Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 902: An Accident in the Morning Light 6 More

Chapter 902
"What? You must have made a mistake! Our Chenguang Group is a legal tax-paying group, please check it out before coming here!"

Zhu Qirong shouted sharply.

However, Zhu Qirong was immediately arrested with the wave of the flat-headed police officer. As for the bodyguards he left at the door, they had already been detained.

"Mr. Zhu Qirong, we have also received a report that you intend to assault others, and we will also arrest you for rape."

"Impossible! You are wronging me!"

Zhu Qirong roared and struggled hard, but it was in vain.

"I didn't wrong you! You were still violating me just now, a beast like you, you must be brought to justice."

Luo Meiqin came out, pointed at Zhu Qirong and complained.

At this time, a group of reporters and media kept taking pictures of Zhu Qirong and Luo Meiqin.

"No photos allowed!"

Zhu Qirong roared angrily, then turned his head to look at Luo Meiqin, and shouted sharply: "How dare you wrong me? Are you courting death?"

"Whether she wronged you or not, we will know after we investigate."

The flat-headed police officer said with a cold snort.

"Sheriff, I have not been wronged. This time I specially set up surveillance inside, so I will take you to find it!"

Luo Meiqin nodded to the crew-cut police officer, then turned and walked into the office floor.

Soon, Luo Meiqin found out the surveillance equipment, and the flat-headed police officer also brought out a laptop computer.

Back at the door, the flat-headed police officer directly opened the video on Luo Meiqin Lane and played it to everyone.

When everyone saw the video of Zhu Qirong bullying Luo Meiqin, they were immediately annoyed.

"You really are a beast! Bullying someone's female secretary, you still don't admit it!"

"Not even a man, dare to do it but not admit it! I'm afraid this is not the first time."

"He must be arrested. This kind of person is simply terrifying."

The reporters and the media all clamored and looked at Zhu Qirong sullenly.

"not like this!"

Zhu Qirong turned his head to look at Luo Meiqin, gritted his teeth and continued to roar: "How dare you slander me? You obviously did it voluntarily. You want to die, don't you?"

"It's amazing. In front of sir, threatening others like this is simply lawless."

Someone immediately mocked.

"Take him away! You must take him away! Thoroughly investigate the entire Chenguang Group!"

The flat-headed police officer yelled at the two police officers who were detaining Zhu Qirong.

After Zhu Qirong was taken away, the news of Chenguang's accident spread throughout the entire group in an instant.

The entire group was in a state of panic, because everyone was about to be thoroughly investigated and broke the news.

Of course, someone also called Zhu Chenguang and reported the news to Zhu Chenguang.

In the eastern suburb of Songhe District, Villa No. [-] in Seaview Prosperity Villa Area.

In the hall of the villa, the fat Zhu Chenguang was shocked when he heard the news.

Therefore, Zhu Chenguang quickly dialed several calls, trying to get someone to stabilize the Chenguang Group, but no one dared to take over.

Later, Zhu Chenguang thought of Zhu Qirong's situation, and he immediately called Zhu Hongming.

"Hongming, something happened to Qirong on my side, you must help me, if Qirong can't rescue it, it will be a very big blow to our Chenguang Group."

"I see. I have already sent someone to look over it. Chen Guang, I have already told you to be careful. You have caused so many troubles. If I can't help you, don't blame me."

Zhu Hongming on the other end spoke sharply, then hung up the phone.


Zhu Chenguang wanted to say something, but when he found that the phone had been hung up, he was immediately annoyed.

"Okay, Zhu Hongming! Send someone over there to have a look? I asked you to rescue him!"

"If you don't help me with this matter, don't expect me to help you in the future!"

After muttering to himself, Zhu Chenguang immediately made people come out, and then walked out of the villa.

But before Zhu Chenguang left the villa, a large number of police officers rushed in and took Zhu Chenguang under control.

"Mr. Zhu Chenguang, we suspect that several bloody cases 50 years ago were related to you. Please go back to the police station with us and assist in the investigation."

A police sergeant with a cropped head looked at Zhu Chenguang coldly, and then waved to the police officers beside him.


Before Zhu Chenguang could refute, the police officers immediately took Zhu Chenguang away.

Not only Zhu Chenguang, but everyone in this villa was taken away.

Outside the villa, a large number of reporters and media also came, they kept taking pictures of Zhu Chenguang, and reported the affairs of the Zhu family of the Chenguang Group.

In an instant, the Zhu family of Chenguang Group became the headline news in Donghai City.

Many people also set their sights on the Zhu family, a second-rate family, and even went to interview, but they were rejected by the Zhu family, a second-rate family.

In the northern suburb of Songhe District, in the blue sea and blue sky villa area, Zhu's villa.

Zhu Hongming became completely flustered when he learned that Zhu Chenguang had been arrested.

"What's going on? Could it be that the Cao family attacked Zhu Chenguang's family?"

Zhu Hongming turned his head and asked Qu Pei, the housekeeper standing beside him.

"That's probably the case. Otherwise, Zhu Chenguang's family wouldn't have had an accident at the same time."

Qu Pei nodded.

"Hurry up! Have someone investigate thoroughly to see where Cao Shirong is now?"

Zhu Hongming quickly waved to Qu Pei.

"Yes, old man!"

Qu Pei nodded again, then took out his cell phone and made a call.

After getting through the phone and listening to a few words, he immediately said to Zhu Hongming, "Old man, Cao Shirong's motorcade is now on the expressway. He seems to be going to Dongjiang City."

"Cao Shirong is leaving? Cao Shirong must be responsible for Chenguang's affairs. Unexpectedly, Cao Shirong's methods came so fast and so ruthlessly!"

Zhu Hongming said with a frown.

"It's all because Zhu Chenguang and the others were careless. By the way, Zhu Zheyan is in Dongjiang City, and our Young Master Long is also in Dongjiang City. Do you want to inform Young Master Long to come back?"

Qu Pei quickly suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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