This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 132 Volume 2 Butcher Lou Ning

Chapter 132 Volume [-] Butcher Lou Ning
Under Yi Yuanfeng's support, everyone returned to Riyue Mountain again.

When Pusiruo and Yi Yuanxi saw Li Chengqian coming back with a long motorcade, they were quite surprised.

They were not really surprised that Li Chengqian would come back. It was within their expectations that they could bring so many supplies back. The only thing that exceeded their expectations was that Li Chengqian brought back many people.

"My lord, is this trip not going well?" Seeing the injured clansmen on the grain cart, Ihara Seok asked.

Li Chengqian nodded and said: "The front is going well, but something went wrong before I left, maybe I violated someone's interests, and I don't want me to take these things away.

I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of your clansmen, and let some warriors stay on the land of Datang forever. "

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, whether it was Pusiruo or Ibara Seok, they all sighed deeply, and after a long time, they said, "It's okay, they are the best warriors, and our tribe will always remember them."

Since the conflict with Murong Shun, they have died too many people.

"Sorry, this time I have to bring all the people in my village. As you can see, most of them are women and children. If we don't protect them and leave them alone in Datang, I'm worried about their safety." Li Chengqian said very sincerely.

At this moment, everyone also saw that, indeed, women and children were the most among these people, which reassured them a lot.

Li Chengqian, who has a family business here, is actually more worthy of their trust, which is why Li Chengqian brought these people here.

"It doesn't matter." Ihara Seki smiled, "I'll ask someone to set up tents for them."

There are a lot of tents. At the beginning, Yiyuan Peak suffered heavy casualties. Many of the tents in their tribe are now idle. Let alone a few hundred people, even a few more people can be accommodated.

Li Chengqian nodded and said: "This time, I brought back some teachers. At that time, all children under the age of 12 from Riyue Mountain will go to school, and children over 12 will also go to school in their spare time." Go to school."

After speaking, Li Chengqian looked at those children and said, "The hope of Riyue Mountain lies in them, and they are our future."

When he said this, Li Chengqian didn't think about it at all, and he was just a kid in his teens.

When Yi Yuanfeng and the others heard this, they were taken aback.

They have no objection to this. Although they are reckless themselves, they do not resist the children of their own tribe to go to school, especially Li Chengqian did not exclude their children of other races, which made them have a good impression of Li Chengqian. Immediately increased.

"Also, these women I brought back are not useless." Li Chengqian said, took off his gloves, and said, "These things are made by them. After they are arranged, you will let the tribe The woman learns from them and strives to make everyone in Riyue Mountain have these gloves and cloaks as soon as possible, which will also help us resist this cold winter."

"Can you really get a pair of your gloves?" Pussiro asked a little excitedly.

He fell in love with this thing early on, and let the women in his tribe try to make it, but the difference between what they made and Li Chengqian's was too big.

That's why I didn't take it out to embarrass myself.

"This should be no problem." Li Chengqian said, "Not only them, but I also brought a carpenter and a blacksmith. You can choose some people to learn from them. In the future, we want to develop steadily, and these people are indispensable. .”

"That's fine, I'll arrange it right away." Speaking of this, Ihara Suk no longer hesitated.

If they want to settle down in Riyue Mountain, they have to do a lot of things.

Soon, the entire Riyue Mountain became busy again, and Li Chengqian led Changle to his tent.

He has a lot to do, Riyue Mountain has been regarded as his base camp by him, so he can't let him relax.

As soon as he got back to his tent, Li Qinjian walked in and said, "Master, are all the people in Zhuangzi here?"

He didn't expect that Li Chengqian would bring everyone from Zhuangzi.

Li Chengqian nodded and said, "Well, it is necessary and far from enough to make them trust us completely."

As a later generation, he has seen a lot of things of ignorance and ignorance, so he doesn't believe in those illusory so-called love.

For him, it must be interests that can connect people closely.

Li Qinjian also nodded. He is a businessman, and like Li Chengqian, he believes that interests are greater than friendship.

"Shopkeeper Li, you are responsible for arranging everyone, but remember one thing." Li Chengqian ordered, "Don't favor one person over another, fairness comes first."

In fact, speaking of fairness in this day and age is no different from nonsense.

Not to mention now, even in later generations, when will there be real fairness?

But now he must make this clear. There is absolutely no absolute fairness. Li Chengqian's food and clothing costs are definitely better than others', but the fairness of ordinary people, especially the fairness between the Han people and the Tuyuhun people, is not fair. It must be strictly enforced.

"I understand." After Li Qinjian finished speaking, he went out to continue working.

At the same time, the three chiefs secretly called together all the clansmen who followed Li Chengqian to Taoyuan this time.

The purpose is to understand the whole process in detail, especially the reasons for their casualties.

After all, there is a limit to the trust in Li Chengqian.

What they trust most is their own people.

After they learned the truth from Pluboqi and others, everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that Mr. Li really wants to do something." After hearing this, Yi Yuanfeng said with emotion.

Pusiro shook his head and said, "I'm sure I want to do something, but what exactly do I want to do? Who knows?"

He has known Li Chengqian for the longest time. From the first contact to the present, generally speaking, Li Chengqian is helping them. Even though the reasons for helping them every time are justified, it always makes him feel that Li Chengqian has other deep meanings.

Everyone and everything must have a purpose, but Li Chengqian is still not sure what the purpose is.

It stands to reason that since Li Chengqian found a way to retreat safely to Datang temporarily, why would he have any reason to stay in Riyue Mountain to take risks?Wouldn't it be good to take his people back to Datang?
Moreover, he has already gone back, but he still wants to come back, why is this?
"Okay." Yi Yuanfeng said, "Who doesn't have a little thought of his own, you Puxiruo doesn't have a little thought of his own? Besides, don't tell me you can't see what this Mr. Li wants? "

Hearing what he said, Puxiruo smiled awkwardly, well, few of them are fools after all.

What Li Chengqian wanted, how could they not feel it.

Not to mention anything else, as far as the series of things Li Chengqian did, even a fool would feel a little bit about it.

They never said some things, but it doesn't mean they really don't understand anything, especially this time, the supplies Li Chengqian brought back were all provided by the Tang Frontier Army.

Even if it was a trade between war horses and the frontier army, you must know that the war horses have not been delivered to the Datang frontier army. If Li Chengqian did not have a strong background in the Datang frontier army, how many people would be able to buy from the Datang frontier army first? take something?

In the beginning, the reason why Li Chengqian did this was to deter them.

Let me tell you clearly, I have Datang's frontier army behind me, so take it easy.

In this move, Li Chengqian played it stealthily.

"That's it." Ihara Suk said, "At least they don't see us as aliens for the time being. If we really get to that point, let's go. After all, it's not all for the reproduction of the tribe."

Yi Yuanxi was a little bit downcast.

For Li Chengqian's return, he felt very strange, a little happy and a little disappointed.

The joy is that they have made a lot of profits, and the loss is that Li Chengqian really has a big plan.

As for the crisis Li Chengqian encountered in Datang, this is understandable.

At the same time, Chishuiyuan was caught in a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Lou Ning was really rude. After gathering everyone, he started killing in Chishuiyuan.

Whether to surrender or not, it is too late now, as long as the tribe that Lou Ning targets, it will be the end of the tribe's death.

He is too aware of his current situation, and if Chishuiyuan is not turned upside down, his situation will only be worse.

Ma Ye, who was leading people to collect information at Chishuiyuan, was also stunned.

"Is this Lou Ning really crazy?" Riding on the horse, Ma Ye once again led people into a small tribe. Unfortunately, the tribe was full of dead bodies at this time, and there was no one alive.

"This beast will be punished sooner or later," said a member of the Yi clan beside him.

Ma Ye smiled and said, "Retribution? There is really retribution in this world, where would such a thing happen? Search carefully to see if there are any survivors."

As a soldier, Ma Ye never believed in retribution.

In his words, if there is a saying of retribution, he should be the first to suffer retribution.

How many people has he killed in all these years in the army?

Could it be that everyone he killed deserved what he deserved?
Everyone said nothing, and searched carefully in the tribe.

This tribe was actually not that big, just a little bigger than Pusiruo's tribe at the time, but they didn't survive for a few minutes under the surprise attack by Lou Ning's cavalry of nearly a thousand men.

"It's long, there are no survivors, they are all dead." After a while, someone said, "Lou Ning, a lunatic, never thought of taking prisoners. I checked, and many of them have traces of the last knife."

"What is he trying to do?" Ma Ye couldn't figure it out.

You said that Murong Shun wanted to integrate the large and small tribes of Chishuiyuan, he could understand, but if you slaughtered one tribe after another, even if you finally managed to integrate some of them, it would be useless, because everyone let you kill them all .

Then integrate a fart?

Now, what do those tribes in Chishuiyuan call Lou Ning?
Butcher Lou Ning!

After tossing and tossing for so long, is it just for the name of a butcher?

"Is he trying to intimidate other people?" Someone offered his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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