Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 950 Assassination of Liu Yue 4 More

Chapter 950 Assassination of Liu Yue Fourth Change
"Don't mind me, I'm just joking, don't be so serious!"

Cao Shirong quickly waved to Ximenci. He didn't expect Ximenci to send the matter to Tang Xiaotong, so his face collapsed and he begged for mercy on the spot.


Ximenci snorted softly, then turned the phone over, facing Cao Shirong.

"No, I'm just talking fast for a while, you are really...forget it, I surrender, I won't talk about you, it seems that Confucius and his old man said it well, you women, you are inferior if you are close, and you are far away. blame."

Cao Shirong smiled bitterly, leaning on the seat, looking like he had lost his vitality.


Ximenci snorted again, squinted his eyes, and looked at Cao Shirong with disdain.

She is not afraid of Cao Shirong, although her family background is not as good as Cao Shirong, but in terms of personal strength, she is above Cao Shirong.

More importantly, she also knew that Cao Shirong didn't dare to get mad, and didn't dare to act recklessly. After all, Qin Feng was also here, and with her teacher-student relationship with Qin Feng, Cao Shirong was destined not to be reckless.

But for Qin Feng, she still maintains due respect.

"Sir, what do I need to do next? If I sign a contract with Chairman Liu, then I don't seem to have anything to do."

"You don't need to do anything, just stay here in Shaoxin City for the time being, but don't meet Zihan and Qinya, lest Long Tianhao suspect anything."

Qin Feng ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes, sir."

Ximenci nodded quickly. Since Qin Feng didn't let her go to Yuan Zihan and the others, she naturally didn't dare to go to them casually.

Qin Feng gestured to Cao Shirong, and then walked towards the door of the office.

After Long Tianhao and the others left, Qin Feng asked Liu Yue to take them from the reception room to an office. This was all to prevent Long Tianhao and the others from putting bugs in the reception room.

After all, Long Tianhao and the others came earlier than Qin Feng and the others. If they were chatting in the reception room and Bi Long Tianhao overheard them, it would be troublesome.

Liu Yue watched Qin Feng and Cao Shirong leave, but her expression was a little sad.

"Will Long Tianhao really send someone to deal with me? Could it be a mistake, sir?"

When Ximenci heard Liu Yue's words, he immediately shook his head and said, "Sir, you can't make a mistake! Just listen to what you say, I have dealt with the Long family, especially Long Tianhao, who is especially small. Intestine, if the master said he would shoot you, then he will definitely shoot you."

"But you don't have to worry about anything, because the husband said that he will send you a female bodyguard, then your safety will be determined by the husband, and the husband will never let you have an accident."

"Because Mr. has never done anything unsure, he has the strength to protect you. More importantly, you really can't have any accidents at this stage, otherwise it will affect his plan."

Liu Yue was stunned, and then nodded to Ximenci, "I don't suspect anything, sir, I just think that if Long Tianhao sent someone to touch me, it would be too obvious, after all, anyone with a discerning eye would know that I offended him."

"That can only be said, Chairman Liu, you think simply. If Long Tianhao wants to make a move, he won't care about what is obvious or not. If he wants you to die, he won't care about your family background and status."

Ximen Ci shook his head at Liu Yue.

"Then he is really scary!"

Liu Yuexiu frowned deeply, and let out a soft breath, her heart was still a little nervous.

The office door knocked suddenly, and then Kan Xiayan walked in with a woman with a ball head.

"Chairman, there is someone looking for you, saying that it was arranged by Young Master Rong."

"Young Master Rong?"

Liu Yue was a little confused, but thinking that it might be Qin Feng who changed his mind to keep a low profile and said that it was arranged by Rong Shao, but in fact this should be the person arranged by Qin Feng.

So she immediately waved to Kan Xiayan, signaling Kan Xiayan to go out, and she also looked up at the woman with the ball head.

The woman with the ball head came over, bowed to Liu Yue, but took out a dagger from her waist, and stabbed Liu Yue directly.


Ximenci exclaimed, and immediately grabbed a steel tray on the tea table in his hand, and swung it towards Liu Yue's heart.

The steel plate blocked the dagger, which naturally saved Liu Yue from a catastrophe.

Liu Yue's face changed in surprise, she didn't expect that the other party would attack her suddenly, but wasn't this the person Qin Feng sent over?How could he suddenly attack and kill her?

The woman with the ball head also changed her face in shock. She never expected that Ximenci would make a move, and the speed of the move was so fast that she couldn't believe it.

The dagger was blocked, and she took three steps back in an instant, but she quickly stabilized her body, swung the dagger horizontally, and swiped towards Ximenci.

Ximenci was sitting just now, and when he waved the steel tray, his whole body was still bowed, so the opponent suddenly changed his attack target and swiped the dagger at her, but she could only dodge quickly to one side.

But she still held the steel tray tightly in her hand, turned around, and threw the tray towards the arm of the ball-headed woman.

The arm of the woman with the ball head was smashed, and she suffered instant pain, so naturally she could only back away.

Kan Xiayan found out that it was a killer. She immediately turned terrified, and shouted outside the office door, "Bodyguard, come here quickly! There is a killer here!"

Ximenci's bodyguards were also outside the door, and when they heard Kan Xiayan's call, they also rushed in immediately.

And Liu Yue's bodyguards also rushed in.

So all of a sudden, the woman with the ball head was surrounded.

"Don't kill her! Let me do it!"

A loud woman's voice suddenly came over, causing everyone's expressions to froze. Some people turned their heads and looked over, only to find that it was a short-haired woman coming towards them.

The short-haired woman has a fit body, a melon-seeded face that is as cold as ice, wearing a black combat training uniform, and strode inside.

And this short-haired woman is the female bodyguard arranged by Qin Feng, Luo Jing.

"Hmph! I was just sent here by my husband to protect Chairman Liu Yue. How can I allow you to mess around?"

(End of this chapter)

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