Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 975 Tune the tiger away from the mountain 3 more

Chapter 975
"So fast!"

Gu Crocodile's face changed in shock. Although he swung his dagger to block, he was instantly shocked back.

At the same time, Gu Crocodile discovered that not only was Qinglong's attack fierce, but the other six were also extremely fierce in attack, and his men couldn't stop them at all.

If he kept the previous dozens of people, he might still be able to resist Qinglong and the others, but these Hu family bodyguards also seemed to have gone crazy, and their attacks were extremely fierce, so his number has been decreasing.

"Stop them! Stop them quickly! Don't let them pass!"

Gu Crocodile glanced at Lu Yaohong and the burly man in white, wanting someone to stop them from going to support Hu Wenqing.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yaohong and the two of them were still swift and fierce in their attacks, and they passed through the mixed crowd in no time.

"Damn it! Kill them all, kill them all! Don't let any one go!"

Gu Crocodile watched Lu Yaohong and the two walk to the front, and he continued to yell.

However, Qinglong continued to attack Gu Crocodile, and his attack speeded up immediately.

Gu Crocodile thought that Qinglong had gone all out, but he didn't expect that Qinglong could accelerate, he couldn't help being shocked.

"You are not in the Profound Realm! Who are you and what realm are you?"

Qinglong did not respond to Gu Crocodile's questioning, but continued to attack Gu Crocodile with Mitsubishi Army stabs.

Gu Crocodile didn't dare to hesitate, and kept waving Mitsubishi Army's stabs at Qinglong.

The two of them came and went, without any slack in their moves, as if they were trying their best to hit.

However, with the arrival of six strong men in white clothes, they also joined up with the bodyguards in white shirts very quickly, and easily resolved the crisis of the bodyguards in white shirts.

The bodyguards in white shirts suddenly felt less pressure, and their shots became smoother.

On the contrary, the more the men in blue fought, the more their morale plummeted. They all pinned their hopes on Gu Crocodile, praying that Gu Crocodile would lead them to destroy Qinglong and his party.

But the more this is the case, the more they want to back down, but people keep being thrown away.

the other side.

Chen Fen led Hu Wenqing all the way to the west, but they were still rear-ended by the big black Benz behind them, and they drove all the way to an industrial park section.

"President, I will create an opportunity for you later, you remember to run to a place with a lot of people, and I will intercept them."

Chen Fen looked at the big black man and was still chasing him closely, and she didn't dare to let go of the accelerator at all.

"Haha! Surrender, you can't escape."

Zhang Keda yelled towards the outside, looked at the black Audi with disdain, and kept waving his arms at a man in blue who was driving, signaling the man in blue to continue to speed up and catch up.

But in front of the road section of the industrial park, a row of large trucks drove towards this side.

Chen Fen was driving a black Audi, deliberately pretending to hit the big truck, but she quickly turned the car around.

The drivers of these big trucks saw the Audi and Daben chasing after each other, so they stopped the big trucks one after another.

But Chen Fen turned the car around at the corner of the road approaching the industrial park.

The big black Benz was too late and collided with a van.

The fronts of the two cars were dented, but Chen Fen drove towards those shops in a black Audi, then stopped the car, asked Hu Wenqing to get out of the car, and hid in a store at random.

But Chen Fen didn't get out of the car, and still drove forward desperately.

"Chasing! Keep chasing!"

Zhang Keda roared angrily, continued to direct the car to turn around, and chased after Chen Fen.

Hu Wenqing hid in the Shiduo store, watching the two cars drive away, she immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Qin Feng's number.

As soon as the phone call was made, she immediately said with chattering teeth: "Sir, send someone over quickly. We are now at the Xinxin World Industrial Park. Chen Fen helped me lure away the lunatics who were following me."

"I have already sent people there, maybe they were stopped on the road, are you safe now? If not, try to find a place to hide until my people find you."

Qin Feng on the other end of the phone also responded immediately. He didn't expect Hu Wenqing to go to the industrial park, but he could guess that the situation must be very serious.

"I'm hiding in a store now, but what about my female bodyguard, Chen Fen? I'm worried that she can't deal with those lunatics alone."

"But you can't go there, Hu Wenqing. Chen Fen asked you to get out of the car and hide, but she led people away. Then you must continue to hide and wait for my people to come and find you. Do you understand?"

"No, sir..."

"Listen to me, wait for my people to pass by, you don't have to turn off your phone now, you just turn it on like this, when you see someone coming, you can ask me, and I will tell you if it is my person."

"In that case, then I'll start the video."

Hu Wenqing hung up the phone, and then opened the video.

"Run, let me see where you can go!"

On an inner road in the industrial park, the black Daben continued to chase the black Audi, and Zhang Keda continued to lean out half of his body from the car window, roaring at the black Audi.

Chen Fen didn't stop, and drove forward.

But soon, there was an abandoned warehouse ahead, and there was no way.

There was not even a single person on the side of the road. Chen Fen stopped the car, and then got out of the car. With a pretty face, she looked at the chasing black big Ben in horror, and went over the wall towards the abandoned warehouse.

The big black run stopped, and Zhang Keda and the three of them naturally saw Chen Fen jumping over the wall.

"What's going on? She's the only one? Is this a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain?"

Zhang Keda's complexion changed, he flew into a rage, and then waved to the two men in blue.

"You turn around immediately. It must be that Hu Wenqing jumped out of the car after we crashed just now, so you turn around and go to Hu Wenqing, and I will clean up this woman."

The two men in blue got the order and immediately got into the car and drove away in the big black Mercedes.

Zhang Keda also immediately went over the wall, glanced at the warehouse site, and quickly searched in the front yard of the warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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