Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 839 Century Real Estate 5 More

Chapter 839 Fifth Watch of Century Real Estate
"I have no objection."

Lin Dongxuan didn't dare to have any objections, she quickly waved Qin Feng.

Even the sisters of the Lu family have been abolished. If she still offends Qin Feng at this time, it will be no different from courting death.

Although she seemed to be able to chat with Qin Feng before, who knows what these big shots will like. If Qin Feng is annoyed and Qin Feng cleans her up, then she will definitely become disabled.

A person like her who needs to rely on her body and appearance to eat, of course, cannot become disabled. Once disabled, not only will her future be gone, her income will be gone, and she will even need someone to take care of her.

That's not what she wants.

Qin Feng waved to Chu Xuan, "Let's explain the matter. If anyone dares to fight and make trouble in the company, Lin Dongxuan will be their end. As for the Lu sisters, no one is allowed to spread the word."

"Yes, Brother Feng."

Chu Xuan nodded, immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed Wang Chen's number, and conveyed the order to Wang Chen.

After Wang Chen learned about it, he immediately issued a notice, and at the same time called Li Wen himself, and reprimanded Li Wen bloody.

Li Wen then reprimanded all the staff here, and then asked people to print out a non-disclosure agreement, asking all the staff here to sign and guarantee.

This matter was explained to her secretary Zi Ruoyun, that is, the woman with medium long hair who informed Fan Yuanying to supervise, and then she quickly walked up to Qin Feng and bowed to Qin Feng.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't handle this matter properly."

Qin Feng didn't say anything.

So Li Wen didn't dare to move, and continued to bow. She had already learned from Fan Yuanying that Qin Feng might be the big boss behind the scenes.

It wasn't until after the place was cleaned up that Qin Feng watched Zi Ruoyun come to report to Li Wen, and then he waved to Li Wen.

"Okay, stand still. Hurry up and order the work here. After a while, President Wang Chen is going to hold a meeting, and you have to go to attend it."

"Of course, if you can't even deal with today's trivial matter in the future, I advise you to resign and leave early."

"As a management leader, you have to learn to use your power instead of shrinking when you are in trouble, not shutting up when you encounter someone with a background, and not watching them fight here."

Li Wen's tender body trembled, fearing that Qin Feng would say something punishing, she nodded quickly and said, "Yes, sir."

As the place became orderly, Qin Feng left here with Chu Xuan and Bai Xiong.

Then, the company held an emergency meeting.

Under the leadership of Fan Yuanying, the three of Qin Feng also came to the meeting room.

A group of high-level executives came over, and there was a lot of discussion. Even if they didn't go into the studio, they saw Liang Junxi leading the Lu family sisters away, so they were all guessing.

Wang Chen walked into the conference room and saw the high-level executives discussing. He was immediately annoyed and yelled at the high-level people.


Seeing Wang Chen approaching, the senior management immediately shut up.

Although Wang Chen came to power only recently, none of them dared to underestimate Wang Chen. Even if Wang Chen was just a branch of the Wang family, it was still the Wang family.

Although the Wang family is not one of the five major families in Dongjiang City, the family assets are not bad in Dongjiang City, and they are closely following the five major families.

For the higher-ups, offending Wang Chen was tantamount to offending the Wang family.

But what made the high-level officials dumbfounded was that after Wang Chen walked in, he walked straight towards Qin Feng and bowed to Qin Feng.

"Who are these three people? Why have I never seen them before?"

"It seemed like they were there when we came in. I thought they were bodyguards."

"The president seems to respect him a lot, what kind of big man is this?"

All of a sudden, the senior executives were very curious about Qin Feng.

Qin Feng waved his hand to Wang Chen, and said calmly, "Hurry up and start the meeting."

"Yes, sir."

Wang Chen nodded, then walked to the main seat, and then started the meeting.

"Everyone, starting today, we, HSBC Real Estate, will change our name!"

As soon as these words came out, the high-level officials were instantly surprised.

After all, changing the name is a major event. What happened to the sudden announcement of the name change?
"President, what is the name of our headquarters going to be changed?"

Someone hurriedly asked Wang Chen.

"Our place will be called Century Real Estate from now on, but there is also a Tongtian Group on top of our Century Real Estate, so our Century Real Estate is essentially affiliated to the Tongtian Group."

Wang Chen laughed quickly.

"Century Real Estate? Tongtian Group? What kind of group is this Tongtian Group?"

"Could it be a new group from Zhengtong Group?"

"Probably not. Even if it is newly released by Zhengtong Group, it should belong to Zhengtong Group. There is no need for the president to say that."

The high-level executives talked a lot, and made guesses towards the staff sitting on the left and right.

"Okay, stop guessing! From now on, this will be Century Real Estate, but it has nothing to do with the Wang family!"

Seeing that the high-level executives were still guessing, Wang Chen hurriedly yelled.

When the high-level people heard this, they were all stunned, because Wang Chen's words made them a little uneasy.

Since this real estate group no longer belongs to the Wang family, what kind of family is it?
They continue to stay and work here, do they still have a future?
Seeing the worried looks of the senior management, Wang Chen naturally guessed what the senior management was worried about, so he immediately turned on the computer and sent out a document.

"From today onwards, we are Century Real Estate, and we want to be the largest and most famous real estate in Dongjiang City."

"Next, we will focus on developing the southern suburbs. Of course, we will also be involved in the eastern suburbs. The Jiang family, Ma family and Chen family in Dongjiang City will cooperate with us."

"And you will have the opportunity to become the veterans of our Century Real Estate."

(End of this chapter)

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