Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 989 Honor Crusade 2 More

Chapter 989 The Honor Crusade Second Update
If it wasn't someone else who wanted to attack Baojue, it might be that Long Tianhao and the others were directing and acting by themselves. If they had directed and acted by themselves, then this would be ridiculous.

But Qin Feng felt that the possibility of directing and acting on his own is unlikely. After all, with Long Tianhao's crazy personality, he would not direct and act in a poisoning incident by himself, which would make his reception go badly.

But this poisoning, was it poisoned from outside, or was it a patient who was unwell?It's hard to say, without specific details, his guess is useless, and he can only wait for the results of the inspection over there.

"Intercept and kill Hu Wenqing? Isn't this the daughter of the Hu family? From this point of view, that Long Tianhao is really insane."

Ma Yun said with a frown, a trace of happiness flashed across her face.

He sighed in his heart for a while, fortunately he did not choose to accept the invitation of the Long family, cooperating with people like the Long family is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

"Sir, do you need me to send someone to clean them up?"

Chen Qingyu hurriedly asked Qin Feng.

Now that Qin Feng is sure that there is a problem here, he is eager to help Qin Feng with something, after all, he and Qin Feng had a deadlock before.

Jiang Xiude saw that both Ma Yun and Chen Qingyu had expressed their views, and he immediately said, "Sir, I can also send someone to help."

"No need, you guys, I've already made arrangements, so you're on your mind. You don't have to worry about anything, none of this will affect our investment cooperation."

Qin Feng smiled faintly.

Ma Yun and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Qin Feng say that. After all, they were afraid that something would happen to Qin Feng, and they were afraid that it would affect their investment cooperation with Qin Feng.

Tens of billions of investment and cooperation, if it is said to be gone, then they will be distressed.

"Don't worry, with Brother Feng and I here, that stupid grandson of Long Tianhao won't do anything to us. If he dares to mess around, then he's looking for death."

Cao Shirong said with a cold snort.

Just as she was talking, she saw Zhou Qinya and Hu Wenqing walking towards this side with solemn expressions.

"Brother Feng, someone on Baojue's side has been poisoned, and now someone is spreading the news in Moments, saying that it was on Junlin's side."

Zhou Qinya looked at Qin Feng and said in a deep voice.

"Then let them stop their nonsense."

Cao Shirong sneered, he would not allow such a thing to discredit the Junlin International Hotel in the circle of friends, after all, the Hu family is now his partner.

If you want to stop smearing, just say hello to Weixin Company.

But before Pei Xiaoyao sent a message, Qin Feng immediately made a gesture.

"Let them smear it, it doesn't matter! You are not afraid of the shadow slanting, it was not done on our side, and they can't smear it no matter how much they smear."

"But if we directly prohibit the other party's freedom of speech, it will appear that we have a guilty conscience and give them the blame instead."

"So let's let the poisoning incident slowly ferment first. Our side quickly prepares manpower, and clarifies in the circle of friends that the poisoning incident has nothing to do with King's Landing."

"I would like to see whether their circle of friends is stronger, or our circle of friends is more powerful."

Qin Feng finished speaking in one breath, and then looked at Hu Wenqing.

"Ok sir."

Hu Wenqing nodded, and she immediately asked the secretary to bring her mobile phone, and then began to fiddle with the news in Moments.

Of course, after she edited a paragraph of text, she still gave Qin Feng a look first.

"It's ok. Let Qinya help you. After all, your circle of friends may be able to deal with Song Ruicong, but it certainly can't deal with Long Tianhao. But I think Long Tianhao and the others will definitely invite the navy. Since they invite the navy , then let Qinya invite the international master."

Qin Feng suggested.

"It's okay for me to invite an international player."

Zhou Qinya nodded to Qin Feng, and then pulled Hu Wenqing away.

And Cao Shirong immediately took his mobile phone and began to forward the news that Hu Wenqing just sent in Moments.

Just for a moment, this started a battle of reputation in the circle of friends.

After Cao Shirong forwarded it, Ma Yun and others followed suit.

Soon, the entire Dongjiang City was discussing the poisoning and the hotel's reputation.

The police station also intervened in the investigation, immediately arresting those who spread speculation in Moments that King's Landing was poisoned, and at the same time controlling the poisoners.

After testing, it was found that the poisoning was caused by physical discomfort, and it had nothing to do with the two hotels.

Therefore, the police station immediately issued a network-wide announcement.

This network-wide announcement also sparked nationwide discussions in an instant, so they all pointed the finger at Baojue Fashion Hotel, thinking that Baojue Fashion Hotel might have done it deliberately in order to discredit Junlin International Hotel.

Soon, someone found out about the two receptions in the two hotels. Netizens ridiculed Baojue Fashion Hotel for copying Junlin International Hotel, even the engagement.

All of a sudden, the good reputation of Baojue Fashion Hotel on the Internet was cast aside by thousands of netizens.

Cao Shirong saw the netizens angry at Baojue Fashion Hotel on the Internet, and he was immediately relieved, and quickly smiled at Qin Feng: "Brother Feng, everyone is stepping on Baojue now, I suspect that the poisoning is caused by Long Tianhao. It was done on purpose."

"Probably not. You, Cao Shirong, don't usually slap yourself, and Long Tianhao certainly won't let people get poisoned on purpose, so I conclude now that someone is deliberately trying to provoke our relationship with Long Tianhao."

Qin Feng said coldly.

"You mean, this is a poisoning caused by a third party? No way? What does the other party mean by this? Do you want us to start a war with Long Tianhao immediately?"

Cao Shirong was astonished. If someone jumped out to provoke the relationship, who would it be?Was it the person who attacked and killed Long Tianhao, or the person who targeted him and Qin Feng?

After all, his and Long Tianhao's family backgrounds are both super families, and it must be of extraordinary origin to dare to provoke a third party from the two families at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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