course I have the responsibility to take good care of Yashi."

Qin Feng smiled faintly, and looked at Yuan Zihan softly.

"No, I was thinking of rewarding you tonight, but Yashi is here now."

Yuan Zihan looked at Qin Feng with a blushing face, biting her lips tightly with her white teeth, looking very charming.

Since Yuan Yashi was sleeping in the middle, Qin Feng waved his hand over, stroked Yuan Zihan's forehead lightly, and said in a low voice, "Don't think too much, it's good, you're tired today, just take a good rest, tomorrow you'll have a good rest." to work."

"it is good."

Yuan Zihan nodded, and then closed his eyes.

Qin Feng took the mobile phone, glanced at the short messages on the mobile phone, a coldness flashed across his eyes, and then turned off all the lights.

the next morning.

Yuan Yashi woke up very early and was making noises here and there, which also woke up Yuan Zihan and Qin Feng.

The two immediately got up together with Yuan Yashi.

After washing.

Yuan Zihan immediately sat on the dressing table and combed.

As for Yuan Yashi, she was naturally taken down by the servants.

Qin Feng stepped forward, stood behind Yuan Zihan, and hugged Yuan Zihan's neck.

"Even if you don't dress up, you are still the most beautiful woman."

Qin Feng whispered into Yuan Zihan's ear.

"Where? How about not dressing up?"

Yuan Zihan hurriedly pushed Qin Feng away with blushing cheeks, continued to comb his hair, and then tied his long black hair into a bun again.

After finishing it, she changed her clothes and went downstairs with Qin Feng.

The people downstairs were all waiting for Qin Feng to come over for breakfast together.

After the two had breakfast, they rested for half an hour before getting into the black RV together.

Huafeng Building.

Office workers are rushing in.

As the black RV stopped, Qin Feng also pulled Yuan Zihan out, followed the office workers into the front hall.

But this time, Qin Feng did not let Yuan Zihan take the ordinary elevator, but took the special elevator.

Therefore, the two of them quickly reached the [-]th floor and went straight to the chairman's office at the headquarters of Zifeng Group.

Yan Jiaomiao and the others were already waiting in the office.

Yuan Zihan basically didn't have to do anything when he came here, that is, to review the documents.

Since there were not many development projects, there were not many documents, and Yuan Zihan took care of all of them within a few minutes.

Qin Feng sat and watched all the time, and asked lightly: "How are you doing, are you tired?"

"I'm not tired! I've only been looking at the documents for a few minutes, what's the point of being tired? So, I don't have anything else to do next?"

Yuan Zihan asked.

Qin Feng gestured to Yan Jiaomiao.

Yan Jiaomiao immediately nodded to Yuan Zihan and said, "Chairman, you really don't have anything to do for now, this is your work schedule for today."

With that said, Yan Jiaomiao immediately opened a schedule on the tablet and handed it to Yuan Zihan.

Yuan Zihan glanced at it, could not help but frown, and said with a stiff smile: "I thought I would be very busy, so I can get off work right now?"

"You are the chairman, you can leave work at any time."

Yan Jiaomiao nodded in response.

"Forget it, I don't have anything to do when I go back, so I'll stay here first, what if something happens? Besides, I still have a lot of things I don't understand, and I have to learn from you, Secretary Yan. "

Yuan Zihan shook his head slightly, but decided to stay.

Then, Yuan Zihan pulled Yan Jiaomiao, walked to the sofa and sat down, and asked Yan Jiaomiao for advice.

Qin Feng looked at Yuan Zihan's appearance, so he naturally didn't stop Yuan Zihan. After all, Yuan Zihan took the initiative to learn how to manage the group, which is also a good thing.

And he had nothing to do, so he sat on the office chair and squinted his eyes, looking at Yuan Zihan silently.

After half an hour.

A long-haired female employee knocked on the door and walked in.

"Chairman, Secretary Yan, something has happened. We have a large order and a foreign woman here, but none of us can speak the language of the Northern Federation."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Zihan looked at the long-haired female staff member in surprise.

Yan Jiaomiao frowned, and quickly stood up, "I'll go over and have a look."

"Let's go together."

Yuan Zihan also stood up immediately, and then looked at Qin Feng: "Honey, do you want to go and have a look?"

"Let's go."

Qin Feng also stood up and walked towards Yuan Zihan.

Several people walked out of the chairman's office together and walked towards a conference room.

At this time, in the conference room, several people were standing with nervous faces. They were all from the Zifeng Group, but what made them anxious was that they couldn't hear what the other party said.

And there was a foreign woman in a cheongsam sitting at the conference table, and a tall foreign bodyguard stood beside her.

The door was pushed open.

Qin Feng and the others walked in, and the staff breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Qin Feng and the others.

Qin Feng recognized it was Tarina at a glance, he didn't expect that Tarina found here.

Yuan Zihan was also taken aback. She didn't have a deep impression of Talina, but she still remembered it.

When Tarina saw Qin Feng, she immediately stood up with a pretty face and shouted, "Miraculous doctor, is that you? Do you work here?"

Qin Feng waved his hand: "Why did you come here? Also, why are you placing so many orders?"

"Of course I'm here for business, but I didn't expect that I would meet here."

Tarina laughed, her smile was very cute.

Seeing that Qin Feng could communicate easily, the staff breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Feng glanced at the staff, and then said to Tarina: "You can speak Chinese, so there's no need to make things difficult for them."

"I know I'm embarrassing them. But I didn't expect that none of them can speak the language of the Northern Federation. This makes me a little disappointed. After all, I plan to cooperate for a long time. In case I speak the language of the Northern Federation in a moment of impatience , at least some of them understand."

Tarina stuck out her tongue and said mischievously.

(End of this chapter)

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