Chapter 136 Volume Two

When Ma Ye and others were quietly lurking near the battlefield, they were stunned by what they saw.

Really stunned.

When they came, He Lu's men had just joined the battle.

Originally, Ma Ye thought that what these hundreds of people said would create some pressure on Lou Ning, but in fact, as soon as these hundreds of people went up, they were beaten and disabled by Lou Ning.

That was really crippled.

The combat power of the two sides is not in the same order of magnitude at all.

It feels like bullying a group of children to Ma Ye.

Even though they had 800 people, Lou Ning allocated half of them to deal with them, and they all gained the upper hand.

However, their arrival has relieved a lot of pressure on Shusun Changpu and others, otherwise the Shusun Department would have been wiped out long ago.

"At this time, Uncle Sun Changpu should take the people away." A member of the Pu clan said.

Ma Ye shook his head: "It's hard, Lou Ning would rather fight more with less than give them a chance to escape. If those guys put more pressure on Lou Ning, there is hope. Right now, the chance is too slim. "

In fact, this is indeed the case. Uncle Sun Changpu is already dripping with blood. When he saw He Lu bringing people here, he didn't think about taking the opportunity to run away, but He's one is too useless, seven 800 People were crushed and beaten by less than 500 people. If they really dared to run, Lou Ning would definitely chase them down.

However, the tribes in Chishuiyuan may be like this now. They haven't fought a war for many years, and everyone's combat effectiveness has long been greatly reduced.

This is why in the original history, in the ninth year of Zhenguan, Li Er could destroy his country in the first battle.

Although the world is safe, if you forget the battle, you will be in danger. There is nothing wrong with this saying.

This fight lasted for one day, even though everyone was exhausted, no one flinched.

What puzzled Lou Ning the most was that the He clan had been beaten into such an unethical behavior, yet they never retreated a single step.

Of course, the two of them were actually very restrained, and they were not as brutal as the uncle and grandson's killing.

At the same time, Riyue Mountain.

Li Chengqian also learned what happened to his uncle and grandson.

The children of those uncles and grandchildren have all arrived at Riyue Mountain safely.

Li Chengqian, who had been busy all day, had to find Yi Yuanxi and the others again for this.

In fact, even if Li Chengqian didn't send someone to call them, they would still come over. After all, among the scouts who came back, there were people from all three of their tribes. By now, everyone knew the situation.

"Lou Ning is too ruthless. In just a few days, more than a dozen tribes ceased to exist. He is simply a butcher!" Upon entering Li Chengqian's tent, Yi Yuanxi said with a look of fear.

If Li Chengqian hadn't brought people to the rescue in time, they might have become lonely ghosts on the Chishui source.

"What do you all mean? You want to rescue the uncle and grandson?" Li Chengqian looked at them with some surprise.

It stands to reason that these guys are not so noble.

"It's not impossible to really go to the rescue." Pusiruo said, "I heard from people who came back that the people on Chishuiyuan are panicking now. If we take people to rescue at this time, we will pull up a team to resist Lou Ning. I think I can still attract a lot of people."

In fact, they didn't really want to rescue the uncles and grandchildren. The main reason was to check and balance Li Chengqian. After all, Li Chengqian was behind Datang.

However, Li Chengqian shook his head and said: "Now there are only us in Riyue Mountain. In a short period of time, we can hide our whereabouts, but once more people are admitted, who can guarantee that no one here secretly defected? Murong Shun and Lou Ning? Once our hiding place is exposed, with our current strength, you have only one way to go."

Li Chengqian didn't say this road clearly, but all the people sitting here are smart people, who can understand?
"But it's better than sitting and waiting to die like this?" Ihara Suk said.

Li Chengqian said: "That's not it. What we can do now is to build high walls and accumulate food widely. If you believe me, please rest assured that when it really comes to a last resort, I will lead everyone to a way out."

"What is the last resort?" Yi Yuanfeng asked.

In fact, he didn't care, as his tribe was the weakest in the entire Riyue Mountain, and he also promised to work for Li Chengqian in the future. Strictly speaking, he is now Li Chengqian's man.

"When something cannot be done, it is a last resort." Li Chengqian said, "At that time, I will show you a clear way."

Yi Yuanxi asked, "I don't know what the young master wants to do?"

"What do you want to do? It's just a joke if you say it now." Li Chengqian said, "Look at it again. Now, what we have to do is to strengthen our own strength."

Seeing that Li Chengqian refused to let go, everyone did not persuade him any more.In the end, if they really wanted to bring someone to fight Lou Ning right now, they also felt that it was unreliable.

How many people are there, how many are they?

"By the way, who are the tribes that took refuge in King Daning, do you know?" Li Chengqian asked.

Speaking of this, Yi Yuanfeng said: "If you don't understand this, you will know it after a little inquiry."

Nodding his head, Li Chengqian said: "Alright then, our next target will be on these tribes, firstly, to be able to plunder food, and secondly, to maintain our combat effectiveness.

An army far from the battlefield, no matter how elite it looks, is nothing but a paper tiger.

Besides, we lack a large amount of labor right now. If possible, we can take some prisoners, and it would be good to get them back to help us build the city wall.

Moreover, it can weaken King Daning's strength and disrupt Lou Ning's plan.

This is what we should do. "

Everyone has no objection to Li Chengqian's idea.

In fact, they are indeed short of people. Now, even the warriors of their various tribes have invested in the wave of construction. It would be nice if there were more captives to work.

Besides, they are all Murong Shun's lackeys, they really have nothing to do with it.

After several people left, Li Chengqian called Zhao Yan in.

He actually couldn't understand Lou Ning's approach of almost massacring the city.

Murong Shun's purpose was to integrate the tribes in Chishuiyuan, but what Lou Ning did was two different things.

If all of this was done, Murong Shun would be a fart.

Zhao Yan also frowned, and said, "I really don't understand it, but there must be something happening here that we don't know about."

"I also understand that something must have happened that we don't know, but we don't know exactly what happened. After all, our intelligence system is too laggy, so we rely on Ma Ye and others to find out some news in Chishuiyuan. It’s really better than nothing.” Li Chengqian is also very helpless, he really can’t allocate too many people to do this now.

As a later generation, it is impossible for him not to know the importance of intelligence, but so what, knowing that he cannot build a complete intelligence system in a short time.

At this moment, Li Qinjian walked in, and seeing Li Chengqian's distressed face, he asked a few words.

After learning the reason, Li Qinjian said with a smile: "Young Master is a fan of the authorities. If you want to listen to the news, why do you have to rely on scouts?"

"Huh?" Li Chengqian was puzzled at first, but when he thought of Li Qinjian's identity, he became clear, and said immediately, "Nowadays, how can we have extra people to form a caravan."

How could he not know that a caravan can also achieve such a goal, but he has only so many people under his command now, a caravan that can walk in Chishuiyuan, at least dozens of people, really want to form such a caravan The caravan, the strength under his hands will be greatly damaged again.

He doesn't want to do the matter of Gu Tou ignoring his back.

In the final analysis, we still have to endure, at least for this period of time.

"Let's not talk about that, are the children from the uncles and grandchildren who just arrived today settled?" Li Chengqian no longer worried about this problem, and first solved the problem in front of him.

Li Qinjian said: "Everything has been settled. The older ones will follow Zhao Yan and others. The younger ones will all be placed in the school and go to school with other children."

It is said to be a school, but it is actually just a few larger tents. In the morning, Yi Yuanxi took care of this matter.

"However, the problem of heating has not been solved. Although the young master brought back a lot of firewood this time, I looked at it. It may not be easy to survive this winter."

Speaking of this, Li Chengqian waved his hand and said: "You don't need to worry about this, I will take care of it tomorrow, did you ask Yi Yuanfeng and the others to fix it?"

"It's all done, and it's all done according to the master's drawings, and they can all be moved in two days." Li Qinjian said.

Li Chengqian said: "This is only an emergency solution. If we really want to solve the problem for a long time, we still have to build a house. Let's do this first, get through this winter, and then take it slowly.

You have worked hard these past few days, go to rest early, you will be busy tomorrow. "

"The young man should also rest earlier."

After Li Qinjian left, Li Chengqian said to Zhao Yan: "Tomorrow, you arrange for someone to send Niu Jinda the war horse that should be given to him. Send some smart people there, and ask Niu Jinda, by the way, who attacked and killed us earlier. Who is the dead man?"

Although they caught a living person before, Liu San tried all means along the way, but failed to get any useful news from him.

Although these guys are not strong enough, the means of training them behind the scenes are not bad.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he was killed by Liu San before reaching Riyue Mountain.

But for Li Chengqian, he didn't intend to expose this matter, and sent a dead man. No matter who this person is, he and he are already immortal.

"By the way, I still have a few blueprints here. You can give them to Zhang Erniu and let him make them according to the blueprints." After speaking, Li Chengqian handed a few more blueprints to Zhao Yan.

The paintings above are all tables, chairs and benches. He is really fed up with sitting on the floor. Now Zhang Erniu has nothing to do, so it is better to find something for him to do.

As for the uncle and grandson department, hehe, don't say that he is not strong now, even if he is strong, he will not save him.

These people are immortal, how could those children from the Uncle and Sun Department have a blood feud with those from Lou Ning?How did he take these people for his own use?

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, he will not save Shusunbu.

(End of this chapter)

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