Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 994 I Didn't Mishear 4 More

Chapter 994 I Didn't Misunderstand The Fourth Update
"Good news? What good news? Did something happen to Hu Wenchang?"

Wen Zhenyu on the other end of the phone asked immediately.

"No, Assistant Wen, I lost track of Young Master Chang, I..."

Du Tianzhan wanted to defend himself, but Wen Zhenyu interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"What did you say? Lost Hu Wenchang? What's going on with you? I've been admonishing and telling you to keep an eye on Hu Wenchang. Now you're telling me that you've lost me. Is this still good news?"

Wen Zhenyu on the other end was furious, but he hadn't hung up the phone yet.

"That's not the case, Assistant Wen. It's my fault for following Diu Changshao. It was because I went to the bathroom, and when I came out, I found that Changshao was no longer in the hall."

"But I found that Qin Feng and Young Master Rong were still standing in the front lobby of the hotel. They were chatting with a foreigner. When I walked over, I happened to hear Young Master Rong say that he was going to the Maosheng Square in the eastern suburbs."

"Now Qin Feng and Young Master Rong have left in the car, so I thought this should be good news."

Du Tianzhan explained anxiously, and his heart became even more nervous. After all, he didn't know whether Wen Zhenyu would listen to his explanation.

"Are you sure you heard right?"

Wen Zhenyu asked sharply.

"That's right! Although Young Master Rong didn't speak loudly, I heard clearly that he rejected the foreigner, saying that he wanted to go to the Maosheng Square in the eastern suburbs. However, I haven't checked the map yet, so I don't know if it is Not the eastern suburbs of Xinmao District."

Du Tianzhan replied tremblingly.

"You don't need to check this. See if you can find Hu Wenchang. If you find it, remember to give me a call."

Wen Zhenyu warned, then hung up the phone.

Du Tianzhan exhaled lightly, and then grinned.

He didn't hear Wen Zhenyu scolding him, and felt that Wen Zhenyu should not care about losing Hu Wenchang anymore, as long as he found Hu Wenchang now, it would be fine.

But he didn't notice that a figure was walking towards his sports car.

A man in a black suit jumped directly into the driver's seat of the sports car, making Du Tianzhan jump.

Du Tianzhan looked at the man in the black suit, and instantly frowned, "Brother, who are you? I don't seem to know you, do I?"

"You don't have to know me! But if you don't want to die, you must answer my question."

The man in the black suit said in a cold voice, but swung a dagger with his left hand and stabbed Du Tianzhan in the right waist.

Du Tianzhan's face changed in surprise, his throat tightened instantly, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "Brother, let's talk about something!"

"Don't talk nonsense with me. You answer my question truthfully. After you finish answering, you drive for me. When you arrive at the designated place, I will ask you to stop and consider sparing your life."

The man in the black suit said coldly, and waved to Du Tianzhan, signaling Du Tianzhan not to touch the phone.

"Yes, brother, I will listen to you."

Du Tianzhan immediately withdrew his hands and looked at the man in the black suit with an awkward smile.

The man in the black suit sneered, and with a wave of his left hand, he split a pendant on the sports car in half, "If you don't want to look like this pendant, then be honest with me, otherwise..."

"I listen to you. I know everything you want to know."

Du Tianzhan said tremblingly.

"Who did you call just now? What is your goal?"

The man in the black suit immediately started asking questions, and his dagger continued to stab Du Tianzhan's right waist.

After asking the question, the man in the black suit waved to Du Tianzhan, "Drive, take me to a place, and then I will spare your life."

"Brother, I've already told you what you want to know, you must not kill me!"

Du Tianzhan looked at the man in black suit in horror, and then slowly started the car.

On a lane, Qin Feng's motorcade was driving slowly.

In the back row of the black RV, Qin Feng was taking a nap with his eyes closed.

Cao Shirong couldn't sleep, he was scrolling through Moments on his mobile phone.

Bai Hu in the passenger seat answered a phone call, then turned to Qin Feng and said, "Sir, there are three cars following us, do we need to get rid of them?"

"No! If they mess around on the road, you can send two cars to stop them. If they don't mess around, then let them follow. We are going to invite you into the urn now."

Qin Feng closed his eyes and responded lightly.

"Yes, sir."

Bai Hu nodded in response, and immediately conveyed Qin Feng's order through the walkie-talkie.

"Brother Feng, there is no movement from sister-in-law, and Long Tianhao doesn't seem to come out to chase us. Could it be that Long Tianhao just sent someone out, and he won't come out by himself?"

Cao Shirong turned his head and asked, he received the news that Long Tianhao was still in Baojue Fashion Hotel, so he was a little confused.

"In his eyes, we are prey. Since he is a hunter, it is impossible not to appear. So don't be impatient, just wait."

Qin Feng replied in a deep voice.


Cao Shirong nodded, but his face was happy. If Long Tianhao really came over, then he would have to mock Long Tianhao.

Although the elites of the Long family were definitely following him, but with Qin Feng on his side, he was naturally not afraid of any elites of the Long family.

And tonight, he and Qin Feng set up a situation to deal with the elite of the Long family. If Qin Feng agreed, then he felt that it would be no problem to kill Long Tianhao tonight.

The phone rang suddenly, Cao Shirong glanced at the phone, and found that it was Ma Zizhuo calling, and he immediately connected the call.

"Young Master Rong, we have already taken care of it, and the person who tried to follow Chang Shao has also been taken down. What else do we need to do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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