Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 89 Only Men Understand 1 More

Chapter 89

"Young Master Xiang, you don't understand. Ye Wushuang has never had a boyfriend, she can't find someone to pretend to be a boyfriend, so she can only find a couple to use as a shield."

"Even if others want to gossip, she can easily dismiss herself and say that this couple is her friend, but it's just a shield."

"She just doesn't want to accompany you, and deliberately said that she wants to accompany the couple for dinner. There is nothing more than a woman's means."

Gao Lihui explained with a smile.

Xu Zhengxiang was startled, is this okay?
Gao Lihui poured another glass of red wine for Xu Zhengxiang.

"Young Master Xiang, don't think about it today. Let's get drunk and let someone find out the details of that kid. I will teach him a lesson for you, even if he is drowned in the sea."

After speaking, his eyes also flashed a ruthless look.

Xu Zhengxiang nodded, and then drank the red wine in one gulp.

"By the way, you were talking about the Jiashi International Hotel just now? I heard that the First Battle Lord is going to hold a reception there. I haven't gotten a post on the reception yet."

Gao Lihui sighed, a trace of sadness flashed across his eyes.

"The post of the reception of the First War Venerable?"

Xu Zhengxiang frowned. Naturally, he had heard about this reception, but he didn't know much about the No. [-] Warlord.

"My family has three posts, but the posts are all in the hands of my old man. I don't know if I can get them for you."

"It must be obtained."

When Gao Lihui heard this, he looked at Xu Zhengxiang excitedly, "That's great, Mr. Xiang! I didn't expect that there was a post about the First War Sovereign Cocktail Party in your house. I don't have any of them. You must help me, brother. I heard about this reception." , there will be many beauties, even foreign princesses."

"A lot of beauties? Real or fake?"

When Xu Zhengxiang heard this, he became interested instantly.

"Of course it's true, so you must help me get a reception post, and I must feast my eyes that night."

Gao Lihui spoke excitedly, then stretched his arms around Xu Zhengxiang's shoulders, and continued: "As long as you help me, I will definitely help you take down Ye Wushuang. It's just a woman, the shortcut to a woman's heart, Only us men understand."

"Men only understand? Hui Shao, you said that well!"

Xu Zhengxiang also nodded immediately, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had seen Ye Wushuang being laid down by him.

"By the way, Xiang Shao, I have prepared some good products here. They are all from the East Lake. Would you like to try something new?"

Gao Lihui chuckled, and then waved to a bodyguard waiting beside him.

Xu Zhengxiang's Adam's apple suddenly slipped, and he nodded quickly: "Then come two."

The Gao family is one of the top ten underground forces in East China Sea City. Its majestic group is named Xiashanbao Club. Naturally, it has always had such gray industries as hostesses and geisha.

And Xu Zhengxiang remembered that the Gao family had always been in touch with Donghu District of Dongwan Island, so it was naturally easy to find a woman from Donghu.

Soon, four women were brought over.

Gao Lihui waved to Xu Zhengxiang.

"Xiang Shao, you can pick whatever you want, and the rest you pick will be mine."

"Young Master Hui is generous. Don't worry, I will get you a post for the reception. Then you have to help me take Ye Wushuang. If I don't take her down, I will keep holding my breath, no It’s very hard to get up and down.”

Xu Zhengxiang said with a ferocious face.

"I'll take care of things, don't worry. But Ye Wushuang is from Beiyan City, and it will take some time, so don't worry, brother. If you need anything in the future, just come to my Mountain Leopard Clubhouse."

Gao Lihui hugged Xu Zhengxiang's shoulders and laughed loudly.

Xiapu Street, Jiashi International Hotel.

On the tenth floor, Tianzihao Supreme Box.

Qin Feng and Cao Shirong were chatting, and they both knew that Xu Zhengxiang had gone to the Shanbao Club.

Then, Qin Feng also received information about the Gao family and the Xu family. Although he didn't intend to touch the Xu family, because Huan Wei notified Qinglong and the others, someone immediately conducted an investigation.

Of course, this kind of information is simple superficial information. I probably know what industries the Gao family and Xu family have, as well as their general connections.

The door of the box was suddenly pushed open, and Ye Wushuang walked in with big strides, followed by a young man who seemed to be in his early twenties.

Wearing a light cyan Armani casual suit, he is tall and thin, with a thick textured hairstyle and a handsome face. He is wearing all kinds of expensive jewelry.

Ye Wushuang walked up to Qin Feng, bowed his head and introduced, "Sir, this is the young master of the Zhao family in Beiyan City, Zhao Jinyu, Young Master Yu."

Qin Feng saw Zhao Jinyu nodded.

Zhao Jinyu also hurried forward, smiled at Qin Feng and said, "Hello, sir."

"sit down."

Cao Shirong made a gesture to Zhao Jinyu, "When we are on our own, we can just call Brother Feng. You don't know that just now, in order to wait for you, Wushuang had an idiot kneel down in public to woo you, and even wanted to anger Brother Feng."

"It's normal for Wushuang to be pursued by others, but who dares to be so presumptuous, even dare to offend Brother Feng?"

Zhao Jinyu was astonished, because he knew that Qin Feng, who was sitting opposite him, was the number one emperor teacher, with an extremely noble status.

Not only killed millions of enemies on the Feizhou battlefield, but now even if there is a war on Feizhou, Qin Feng has to report to Qin Feng before deciding, otherwise, a small country can be wiped out in a day.

But Qin Feng is such an awesome person, there are still people who come to vent their anger in a foolish way?
Of course, Zhao Jinyu knew that the other party might not know Qin Feng's identity because he concealed his identity, but he didn't have the slightest insight?
Even Cao Shirong and Ye Wushuang are trying to curry favor, and they would foolishly anger Qin Feng, that kind of person is really an idiot.

Zhao Jinyu slandered inwardly.

However, Cao Shirong told the story again, even Xu Zhengxiang went to see Gao Lihui.

"Brother Feng, I don't know anything else, but I have heard of this Gao family. A few years ago, I came to travel and relax, and they wanted to win me over."

"The Gao family's Xiongwei Group secretly interacts with the Donghu Chamber of Commerce on Dongwan Island, creating a lot of gray industrial chains, which is not a good thing."

"In addition, there are quite a few female college students in Donghai City who went missing at night and lost contact. Basically, they are closely related to this Xiongwei Group and the East Lake Chamber of Commerce."

Zhao Jinyu spoke slowly, but these words made Qin Feng and the others look gloomy.

Because traffickers are shameful in the first place, but taking girls from Donghai City to Donghu Lake on Dongwan Island is even more excessive.

Not only did it cause broken families and separation of flesh and blood, but it also caused great panic and anxiety in the society.

It's nothing for small businesses, but for these big giants, if the floating population and tourists decrease, their industry will easily lose hundreds of millions or billions of dollars.

"Since that's the case, then thoroughly investigate the Xiongwei Group, and the Xu family as well. However, don't touch them for the time being. We'll see how it goes after the Zhan Zun reception."

Qin Feng said lightly.

Everyone nodded. After all, the Zhan Zun Cocktail Party will be held tomorrow night. Before the Zhan Zun Cocktail Party, no disturbance is allowed. This is an order from above, and naturally no one dares to mess around easily.

"I'll arrange a thorough investigation right now. After all, this Xu Zhengxiang has been pestering me all this time."

Ye Wushuang snorted coldly, and then gestured to Yin Qing who was waiting beside him.

Yin Qing nodded, quickly picked up the phone, turned around and walked away a few steps before making a call.

Cao Hanhai, the general manager of the hotel, came to report that the staff dinners of Zifeng Group had been properly arranged.

Only then did Zhao Jinyu look at Yuan Zihan, and said with a smile, "I heard that my sister-in-law has placed an order of one billion yuan? Then the owner of this order is..."

Cao Shirong quickly pointed to Ta Linna who was sitting next to him, and then introduced it to Zhao Jinyu.

Zhao Jinyu looked at Tarina, and then communicated with Tarina in the language of the Northern Federation.

Tarina's pretty face was stunned. It was unbelievable that Zhao Jinyu was so fluent in the language of the Northern Federation. Ye Wushuang had already shocked her before, but she didn't expect that Zhao Jinyu was so good.

Not to mention Talina, even Yuan Zihan was dumbfounded. At this moment, she suddenly realized that the children of these super families in Beiyan City, it seems that none of them are ordinary people.

"I can't embarrass my husband. I will definitely make a career in the future and become the best version of myself."

Yuan Zihan thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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