Chapter 968

Song Ruicong finished the phone call and discussed with Li Xing'er, then walked out of the bedroom together.

"How about it?"

In the hall, Wen Zhenyu, who had been waiting all the time, saw Song Ruicong coming out, and asked quickly.

Yin Guxue was on the phone and ignored Song Ruicong and the others.

"Assistant Wen, our old man said that he is willing to cooperate with you in holding a reception."

Song Ruicong nodded and smiled.

"Since this is the case, there is no need to delay. Call the senior management of the hotel immediately and prepare for a meeting. In addition, you immediately prepare a group of customer service specialists, and start inviting celebrities now."

Wen Zhenyu gave orders immediately.

Song Ruicong immediately picked up his cell phone and made a call.

After half an hour.

The news that Junlin International Hotel and Baojue Fashion Hotel will hold a cocktail party at [-] o'clock tonight, first spread to the upper class in Shaoxin City, and then spread throughout Dongjiang City.

"My God, both the Long family and the Cao family are holding receptions in two five-star hotels in Shaoxin City? Which reception is better for us in the past?"

"Of course, whichever party has more beauties, go to that party!"

"What's going on with the Long family and the Cao family? If we join the Long family, what will happen if we don't go to the Cao family? Will the Cao family hate us?"

"You're stupid, it's better to go to the Cao's house, because there will be many mysterious VIPs and mysterious figures there. It is said that the investment amount..."

"What are the VIPs and big shots, and how much is the investment? Don't just stop talking about it!"

The entire upper class in Dongjiang City was in a state of ebullition, and everyone rushed to send messages in the circle of friends to inquire about the situation.

As for Long Tianhao's side, everyone knew very well that the Long family planned to cooperate with Xiao Song's family, with an investment of up to 100 billion.

But for Cao Shirong's side, they didn't know what was going on, they only knew that there would be mysterious VIPs, mysterious big shots, and an astonishing amount of investment.

With the spread of the upper class, it soon spread to the lower class, and ordinary people are all talking about it, waiting to see a good show.

And countless white-collar office workers and college students asked for leave one after another, and came to these two big hotels immediately, praying to see the young master of the super family.

There are countless Internet celebrities, all holding mobile phones and gathering together.

However, the Junlin International Hotel has already been on guard, so no outsiders can enter casually, and all of them have gone through strict security checks.

As for the Baojue Fashion Hotel, they were almost rushed upstairs by Internet celebrities. Fortunately, the hotel security guards and the bodyguards of the Long family stopped all the Internet celebrities and pushed them out.

For a while, the two big hotels were also stuck in traffic.

The police station and traffic department also dispatched countless people to maintain public order and traffic order.

All the major news media broadcast live the reception of the two major hotels.

"A lot of people! My God, these people are crazy, are they all here?"

Hu Wenchang stood at the window, looking at the crowded street below, in astonishment.

"So many people? This is really great. It's hard for us Junlin International Hotel not to be famous this time."

Wu Zilan laughed and said.

"All of this is within the expectations of the master!"

Hu Wenqing stood beside the two of them, glanced at the street below, but sighed.

"Sister Wenqing, do you think there are more people on our side or Baojue's side tonight?"

Wu Zilan turned her head to look at Hu Wenqing, and asked in a deep voice.

Hu Wenqing shook her head, frowned and said, "How can I know this? I'm not a god. And it's impossible for Baojue to tell us the number of their visitors. It's hard to compare."

Hu Wenchang chuckled, "Sister, I think there must be more people on our side. It is impossible for Baojue to have no guests. After all, the Long family is a super family. This is the same routine as we dandies usually have at receptions."

"Every time a reception is held, it is impossible for no one to go, and it is impossible for everyone to go. For example, if Song Ruicong holds a reception, I will not go to it. If I hold a reception, I will not invite Song Ruicong."

"But we all have our own friends, so our respective receptions will go on smoothly. But this time, I am more optimistic about our side. The more people, the better."

Hu Wenqing was stunned, she never expected that Hu Wenchang would say so many words.

"If you just want more people, then there are a few other ways, but I don't know if Mr. Rong and Young Master Rong will agree."

"Which methods?"

Hu Wenchang and Wu Zilan asked at the same time.

"In occasions like receptions, the first thing to fight is the amount of investment. This gentleman told us to keep it a secret when inviting us, but once the investment of Cao's family surpasses that of Long's, those guests will naturally rush to come. our side."

Hu Wenqing smiled lightly.

"This one must surpass theirs. I have received news that the Long family only invested 100 billion yuan, but our side, sir, didn't you say 1000 billion yuan?"

Hu Wenchang said with a grin.

"Then the second thing is to fight for beauties. If we have more beauties here in King's Landing, then those male guests will naturally come to our side."

Hu Wenqing continued to analyze.


Hu Wenchang was stunned, there was nothing he could do about it, he knew only a limited number of beauties, "Could it be that we are going to recruit a group of beauties from the entertainment company, but is this feasible?"

Hu Wenqing shook her head, and continued: "The third thing is to fight for the gimmick of the reception. If the program we prepare for the reception is better than theirs, then naturally there will be more people on our side."

"A reception gimmick? Is this meant to be funny? Or..."

Hu Wenchang looked embarrassed, he didn't know what the gimmick Hu Wenqing was talking about.

However, Hu Wenqing glanced at Hu Wenchang and Wu Zilan, frowned and said: "If you two are really together, then you can announce in Moments that you will get engaged tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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