Chapter 860
Seeing Jiang Xue's anxious and puzzled look, Chu Xuan smiled and said, "Brother Feng has already made arrangements to transfer the money to them. If they can't get the money, the easiest way is to freeze their account."

"In addition to freezing, there is another way to transfer all the money in their accounts."

"That is to say, if their account has 1000 million, they can transfer it to our account at any time now."

When Jiang Xue heard this, she couldn't help but startled, then she frowned, "Hacked their accounts? Could it be that Brother Feng hired a computer hacker?"

When she was nervous just now, she subconsciously called Mr. Feng, and now she hastily changed her name to Brother Feng.

When Li Yuxuan heard Jiang Xue's words, he immediately raised his eyes to look at Qin Feng, his face full of curiosity.

"That's right, I hired a computer hacker, but I haven't hacked their account yet. If I hack the account now, they will directly suspect you."

Qin Feng said lightly.

" mean to say, the money swiped tonight is still in their account, what if they take it away?"

Jiang Xue said nervously.

"It doesn't matter if we take it away, our goal is not money. And we don't want to part with children, and we don't want to be caught by wolves. I think you should also want to know how many people's hard-earned money have been stolen from their boring training courses!"

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth curled up, and he narrowed his eyes and said.

"Yes, if they cheat so much money every time, I'm afraid they don't know how much money they cheated."

Jiang Xue was surprised. She felt distressed at the thought of being cheated out of 48 yuan, and when she contacted those innocent people, she instantly became resentful towards this kind of training class.

"have a look."

Qin Feng took out his mobile phone, opened a report, and handed it to Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue picked up the phone and started browsing immediately.

Before she finished reading it, her complexion changed instantly, because all the reports mentioned were bank card transfers.

Although it was not as exaggerated as 36 once, and she did not pay as much as 48 in one day, but the daily income of this account will not be less than 300 million.

"Don't worry, I will let people watch the money in their account, and I won't let them transfer it away easily. But this Zhang Fang, you are completely watched by her."

Qin Feng said in a cold voice, then asked to get back his mobile phone, and continued to turn on some audio.

After finishing, he handed the phone to Jiang Xue.

"This is the audio of Zhang Fang's phone call that I asked someone to get from the mobile company. Zhang Fang intends to use you as a cash cow, but I don't have so much time for her to make a cash cow!"

Jiang Xue picked up the phone, pressed the answer button, and turned on the speakerphone.

So even Li Yuxuan could hear Zhang Fang's previous phone conversation.

Listen to these calls.

Jiang Xue turned to look at Qin Feng, handed over the phone, and asked, "Brother Feng, what shall we do next?"

"Hit the snake and hit Qicun. Next, we need to use Zhang Fang to find out her connection with the psychic team. Of course, if I have clues from the Ke family, Zhang Fang may not be needed."

Qin Feng said in a deep voice.

"Is she really related to the psychic team?"

Jiang Xue frowned and asked.

If it was really related, she felt that Zhang Fang could be arrested immediately.

"Whether it is related or not, we will only find out through investigation, rather than us insisting on it. And now, what we need to settle is that this psychic incident can basically be clearly a hoax."

Qin Feng shook his head lightly. Now he has no conclusive evidence to prove that Zhang Fang is related to the psychic team.

But Qin Feng has concluded that Zhang Fang is using bad means to defraud the people's hard-earned money.Therefore, he has already sent someone to watch Zhang Fang.

What Qin Feng didn't expect was that Zhang Fang actually sent someone to follow Jiang Xue instead, and he simply followed his plan and came here.

"But Brother Feng, what should we do now? Also, what happened to that boiled egg returning to life?"

Jiang Xue asked with an awkward smile.

"It's just cheating! They used a trick, and you didn't see it, so the raw egg you saw behind is actually not the egg you signed."

Qin Feng said in a deep voice.

"This...isn't my signature? But, it's clearly my signature, I read it right!"

Jiang Xue looked puzzled, she couldn't even recognize her own signature!
Qin Feng sighed, and gestured to Chu Xuan, "Have someone deliver the things, but don't let too many people know, keep it secret."

"Yes, Brother Feng."

Chu Xuan nodded, then got up and ran towards the door.

Soon, cooking utensils and eggs were delivered.

Qin Feng asked for two signature pens from Chu Xuan, and then gave Jiang Xue a signature pen and an egg.

Jiang Xue frowned, then picked up the pen to sign.

But to Jiang Xue's astonishment, when she finished signing, Qin Feng also finished signing with an egg, and what was written on it was exactly her name, and it even looked exactly the same.

"Brother Feng is amazing!"

Li Yuxuan exclaimed.

She watched Jiang Xue and Qin Feng write at the same time, but she never thought that Qin Feng could imitate so quickly and amazingly.

"There is nothing strange about signing now, right?"

Qin Feng asked lightly.

"there is none left!"

Jiang Xue smiled stiffly and shook her head. She naturally knew that Qin Feng was showing her that if Qin Feng could imitate her signature, then Si Chuntao could also send someone to imitate her signature.

"Then do you think it shouldn't be difficult for her to store a person in that cabinet? Since it is possible to hold a person, it shouldn't be difficult for her to have someone secretly change a batch of eggs, right?"

"You didn't watch from the beginning to the end on the podium, did you? Naturally, you didn't see the process of her changing the eggs!"

"And you start to believe that the egg is born again because you see your own signature, so you agree. As for the so-called perspective observation, it is just to make you think that the boiled egg has really become a raw egg."

Qin Feng spoke slowly, then waved Chu Xuan to start cooking eggs.

(End of this chapter)

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