Chapter 954
"It must be someone sent by Cao Shirong and the others. Hmph, it's not that easy to kill me!"

Long Tianhao said with a cold snort.

"If Cao Shirong and the others can send people over so quickly, they must have already ambushed their people, but we don't have many people here, young master, we still have to be careful."

Yin Guxue quickly reminded.

She felt that if Cao Shirong sent someone over, it would be impossible for them to escape so easily.

Hearing this, Long Tianhao immediately frowned, asked for a mobile phone, and made a direct call in an attempt to ask for more staff.

"Master, there is a gray pickup truck chasing us!"

The burly man with the flat head glanced at the rearview mirror and immediately exclaimed.

"This is the pickup truck that was parked on the side of the road before. He must be following us and reporting our location!"

Wen Zhenyu also glanced at the rearview mirror, and his face darkened instantly.

He felt that he could remember correctly, but when he thought about the attack just now, he didn't believe that there would be such a coincidence that this pickup truck could follow him all the way.

Just as he was talking, Wen Zhenyu noticed that the pickup truck suddenly accelerated and hit the two cars on their side directly.

Because there was a van behind, it was the rear of the van that was hit, and their gray RV was not hit.

But when there was a loud noise, Long Tianhao and everyone in the gray car changed their expressions in shock.

"Wow! They dare to catch up? Kill them!"

Long Tianhao yelled at Wen Zhenyu, he had never been in such a mess like today, even if the road he passed before was intercepted, the other party dared to rear-end him?

This is not taking him seriously!But it is not so easy to kill him.

Because the burly man with a flat head in the driver's seat and the burly men in black suits in the black van behind were all masters arranged by him.

"Wait, young master, we shouldn't park here. If Cao Shirong and the others set up an ambush here, we will be surrounded if we stop."

Wen Zhenyu shook his head quickly, and looked at Long Tianhao with a panicked expression.

Although they also have masters here, he doesn't have the confidence to guarantee Long Tianhao's safety here. It is better to leave here than to stay and deal with the following killers.

"Master, Assistant Wen's suggestion is good. We will suffer if we stay here. We should leave first. When we get to the main street, even if we kill them, we can call the police and say it's self-defense."

Yin Guxue quickly echoed Wen Zhenyu's words, because she didn't dare to stay.

It was just now that I had a fight with Long Tianhao in the car. She didn't even have the strength to get out of the car and walk. If she stopped the car and Long Tianhao ran away but she couldn't, it would be a dead end.

"Then keep driving!"

Hearing what the two said, Long Tianhao didn't dare to stay in the duel, so he waved to the burly man with the flat head and signaled the burly man to continue driving away.

The burly man with a flat head saw it, stepped on the accelerator immediately, and continued to drive away. After all, he was Long Tianhao's personal bodyguard, and he only listened to Long Tianhao's orders.

The gray pickup just hit the black van behind it twice before coming to a stop.

Sitting in the driver's seat was a muscular and inch-cut man. Because he deliberately rear-ended, he thought that the other party would stop, but he didn't expect that the other party did not stop.

Watching the two cars go away, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Director Chu, they ran away! They didn't stop!"

"Run away? Then follow the plan and let them run away. Don't keep chasing after them! Go back and follow the three of Mr. Xiong Chengji first!"

Chu Xuan sneered on the other end of the phone.

On a secluded driveway, a black RV was parked.

But there was no one in the front row, and Chu Xuan and Tarina were sitting in the back row.

Tarina watched Chu Xuan put down the phone, frowned and asked, "Xuan, what are we waiting for here?"

"Of course it's doing... what we like!"

Chu Xuan laughed, then leveled the seat, and directly stuck Talina on the seat.

Tarina's pretty face was flushed, her heart was beating wildly, and the peach blossom cheongsam on her body was also heaving up and down with her body trembling.

The long off-white hair was loose, mixed with the snow-white neck and shoulders, and a small round face that was extremely exquisite was also half covered by the long hair.

A pair of jade palms also tightly covered Xiaoyuan's face, and her breathing was disordered from her small mouth.

"Xuan, let's go back to the hotel and talk about it!"

"It's very good here! Going back to the hotel is a matter of evening, let's play here first!"

Chu Xuan smiled close to Tarina's ear.

"Well, Xuan, what if someone comes outside? We don't have bodyguards here either!"

Tarina spoke nervously, her beautiful eyes also quickly glanced out of the car window.

"No one will come here, even if someone comes, the bodyguards I have reserved in other positions will call me!"

Chu Xuan giggled, then buried his head on Tarina's shoulder.

"Well, I... I love you!"

Tarina leaned against Chu Xuan's ear, speaking softly, and also tightly wrapped her arms around Chu Xuan's neck.

The two are tightly lingering.

A few minutes later, the phone rang. Chu Xuan took the phone, glanced at it and connected the call.

"Director Chu, Long Tianhao's car is here, what should we do now?"

A strong man's voice came from the other end of the phone. The voice seemed to be a little anxious. It was obvious that he saw Long Tianhao's gray car approaching.

"Blow out the tires of their cars, but don't shoot to kill people. If you get a flat tire, run directly to the indicated route, and someone will meet you there."

Chu Xuan said quickly.

"Yes, Director Chu."

The strong man at the other end responded immediately.

The phone was cut off by Chu Xuan immediately, he threw the phone on another empty seat, and then he continued to press towards Tarina.

"Xuan, if you're busy, then you should do business first, and then we'll go back to the hotel after you finish business...ah!"

Talina persuaded Chu Xuan softly, but before she finished speaking, she exclaimed.

"No! It's very good here! You are mine today, you can't escape!"

Chu Xuan scratched Tarina's armpits, and then hugged Tarina tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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