Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 896 Don't Be Sorry 6 More

Chapter 896 Don't be a pity
In the southern suburb of Shaoxin City, Lulin Garden Villa Area.

A big black Benz drove straight to the gate of the No. [-] villa.

There were four men sitting in the car, two bodyguards sat in the front row, but Ke Jingkai and Yu Anping sat in the back row.

"This is the villa I bought last year! Let's hide here for a while!"

Ke Jingkai got out of the car, went over to get his fingerprints to open the door, and then returned to the car before explaining it to Yu Anping.

"No, don't you have a villa in Longpan Ruifu in Zhuji District? Why did you bring me here?"

Yu Anping asked a little puzzled.

"I arranged for Master Fu over there, so it's naturally impossible to take you there."

Ke Jingkai rolled a blank look at Yu Anping, then took out his mobile phone and called Feng Tianfu.

But to Ke Jingkai's surprise, no matter how he called, no one answered.

"Strange! Master Fu didn't answer my call?"

Yu Anping glanced at it, frowned and said, "Could it be that you're busy with something, so you're ignoring you?"

The big black Benz drove straight in and stopped in front of a luxurious villa.

Ke Jingkai and Yu Anping got out of the car immediately, and walked into the lobby of the villa together.

"What's going on at the Longquan clubhouse? People from the Hangzhou police station can chase us there and block us?"

As soon as Yu Anping sat down, he turned to Ke Jingkai and asked.

"Whether I was followed or not, I left the clubhouse with you now, didn't I? Don't worry, when we get here, the two of them must still be in the Longquan clubhouse, and it's not certain whether they can get out of the Longquan clubhouse."

Ke Jingkai chuckled, then took out his cell phone and made another call.

"How are you doing now? Have you taken the two of them?"

Because when he was in the box, besides Ke Jingkai's bodyguard, there was also Ji Xiao sent by Feng Tianfu, so he took it for granted that with Ji Xiao's shot, it would be easy to take down Qin Feng and the other two.

"Ke Dong, we didn't take the two of them down here, and brother Ji Xiao's hands were crippled by that man!"

A bodyguard's nervous voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What did you say?"

Ke Jingkai was astonished, because he knew that the Ji Xiao Feng Tianfu sent to him was a master. It stands to reason that Ji Xiao should be more than enough to take care of Qin Feng and his bodyguards.

But the news I heard now is that Qin Feng has cleaned up Ji Xiao?
"Really! Ke Dong, he really abolished Ji Xiao, I... what are you guys going to do?"

The bodyguard on the other end was still explaining, but suddenly yelled in horror.

Then, there was a wailing sound, and the phone was hung up immediately.

"This... what's the situation?"

Ke Jingkai's face changed in shock, Ji Xiao's hands were crippled, which had a great impact on him.

Moreover, the bodyguard on the phone was attacked and let out a wail, with a hint of fear in his voice.

So Ke Jingkai was very curious, what happened after he left?
"what happened?"

Yu Anping asked quickly.

Ke Jingkai glanced at Yu Anping, and then explained it to Yu Anping.

"According to what you said, after we left, something might have happened over there. Otherwise, your bodyguards wouldn't make that sound, and it's very likely that your bodyguards are all dead."

Yu Anping said tremblingly.

"Damn! Who are those two people? People from the Hangzhou Police Station are so powerful? I really don't believe it!"

Ke Jingkai said angrily, thinking of Qin Feng's attack, he was startled and angry, but if he still saw Qin Feng, then he would definitely not let Qin Feng go.

"No matter who they are, when we have a chance in the future, we will find them all and deal with them severely."

Yu Anping quickly suggested.


Ke Jingkai nodded, naturally echoing Yu Anping's words. He had never been forced to leave the clubhouse like this before, so he decided in his heart that he would definitely settle accounts with Qin Feng and the two of them in the future.

The two continued to chat.

Yu Anping was a little surprised when he learned that Ke Jingkai was going to kill Ke Wenshan, but he immediately nodded to Ke Jingkai.

"It's right to kill your elder brother. If you don't kill your elder brother, I'm afraid you won't be able to take the position! As for your sister-in-law, it would be a pity to kill her."

"Don't be a pity, I don't know what happened to the people arranged by Master Fu now, and I can't get through to Master Fu's phone number. If my elder brother and sister-in-law have not been killed, I am worried that my elder brother will find out about the poisoning today. on the head."

Ke Jingkai frowned, then sighed.

"In that case, let's send someone to take a look first!"

Yu Anping quickly suggested.

Ke Jingkai nodded, picked up his phone again, and made a call.

After he finished his call, a bodyguard in a black suit walked in immediately.

"Ke Dong, an off-road vehicle is coming outside, I don't know who it is."

Ke Jingkai frowned, and said coldly: "If you don't know, just ask, come here and ask me?"

"Yes, Director Ke."

The bodyguard in black suit ordered him to turn around and back out immediately.

At this time, on the inner road outside the gate of the villa, in a black off-road vehicle, two strong men in combat training uniforms who had followed them were observing the No. [-] villa.

"It should be here, I'll inform Mr.

Lu Yaohong, who was sitting in the passenger seat, took out his mobile phone while talking, and dialed Qin Feng's number.

"Sir, we are now in the southern suburbs, Lulin Garden villa area, Villa No. [-]."

"I see, you keep watching, we are almost there."

Qin Feng's deep voice came from the other end of the phone, and he hung up the phone immediately.

Lu Yaohong put down his mobile phone, looked coldly at the gate of Villa No. [-], and said to the brawny man in the combat uniform next to him, "Sir, keep watching! We can't let them slip away!"

(End of this chapter)

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