This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 122 Volume 2 Taohe, the Golden Business Road

Chapter 122 Volume [-] Tao River, Golden Business Road

Outside the valley, when Li Chengqian led his people away on horseback, Pusiruo and Yi Yuanfeng stared blankly at the direction they left, a little stunned.

"He said he found a way to go to Datang from Riyue Mountain?" Pussiro asked in disbelief.

Yi Yuanfeng was also a little unsure, but he still said: "That's what it said..."

"real or fake?"

"Really." At this moment, Ihara Suk also came.

Yi Yuanfeng asked suspiciously: "You also know?"

Shaking his head, Ihara Suk repeated what they heard just now.

"If he really has such a heart, what's the point of me, Yi Yuanfeng, slashing for him immediately?" Yi Yuanfeng was quite emotional.

They are Xianbei people, and they have a name called Huren!

Even if their ancestors were close to the Han culture, changed their Chinese surnames, learned Chinese characters, spoke Chinese, and wore Han clothes, they were still aliens in the eyes of the Han dynasty!
Now, hearing a man from the Han family say such words, how can he not be moved!
"If Emperor Wen heard these words, he would probably die in peace!" Puxi Ruo also sighed with emotion.

Taking a deep breath, Ihara Suk said: "Okay, okay, let's get busy, look again, look again..."


At the same time, Li Chengqian was riding a horse and leading dozens of people towards the river that Liu San said.

Along the way, those Tuyuhun people couldn't believe it.

Is he going to take us to Datang?

"Woooooo..." Soon, Liu San, who was running at the front, stopped his horse and said, "Young master, it's just a hundred steps ahead, let's go over there? The horse's hooves can't stand up there. ..."

Needless to say, Li Chengqian could have guessed that this group of unscrupulous killers must have suffered from above, so he nodded immediately and said, "Get off the horse."

Before reaching the river, I saw a Tuyuhun man with a bow and arrow watching them vigilantly. Liu San, who was before the attack, immediately shouted: "Puluboqi, what are you doing! Open your eyes and see clearly, this is my son." !"

Puluboqi was also taken aback, immediately put down the bow and arrow in his hand, cupped his fists and said: "I don't know if it's the young master who came..."

He didn't say anything to apologize, just arched his hands in embarrassment.

Li Chengqian looked familiar, and asked: "It was you who saved Yi Yuanfeng and the others?"

Plubozzi nodded.

Looking at the horse tied behind Puluboqi, Li Chengqian immediately understood the purpose of his stay here, and at the same time, he also felt that Zhao Yan was really good at picking people.

If he had to choose, he would be the first to choose Plubuzi.

"They have all passed?" Li Chengqian looked at the river not far away. Indeed, there is no way to go here. There is really no better choice than walking in the river.

Pluboqi said: "Just after a stick of incense passed, the centurion asked me to watch the horse here."

In the tone of his speech, Plubzi was more or less displeased.

Thinking about it, too, letting a real warrior watch the horse would probably be a little displeased for anyone else.

Li Chengqian didn't care about his tone, Zhao Yan's arrangement naturally had his intentions.

Just as he was about to go to the river to try it, Liu San jumped up to him and said, "My lord, I'll come."

He was still worried about what might happen to Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian didn't refuse when he heard the words, watching Liu San step on the ice carefully.

He is not afraid of the ice cracking, but afraid of slipping...

They used to wrestle on it a lot before, no matter how good your skills are, this slippery ice surface can make you docile.

"Shichang is too timid, look at me." Behind, a man from the Yiyuanxi tribe saw Liu San's cautious appearance, and immediately taunted him, and ran down after speaking.

Seeing him running down, Plubo quickly stood in front of Li Chengqian, and said to the man, "This is not the same as the ice scum on the grassland!"

"What's the difference!" the man jumped into the river after saying that.

Seeing him jumping down, Liu San was startled, cursing, jumping up and down on the ice with both feet, his body was crooked to keep his balance, just to avoid this rough embryo!
Sure enough, as soon as the rough guy jumped down, his feet lost his footing, and he sat down on the ice, screaming strangely in pain...

This also caused everyone to laugh.

"It deserves it!" Liu San cursed with a smile while trying to maintain his balance, "Pluboqi has already said that this is different from the ice scum on the grassland, you stubborn ass must believe it!"

The only one who didn't smile was Li Chengqian. He looked at Pluboqi and asked worriedly, "How did Zhao Yan and the others get there?"

Obviously, none of these people had any experience walking on ice.

"The centurion and the others walked along the side, touching the rocks along the river." Pluboqi said, "Actually, as long as you pay attention, you can still walk."

Only then did Li Chengqian nod his head, squatted down and tapped the frozen river surface, and murmured, "The Tao River is actually frozen? It's still so thick..."

This made him a little surprised. The Tao River is mainly supplied by groundwater, so it stands to reason that it is not easy to freeze.

Of course, he can't control so much at the moment, and he is overjoyed at the moment. Since it is called Taohe River, Taoyuan can naturally be reached along Taohe River.

If this is in later generations, there will be many ways to solve it, but in these years, to be honest, there is really no better way.

Not just people, but horses too!
Li Chengqian would probably be pissed off if he saw such a golden business way not working.

"Boqi, does anyone in your tribe use straw to weave rope?" Suddenly, Li Chengqian remembered the method he used in his hometown when he was a child.

At that time, there were no non-slip shoes, and the elderly in the family still wore straw sandals. Although he did not wear them, in winter, the elderly in the family would tie their shoes with straw ropes.

"There are straw ropes." Pluboqi said, "There are not many ready-made ones. When they escaped, everyone was busy getting food and other things. Whoever has nothing to do is going to get straw ropes, but this is an easy job. Everyone in the clan Children in the next year will do it."

Li Chengqian nodded, looked behind him, and said, "Who will go back and get some straw rope? Hurry up."

"I'll go, I'll go." The guy who just fell to the ground yelled hastily.

Soon, the guy got up from the river, climbed carefully to the river bank, and then rode away with a whimper.

Everyone laughed again.

After he left, Li Chengqian walked to the river and rubbed his feet on the ice surface, not because he was afraid that the ice surface would not be firm, but because he didn't want to be ashamed like that guy just now.

I tried it, but it was really unstable, I guess I can only wait for that guy to come back with the straw rope.

"Did you come here on horseback?" Li Chengqian asked.

Hearing Li Chengqian's question, Liu San nodded in embarrassment.

"What was the situation at that time? Tell me."

Liu San said with some embarrassment: "Well, at that time, Boss Zhao was running in the front, and the horse's front hooves just landed on the ice, and then it flipped... It was a terrible fall, and it was worse than that guy howling just now. !"

"How did the centurion say you were the one who ran first?" Plubzi asked suspiciously.

Liu San immediately retorted: "You know what a fart! He is a centurion, of course he has to protect his face as a centurion in front of you!"

As soon as Li Chengqian heard it, he knew that this guy was using Zhao Yan as a shield. Zhao Yan's character was much more stable than him.

It's just that he didn't bother to expose him at the moment, but looked at Liu San curiously, and said, "Go get the horse here?"

"No, son, this horse really can't stand on the ice." Liu San said hastily.

"I'll let you lead the horse!"

Seeing that Li Chengqian was a little displeased, Liu San carefully led the horse over, and when he was about to ride on it, Li Chengqian said, "Who told you to ride the horse?"

As he said that, Li Chengqian untied his cloak, threw it directly on the ice, and said, "Step on my cloak and lead the horse up slowly, I want to see it."

"Don't, don't, don't." Hearing this, Liu San quickly untied his cloak, picked up Li Chengqian's cloak and said, "Use mine, use mine."

If Zhao Yan knew that his hooves were stepping on Li Chengqian's cloak, he probably wouldn't be as good as him.

Li Chengqian did not refuse, and watched Liu San stepping on the ice slowly and leading the horse forward.

In fact, the horse can still walk, but it is unstable and slippery.

Not far away, Li Chengqian asked Liu San to bring the horse back.

"Lift up the horseshoe, let me see."

Liu San, who had just put on the cloak, immediately raised the horse's front hooves upon hearing the words.

Looking at it, Li Chengqian always felt that something was missing, so he picked up a dead branch and pulled it on the horse's hoof, and finally remembered, there is no horseshoe!
Just when he was about to blurt out, he remembered that he couldn't remember when the horseshoe appeared, but he remembered that the horseshoe did have an anti-skid effect. It stands to reason that Liu San's situation should not have happened, which is why he The reason for the curiosity before. (The earliest history of horseshoes is difficult to judge, but it has been popularized in a large area, and it is generally believed to be the Yuan Dynasty. Professionals are merciful!)

"Okay, I know what to do now." After finding out the reason, Li Chengqian asked Liu San to put down the horse's hoof, and asked, "Boqi, is there a blacksmith in your tribe?"

Plubo shook his head, and Li Chengqian was about to ask those people behind him, but those guys also shook their heads in unison.

In a small tribe like theirs, there are not many blacksmiths.

This time, Li Chengqian was in a difficult situation again.

Not long after, the guy who ran back to get the straw rope finally arrived, and handed the straw rope to Li Chengqian out of breath.

After taking the straw rope, Li Chengqian shared some with the others and said, "Tie it on your own shoes and try."

After finishing speaking, he stepped on the ice and tried it out. Sure enough, it was much better than before.

The rest of the people also followed suit, and each of them was a bit incredible.

At this moment, Zhao Yan and the others also came back. Seeing Li Chengqian and the others, they couldn't believe it. They were walking on thin ice on the ice, but these guys were able to run towards them.

Although there are people who wrestle from time to time, they are much stronger than them.

When Zhao Yan walked up to Li Chengqian, he said with some guilt: "My lord, the road ahead needs to be explored again, mainly because it is too slippery."

As he spoke, he looked helplessly at Li Chengqian's feet.

Li Chengqian waved his hand, and said pretending to be proud: "There is no need to probe, I know, let's go, go back, get ready, I will take you back to Taoyuan."

Just kidding, if Taohe cannot lead to Taoyuan, what else is it called Taohe?
(End of this chapter)

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