Chapter 85
Qin Feng's face turned serious. The Qin Feng Group has just been established not long ago and is still looking for talents everywhere. Someone wants to poach someone?
"Who is poaching?"

Seeing that Qin Feng seemed very displeased, Yan Jiaomiao hurriedly kicked out the other staff.

Then she lowered her head, looked at Qin Feng with a pretty face nervously, and reported with her white teeth lightly gritted.

"It was Guan Jingci from before, and now she is texting, emailing and making phone calls to the staff at our group headquarters."

"Just her? Are you still determined to get fired?"

Qin Feng snorted softly, then waved his hand, and said in an indifferent voice: "Send someone to investigate thoroughly immediately to find out what family company Guan Jingci is working for. In addition, give me the details of all three generations of Guan Jingci's ancestors. .”

"Yes, sir."

Yan Jiaomiao nodded eagerly, then walked aside and made a call.

"Brother Feng, do you want me to help? If the surname is Guan, here in Donghai City, my Cao family and the Guan family of the Red Flower Chamber of Commerce have always had a good relationship."

Seeing that the other staff members were not there, Cao Shirong hurriedly asked Qin Feng.

"The Guan family of the Red Flower Chamber of Commerce? Okay, then you can contact me, so that I don't hit one of my own people, but this Guan Jingci, no one can protect her, she has no bottom line."

Qin Feng nodded slightly, a coldness flashed across his eyes, and he snorted softly.

The corner of Cao Shirong's mouth twitched slightly. Naturally, he would not foolishly defend this kind of woman.

Then he also ran aside and made a phone call.

Yuan Zihan looked at Qin Feng with gloomy eyes, she never expected that Guan Jingci would dare to go back and poach the wall, this thing is too wicked.

In the first place, Guan Jingci committed suicide, acted unfairly, and was expelled from the group. Even if Guan Jingci admitted her mistake, she might have forgiven Guan Jingci.

But now, when she heard that Guan Jingci was poaching, she didn't even have any good feelings for Guan Jingci.

"Husband, how will you deal with this matter?"

Yuan Zihan leaned against Qin Feng's ear and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I won't let her go. The Zifeng Group belongs to you. To poach your corner is to fight against you. I will let her know the price of this matter. Besides, my woman is not that good. Bullying."

Qin Feng replied in a low voice.

Yuan Zihan's pretty face was flushed, and her delicate body trembled slightly. She was deeply moved by being so cared for by a man.

As for poaching, she wasn't worried at all, because she firmly believed that Qin Fengfeng would handle it well.

After half an hour.

Yan Jiaomiao came over and bowed her head to report to Qin Feng.

"Sir, I have found out. Guan Jingci has now joined the Maofeng Group of the small family Baijia, and is now the deputy director of human resources of the Maofeng Group."

"Bai Family?"

Both Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan were a little surprised.

"That's right. It's the Bai family. Now the Bai family has offered Guan Jingci an annual salary of 50, so Guan Jingci has been digging corners in our group these days. They were not poached, but I discovered that some of these people were originally in a small group with Guan Jingci, and some of them were people she made friends with after the reorganization of our Zifeng Group. Therefore, we need to recruit these people..."

Yan Jiaomiao paused, still looking nervously at Qin Feng with a pretty face, because she felt that she hadn't handled the matter well.

"Expulsion? No need, just keep them all. Expelling a large number of people shows that our group has no confidence. Of course, if you insist on leaving, you can let them go."

Qin Feng smiled playfully.

"Is there anyone else who wants to leave? Zifeng Group has won an order of one billion now. In the early stage of the group's development, it is still in the early rising stage. If you leave at this time, this kind of person is too short-sighted. If you leave, it will be no good for me. pity."

Cao Shirong chuckled, but he didn't dare to be too presumptuous, and still looked at Qin Feng respectfully.

"Sir, all the information about the three generations of Guan Jingci's ancestors are here."

Yan Jiaomiao quickly turned on a laptop, and then faced Qin Feng.

"By the way, Brother Feng, I asked about the Red Flower Chamber of Commerce. They have nothing to do with Guan Jingci. Guan Jingci is from a small family in Minnan City."

Cao Shirong thought of the news he had just received, and said quickly.

"Young Master Rong, do one thing for me. I want to poach the corner of the wall. Since Maofeng Group wants to poach the corner of our Zifeng Group, then you can help me dig the corner of Maofeng Group and take a few valuables from Maofeng Group. All the talents are poached."

Qin Feng looked at Cao Shirong and waved his hand.

"Back the wall? This is a good move!"

Cao Shirong immediately became interested, this matter was too simple for him.

"After the Bai family is settled, if you can't afford these talents, then you can turn to our Zifeng Group at that time."

Qin Feng laughed.

"It's just a few talents in the area, and they are still group talents of third-rate families. Of course I can eat them. Brother Feng, don't worry."

Cao Shirong patted his heart to reassure, and then rushed aside, made a phone call, and explained Qin Feng's instructions.

Qin Feng waved his hand at Yan Jiaomiao again, and said in a cold voice, "Have someone thoroughly check all the iron rice bowls in Guan Jingci's house. If it's an entrepreneur, close the door for investigation, and the office workers will be fired directly."

"Guan Jingci wants to poach people from our Zifeng Group, so she is destroying our big family. If this is the case, I will let her bear the feeling of betrayal."

"In addition, let people attack the Bai family's stock market. If the Bai family doesn't fire Guan Jingci for a day, they will suffer losses in the stock market."

Yan Jiaomiao's pretty face changed slightly, then she nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and went to the side to make a phone call.

Yuan Zihan was a little surprised, because if Qin Feng did this, then Guan Jingci would definitely be betrayed by everyone in the end, after all, because he had dragged his family into trouble.

But she has no sympathy for Guan Jingci, because she thinks Qin Feng is right, Guan Jingci is destroying the big family of Zifeng Group.

So the surprise was the surprise, and she didn't stop Qin Feng from handling it.

Soon, Yan Jiaomiao explained everything.

On Cao Shirong's side, people are already poaching Maofeng Group's corners.

Of course, there will be no news about the matter for a while, but Cao Shirong is still full of confidence in poaching.

Ye Wushuang didn't say anything, and then said to Qin Feng: "Brother Feng, could it be that Bai Yaoyang did the digging? After all, he has been released by the first war master now."

Talina, who was silent beside her, suddenly asked in surprise, "The number one war venerable? Is it the number one war venerable from your Xia Kingdom? I heard that there was a war venerable reception recently, but I couldn't get that one." Reception post."

When Ye Wushuang heard this, he glanced at Qin Feng, not knowing what to say or not.

"It's okay, Tarina is still our partner now, so she's one of us."

Qin Feng smiled faintly.

"The first Zhanzun is Brother Feng's disciple. As for the organizer of Zhanzun's cocktail party, it is Jiashi International Hotel in Young Master Rong's house. So, it's just a post about the reception, as long as you want, you can do it anytime."

Seeing what Qin Feng said, Ye Wushuang simply confessed to Tarina.

Tarina was dumbfounded for a moment.

She had heard of the first war master a long time ago, but she never thought that the first war master was actually Qin Feng's disciple.

As for Jiashi International Hotel, the organizer of the reception, she also knew about it, but she didn't know about Cao Shirong.

"Posts from the War Sovereign Cocktail Party? I'll just send you a few later."

Cao Shirong laughed.

Naturally, he can make a few reception posts, not to mention that Tarina is now a major customer of Zifeng Group, so he has to give Tarina a face no matter what.

Especially Tarina is still a little beauty, but unfortunately his old man doesn't like foreigners, he doesn't know that this little beauty will take advantage of that kid.

Cao Shirong sighed for a while, he had a crush on Ye Wushuang, but unfortunately Ye Wushuang didn't like him, and now he has no feelings for Ye Wushuang.

Seeing how affectionate Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan looked, he also thought, maybe it's time for him to settle the important issues of his life.

"Thank you Young Master Rong."

Tarina was overjoyed, she never imagined that she could get the reception post so easily.

Of course, compared to being able to see the No. [-] War Venerable, she couldn't help being curious about Qin Feng.

At this time, in Tarina's heart, Qin Feng was already a god-like figure. She not only admired Qin Feng, but also had endless admiration.

"Husband, since everyone is here and the group has won a big order, why not let everyone have a holiday today and have a big meal?" Yuan Zihan quickly suggested.

"You decide."

Qin Feng smiled faintly, and looked at Yuan Zihan dotingly, naturally he would not refute this proposal.

After all, it was an order of one billion, so there was no need to celebrate.

(End of this chapter)

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