Chapter 848

"I have already sent someone to check, but they haven't given me any feedback. Moreover, I also asked the security guard to check the elevator. The three of Ling Shihuang took the elevator directly to the fifteenth floor, and the elevator is fine."

Wang Chen reported calmly.

At this time, Chu Xuan also strode in, walking in front of Qin Feng with a relaxed expression.

"Brother Feng, I have found out about the situation of Ling Shihuang and his family, and I have already sent it to your email address."

"In addition, the traffic monitoring has also been checked by someone. Only Ling Shihuang and three people came together in a Volkswagen, and there was no fourth person."

"So, Ling Shihuang should not have any accomplices, and now we are waiting to thoroughly investigate the explosives dealer Ling Shihuang contacted."

Chu Xuan said to Qin Feng in one breath.

Qin Feng nodded when he heard Chu Xuan's words, then took out his mobile phone, called Fan Tiejun, and told Fan Tiejun about the matter.

When Chu Xuan and Wang Chen saw Qin Feng calling, they naturally didn't say a word, and they both waited quietly beside them.

After making the phone call, Qin Feng waved his hand to Wang Chen, "The problem here has been solved. Next, Century Real Estate will continue to implement the Tongtian plan. You have to let people control every step."

"Yes, sir."

Wang Chen nodded hastily. Century Real Estate has already been linked to his future and glory, and he must work hard this time no matter what.

Compared to before for cheating and abducting, now he feels much more at ease.

He doesn't have to worry about being approached by the police station, and he doesn't have to worry about being exposed for his deception, because now he is really fighting with his own strength.

"Look for Dong Ni and see if there is anything special happening with her. If not, then let her come back here and we will have another small meeting."

Qin Feng waved his hand to Wang Chen, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, sir."

Wang Chen answered, picked up the phone immediately, and dialed Ni Wenjing's number.

After a while, the door was pushed open, and Ni Wenjing came back.

The three of Ling Shihuang and the explosives have been cleaned up and taken away, so apart from some office workers being frightened, nothing special has happened in the building.

"Since everything is fine, that's fine. Next, I'll talk to you about the future group planning."

Qin Feng waved his hand, and then told Wang Chen and Ni Wenjing about the group's plan.

This small meeting lasted only half an hour, and after it was over, Qin Feng and Chu Xuan left the office first.

However, after walking out of Xinhui Building, Qin Feng received a call from Jiang Yuan before getting into the black car.

"Brother Feng, my old man wants to treat you to dinner, I wonder if you are free tonight?"

Jiang Yuan on the other end of the phone said nervously.

"I'm not free at the moment, let's go another day. Now the Ke family is complaining at the Hangzhou Police Station, so we have to go to the Hangzhou Police Station."

Qin Feng didn't expect that Jiang's family would invite him to a banquet suddenly, but he was really not free, so he still rejected Jiang Yuan's invitation.

"Okay, then I'll tell my old man that you're not free."

Jiang Yuan said with some regret.

"Okay, let me say a few words."

Zhou Qinya's voice suddenly came from the other end, obviously Zhou Qinya snatched Jiang Yuan's cell phone.

"Brother Feng, I have contacted the Lin family. They don't mind if you take action against the Ke family. They say that you can do whatever you want with the Ke family."

"Also, there is news that Ke Wenshan was attacked, but it was just a bump on the forehead, and there was nothing serious about it."

"But this time the attack seemed to be a vendetta. Three innocent passers-by were killed in a row. The Ke family has now called the police, and the Shaoxin Police Station has sent people to guard the Ke family."

Zhou Qinya told the situation of the Ke family in one breath.

This made Qin Feng frowned instantly, and killed three innocent passers-by, which proved that the other party had a very strong murderous intention. It is estimated that Ke Wenshan had many bodyguards, so he escaped the catastrophe.

"Send me the report of the attack and kill, and send someone to thoroughly investigate Ke Wenshan's enemies."

Qin Feng ordered sharply, but when he thought of something, he hurriedly said, "By the way, let me keep an eye on Ke Jingkai to see who Ke Jingkai is connecting with, and send people to follow him around the clock. They are divided into 24 batches. Know their every move."

"I will arrange it immediately, but if there is an emergency, do you want to do it?"

Zhou Qinya asked quickly.

"Of course we have to do it. If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. If the enemy moves, I'll move first. In fact, I'm a little guessing whether Ke Wenshan's attack and killing this time may have something to do with Ke Jingkai. You should send someone to investigate first."

Qin Feng warned.


Zhou Qinya answered immediately, then hung up the phone.

Qin Feng got into the black RV and motioned for Bai Xiong to drive.

But as soon as the black RV drove away from Xinhui Building, Qin Feng immediately noticed that a large number of cars were driving towards this side.

"Brother Feng, these people are probably coming towards our Xinhui Building."

Chu Xuan frowned and reminded quickly.

"It's okay! You inform Wang Chen, and I will inform Team Leader Fan. No matter who is sent here, if they want to make trouble, it depends on whether we agree or not."

Qin Feng said coldly.

But he already had a guess in his mind, probably the Ke family, because now the Ke family also sent people to make trouble at the Hangzhou police station.

"Yes, Brother Feng."

Chu Xuan nodded quickly, then quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Chen's number.

Qin Feng also notified the investigators.

After half an hour.

When the black RV arrived at the Hangzhou Police Station, Qin Feng and the others went straight to a conference room and met Fan Tiejun.

"Sir! The Ke family has been sending people to surround the door, and even wants to pour the dirty water of Ke Wenshan's attack on you."

Fan Tiejun frowned when he saw Qin Feng.

"Ke Wenshan's attack has nothing to do with me, but Ke Cuiyue's right leg was crippled. I did have someone do it. Team Leader Fan has to deal with it yourself. I want to see it, the Ke family." How arrogant is it?"

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth curled up, and he said with a playful smile.

(End of this chapter)

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