Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 856 True Rebirth 4

Chapter 856
Seeing Si Chuntao acting like a street peddler, Jiang Xue's face darkened, and she quickly looked at Qin Feng.

"Miss, it looks pretty good, do you want to go up and be an observer?"

Qin Feng quickly advised.

Jiang Xuexiu frowned slightly. If she went up to be an observer, it would be equivalent to having more roles. If she could do well, then it would be fine.

But if it is not done well, it may expose his original identity and affect Qin Feng's next plan.

"Can I really?"

"Of course, you can do what she says. If there is anything you don't understand, I will tell you when I leave here for dinner. "

Qin Feng quickly nodded to Jiang Xue.

Seeing Qin Feng being so determined, Jiang Xue had no choice but to raise her hand to be an observer.

"Students who raised their hands come up!"

Si Chuntao immediately waved to Jiang Xue, signaling Jiang Xue to come up to her side.

Jiang Xue let out a breath, then stood up, and strode up.

There was a booing from the audience.

Everyone's eyes also fell on Jiang Xue.

Seeing Jiang Xue go up, Li Yuxuan wanted something from Qin Feng, but he didn't dare to ask.

Jiang Xue went up to the podium, and immediately saw several prepared eggs.

"Now please observe through the light transmission of the boiled egg changing into a raw egg!"

Si Chuntao waved to Jiang Xue and laughed.

Jiang Xue followed Si Chuntao's instructions and conducted a light-transmitting observation.

"Now you can see it? Boiled eggs are like this, but this raw egg, its light transmission is like this, the two are different."

Si Chuntao quickly explained.

"One raw and one cooked are different, of course."

Jiang Xuexiu frowned and hummed softly.

"Then take a look, is this your signed egg? Just now you saw me put it in and cook it together, right? Then you pick up your signed egg and check it?"

The corners of Si Chuntao's mouth curled up, and she quickly waved her hand to Jiang Xue, signaling Jiang Xue to get the eggs, and Jiang Xue prepared a bowl.

Jiang Xue picked up the egg and broke it immediately, but suddenly found that what flowed into the bowl from the egg shell was the yolk and white of the raw egg.

"What's going on here? You obviously boiled it, why did it turn into a raw egg?"

Jiang Xue turned her head to look at Si Chuntao, and asked with a look of astonishment.

"Hehe, our classmate is shocked! What is this? This is the resurrection of a boiled egg!"

Si Chuntao chuckled, then waved to Jiang Xue, signaling Jiang Xue to go back to her seat.

Jiang Xue was full of doubts, and then walked back to her original seat.

Of course, she still turned her head to look at Qin Feng and Li Yuxuan, but didn't ask any questions.

"Okay, now the eggs have been successfully regenerated. Your mother will send these regenerated eggs to the chicken farm for incubation experiments. However, the results will not be revealed until 21 days later, so everyone, Hope you have some patience."

Si Chuntao laughed, and then waved for someone to take away the counter where the eggs were placed.

Jiang Xue couldn't help frowning, 21 days?A school period is only four days and three nights. Are you still here after 21 days?

What's more, the location of your training class has changed, and all the eggs have been removed. Who can guarantee that the eggs you will hatch will be these returned eggs?

Jiang Xue's heart was hard to calm down, but she was also stunned for a moment, "Since when did I believe that the returned eggs were transported away?"

This thought shocked her even more, because before she knew it, she actually believed that these eggs were rebirth eggs, that is to say, she subconsciously determined that this was really rebirth, and the boiled eggs turned into eggs. Raw eggs.

Although she had doubts in her heart, she didn't dare to ask anything, because Qin Feng didn't say anything, just sat with a gloomy face.

Without Qin Feng's prompt, she naturally didn't dare to add drama to herself.

Next, Si Chuntao boasted again, and then reminded all the young men and women to quickly look at the previous price list to determine whether to sign up for this "Super-Psychological Awareness Energy Method" course.

"Bodyguard, can I learn this?"

Jiang Xue hurriedly asked Qin Feng.

"Of course you have to learn! As long as you want to learn, Miss, you must support you unconditionally."

Qin Feng nodded, then took out the platinum card, and continued: "However, for the time being, I suggest that the eldest lady enroll in a course first. After all, I don't know if you are so busy with work, whether you can spare time to study."

"That's right, I'm too busy with work, so why don't you apply for a subject first?"

Jiang Xue chuckled, then waved to the woman in black, signaling the woman in black to bring the credit card machine over.

The woman in black was a little surprised, she didn't expect Jiang Xue to make a decision so quickly.

But seeing the Platinum Card in Qin Feng's hand, she was even more shocked.

"I'll consider signing up for one subject first, and I'll think about it later! By the way, I don't understand your price. You only need [-] yuan for this course? Isn't it too cheap?"

Jiang Xue pursed her lips and waved to Qin Feng, signaling Qin Feng not to swipe the card yet.

"This one……"

The woman in black quickly turned her head to look at Si Chuntao, then pressed her earphones, and Jiang Xue immediately said: "Student, you misread, that's not 36, it's [-]!"

"Superpsychological awareness energy method is our important method. If you want to learn it, you must seize the opportunity, otherwise, you will miss the opportunity."

"In addition, I have some good news for you. Our No. 1 experiment of returning cooked eggs to life, Professor Zhang Fang, is already on the way."

Jiang Xue looked at Si Chuntao, then continued to look at the woman in black, and nodded, "That's all right, I'll sign up first. This time the boiled egg came back to life which surprised me, and I'm very satisfied."

After finishing speaking, she waved to Qin Feng and signaled him to swipe his card.

(End of this chapter)

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