Chapter 858
Zhang Fang pushed Wei Yunzhu away and snorted, "Are you free to travel next month?"

"I can apply for a month's leave next month."

Wei Yunzhu nodded, and then let go of Zhang Fang's shoulders, but his right hand still reached towards Zhang Fang's fat waist.

Zhang Fang didn't mind either, "Okay, I'll accompany you on a trip after I've settled with Jiang Xue."

After the two had settled the matter, they got out of the car together and walked quickly into the Longlin Building.

Arriving at the Chunlin training on the sixteenth floor, Zhang Fang pushed open the door of the meeting room, walked in with a smile like a spring breeze.

"Here comes the principal! Let's welcome the principal with warm applause!"

When Si Chuntao saw Zhang Fang walking in, she immediately waved to the group of young men and women, and shouted sharply.

"Welcome the principal!"

The young men and women immediately shouted in unison and applauded unanimously.

Qin Feng and Jiang Xue raised their eyes and saw Zhang Fang wearing a black OL uniform.

"Professor Si, you have worked hard!"

Zhang Fang went straight to the podium and shook hands with Si Chuntao, as if some important person had just met.

Following Zhang Fang's entry, Wei Yunzhu followed behind.

"Doctor Wei is here too!"

Si Chuntao looked at Wei Yunzhu, and quickly nodded to Wei Yunzhu, she naturally knew the relationship between Wei Yunzhu and Zhang Fang.

However, in any training class, Wei Yunzhu only appeared as a supporter, and it seemed that he had nothing to do with Zhang Fang.

"Professor Si must have a wonderful class tonight, right? I heard that Professor Si has a particularly motivated student here."

Wei Yunzhu chuckled, and nodded to Si Chuntao.

"There it is."

Si Chuntao signaled Zhang Fang and Wei Yunzhu to look over.

Zhang Fang was taken aback when she saw Jiang Xue, she was fair and beautiful, she must be Miss Qianjin.

However, Wei Yunzhu grunted a few times, and his eyes froze instantly. He didn't expect Jiang Xue to be so beautiful. If he could win Jiang Xue and shorten his life by ten years, he would also be willing.

"Principal, this is a good seedling!"

Si Chuntao quickly whispered to Zhang Fang.

"I see, so I ask you to keep it for me. I'll go and talk to her first."

Zhang Fang waved to Si Chuntao, then walked towards Jiang Xue.

When Jiang Xue saw Zhang Fang walking over, she deliberately pretended not to know Zhang Fang, but in fact, before Zhang Fang came over, the woman in black had already read some information for her.

It's just that she didn't expect that Zhang Fang had more than one principal, because she saw Zhang Fang's personal information and found that Zhang Fang had thirteen titles.

Various psychological and educational titles such as psychological counselor, family education instructor, technology consulting expert, vice chairman of the Private Education Research Association, and chairman of the East Branch of the Parapsychological Association.

There are even a lot of titles such as theory of relativity, mind and brain research, thought research, TV special appointment, women's federation, university alumni association, etc.

But Qin Feng checked these titles and found that few of these titles are worthy of the name, and they are basically fabricated.

As for Zhang Fang's so-called professor title, it is even more ridiculous.

Because Zhang Fang was originally an externally hired psychology teacher at the Adult Education College of Shaoxin University, not a professor at all, and the college was revoked five years ago.

Five years later, at an academic seminar on human body science research, Zhang Fang suddenly transformed into a "professor" at Shaoxin University.

Qin Feng was not in a hurry to tell Jiang Xue the result, so Jiang Xue was a little shocked at this time, and she felt that Zhang Fang should still have some skills.

"You are Miss Jiang, right?"

Zhang Fang approached, immediately stretched out her hand to Jiang Xue, and said with a smile.

"Hi, my name is Jiang Xue, may I ask if you are..."

Jiang Xue deliberately pretended to be confused.

"My name is Zhang Fang, and I am the principal of Chunlin Training. It is really an honor for our school to be able to recruit a talent with amazing potential like Miss Jiang this time!"

Zhang Fang said with a sigh.

"You are the principal? Disrespect and disrespect! I thought the principal should be an old man, but I didn't expect the principal to be so young, he looks about my age."

Jiang Xue also pretended to sigh and said.

"Miss Jiang, you are polite! I am not young, I am old, you are young, this world is still your young people's world, I am just a woman waiting to retire now."

"However, this time, Miss Jiang, you chose our Chunlin training, that is the right choice, because we will make you very satisfied, because we are serious about teaching."

"I don't know how much you know about these courses, but I hope that you can study hard, because if you put your heart into everything, you will learn well, otherwise, others will not be able to help you."

Zhang Fang smiled amiably, and then seriously advised.

"Principal, don't worry, this idea is very interesting, and I will study it seriously. But can get out of class be over now? I haven't eaten yet."

Jiang Xue nodded and said, then mumbled to Zhang Fang.

"You haven't eaten yet, why don't I treat you, there is a very famous restaurant here."

Zhang Fang pretended to be surprised, but she had already heard that Jiang Xue hadn't eaten yet.

For her, the more hungry these students are, the easier it is to use their sleepy time to sign up for more courses.

Especially for an ignorant and ignorant young lady like Jiang Xue, she would naturally be cheated whenever she could.

"No, I've already made an appointment with a friend, let's talk about it next time I have a chance."

Jiang Xue shook her head lightly, naturally she would not follow Zhang Fang to dinner.

"Okay then. Next time we have a chance, we have to have a good meal. As for whether to end get out of class, I'll ask Professor Si for you."

"By the way, this is my business card."

Zhang Fang laughed, then took out a silver business card, handed it to Jiang Xue, then turned and walked towards Si Chuntao.

(End of this chapter)

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