Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 94 I am Sirius

Chapter 94 I am Sirius
"Impossible! How can I lose to you, a great master in the Yellow Realm?"

With a growl, Ba Zhang quickly withdrew the scalpel, intending to kick Qin Feng's abdomen with his knee.

You know, his figure is taller than Qin Feng's, and Qin Feng, who is dressed in casual clothes, looks tall and thin, and his physique seems to be twice his size.

If an ordinary person were to be knee-knocked like this once, he might even be kicked out of the gallbladder directly.

But what surprised Ba Zhang was that he didn't hit Qin Feng with his knee.

With one side of Qin Feng's body, he easily avoided the knee bump.

So Ba Zhang swung the scalpel again, and slashed at Qin Feng quickly and quickly.

Qin Feng naturally waved the scissors, blocking the scalpel back and forth.

The scissors cut sharply towards Ba Zhang's heart.

Ba Zhang was forced to take a few steps back quickly, trying to avoid Qin Feng's scissors, but his eyes were already wide open, because he had never seen Qin Feng's shot so quickly.

Although people were retreating, it was still too late, Ba Zhang found that his white coat was cut by Qin Feng in an instant.

The white coat instantly looked tattered. If it wasn't for the clean white coat, Ba Zhang would have looked like a beggar crawling out of a garbage dump.

So embarrassing!

Ba Zhang was angry and annoyed, but he had retreated to the side of the trolley at the entrance.

He immediately took it out, picked up another scalpel from the top of the trolley, and chopped at Qin Feng with both scalpels.

Yuan Zihan didn't dare to go out, because she knew that she couldn't help Qin Feng, once she went out, she would become Qin Feng's burden.

But when he turned sideways, he saw the back of Qin Feng who was facing off in the porch outside, and then turned his head to look at the old man who was still lying on the hospital bed, and couldn't help but feel trembling and uneasy.

"What should I do? Can my husband deal with him? Should I call Huan Wei and the others over? It doesn't matter, let's call Huan Wei and the others over."

Yuan Zihan thought about it, and quickly found out the mobile phone from a pink LV satchel, and then dialed Huan Wei's number.

At the entrance, although Ba Zhang rushed forward bravely, he was quickly repelled by Qin Feng.

Staggering, he slammed his right hand towards the trolley, and pulled the trolley to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

A woman's voice suddenly came in from outside.

As the door opened, the short-haired nurse came in from the outside.

When Ba Zhang saw it, he quickly stabilized his body and rushed towards the short-haired nurse, wrapped his arms around the neck of the short-haired nurse, and looked at Qin Feng with cold eyes.

"Don't come here! Or I'll strangle her!"

The short-haired nurse turned pale in an instant. She didn't expect to be caught suddenly, and suddenly realized that the man in the white coat in front of her was not a doctor.

Hearing the word strangle, she was even more frightened and trembled.

"Let go of her!"

Qin Feng reprimanded lightly.

"Let me let you compare! Back off!"

Ba Zhang roared angrily, grabbed the short-haired nurse's right hand and trembled slightly, then dragged his short hair to protect him and walked out.

Qin Feng hesitated for a moment, because he was a little uncertain whether this short-haired nurse might be the killer.

Once the killer used the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, how could he protect Yuan Zihan?
Yuan Zihan also came out quickly, seeing the short-haired nurse being restrained by Ba Zhang, her pretty face flustered, and she turned to look at Qin Feng.

"Husband, hurry up and rescue the nurse. She is a nurse here, and she usually takes care of the old man here."

Qin Feng continued to chase after hearing this.

Ba Zhang grabbed the short-haired nurse and retreated towards the stairs.

Other nearby wards heard the noise, and some family members came out, but seeing Bachang's posture, they immediately retreated to the room and even closed the door.

It's none of your business, hang up high.

What's more, Ba Zhang is so big and tall, he is not easy to mess with.

The short-haired nurse is called Deng Xiumin. She wasn't on duty tonight, but a colleague had something to do, so she came over to take over temporarily.

But she never thought that she would be caught by the killer.

A ward opened the door, and a very burly man came out.

Seeing Ba Zhang pinching Deng Xiumin, the big man frowned instantly, and shouted sharply, "What are you doing with Nurse Deng?"

"Shut up! None of your business!"

Ba Zhang roared at the big man.

"Help! Help!"

Deng Xiumin recognized it at a glance, this big man was obviously the patient's family member who just came over recently, Bai Xiong.

Seeing Deng Xiumin like this, Bai Xiong also gritted his teeth instantly, and continued to sternly shout at Ba Zhang: "Let go of Nurse Deng!"

As soon as the words fell, he also rushed over immediately, blocking Ba Zhang's way.

"Hundan! You want to court death, don't you?"

When Ba Zhang saw the white bear intercepting him, he couldn't help being furious. How dare this big guy intercept me?

However, Bai Xiong was also furious, and continued to shout sharply: "Nurse Deng is the best nurse I have ever seen. When my mother had a thyroid gland, it was Nurse Deng who helped take care of her every day. She is my benefactor. I will never let you Take Nurse Deng away."

"Ice Bear! You..."

Deng Xiumin let out a low cry, but cut off the conversation in an instant.

Because Ba Zhang had already grabbed her neck tightly.

In an instant, her pretty face flushed into the color of a pig's liver, and a trace of fear flashed across her eyes.

Is she going to die here?
When Bai Xiong saw Deng Xiumin like this, he was even more excited, rushed over quickly, wanted to pounce on Ba Zhang, and pulled Ba Zhang away.

But Ba Zhang kicked it, and directly kicked the white bear's chest and abdomen.

Bai Xiong was surprised, and hastily used his palms to resist Ba Zhang's kicked right foot.

The white bear was sent flying, and he fell towards the stairs.

Deng Xiumin was dumbfounded.

But Ba Zhang turned his head and continued to look at Qin Feng who was chasing him out.

"Boy, come with me, and I'll let the female nurse go, otherwise, I'll kill her!"

"I said, you can't afford it! Let go of Nurse Deng!"

Qin Feng said coldly.


The white bear fell to the ground, but it was not seriously injured.

"It's really unexpected that there is such a master here. Could it be that this person is already Huang Jing?"

The white bear nuzzled and quickly got up.

But a figure floated over from the stairs and walked to the front one step ahead of him.

Ba Zhang sensed that someone was coming, so he quickly looked over, and saw that it was a very burly man with a short cut.

Qin Feng intercepted him in front, and his retreat was blocked by this short-cut man. He was flustered because he felt that this short-cut man was obviously extraordinary, and he had a sturdy aura all over him.

The man with a flat cut was none other than Xiao Tianlang. He looked at Qin Feng, then squinted at Ba Zhang, like a wolf already staring at a lamb.

"Who are you, get out of the way!"

Ba Zhang yelled at Xiao Tianlang.

"I am Sirius!!"

Xiao Tianlang replied coldly.

When the white bear behind him heard this, his body trembled, and he almost fell down again after struggling to get up.

"Are you talking about the Sirius from the frightening Sirius organization over there?"

The white bear slid its throat and asked in a trembling voice.

Xiao Tianlang didn't turn his head to look at Bai Xiong, but still stared at Ba Zhang intently.

Ba Zhang's expression changed. He had naturally heard of the Sirius Corps, but he had been living abroad and had never seen anyone from the Sirius Corps.

So he wasn't sure if this man was a Sirius or not.

But he knew that he had to leave immediately, and he must not stay here any longer, otherwise, when Qin Feng's bodyguards came over, or the hospital's security guards came over, there would be a big problem.

However, when Ba Zhang was in a daze, Xiao Tianlang immediately swung a dagger and slashed towards Ba Zhang's neck.

When Ba Zhang saw it, his expression changed slightly, because Xiao Tianlang shot too fast, if he continued to hold Deng Xiumin, he might not be able to fight well.

So he immediately put his left hand on guard, and his right hand wanted to strangle Deng Xiumin to death and then drive again.

However, Ba Zhang suddenly found that his right arm went numb, and he couldn't force himself to pinch it down.

His eyes swept away, only to find that his right arm had been thrown with a silver needle at some point.

Seeing Xiao Tianlang approaching, he quickly let go of Deng Xiumin, swung the scalpel on his left arm sideways, and swung towards Xiao Tianlang's dagger.

As soon as the scalpel touched the dagger, it was instantly sent flying by the dagger, causing Ba Zhang to panic and lean towards the wall next to him.

"Anyone who dares to sneak attack Mister must be killed!"

Xiao Tianlang's momentum was like a rainbow.

(End of this chapter)

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