Chapter 151 Volume [-] is on the verge of breaking out

Liu San's words startled the two of them.

Lou Ning is here?

The current Riyue Mountain doesn't have the strength to compete recklessly with Lou Ning.

"How many people did you bring?" Li Chengqian asked, if there were too many, he would have to consider taking everyone back to Datang first.

This is impossible, he can't bet on it.

Today's Riyue Mountain doesn't even have a decent fortification, waiting for Lou Ning to come and slaughter it?

"More than 100 people are at the former site of Qiu Lin's department at this moment." Liu San said.

"Qiu Linbu?" Li Chengqian asked, "Didn't you come to Riyue Mountain?"

"No." Liu San shook his head.

Li Chengqian was so angry that he wished he could stand up and kick him: "Can you stop being so angry when you speak! Can you explain the matter clearly in one breath!"

There is a big difference between Lou Ning going to Qiulinbu and going to Riyue Mountain!

However, Li Chengqian was also a little puzzled, why did Lou Ning come to Qiu Lin's department suddenly?

It stands to reason that it has been so long since the matter of Qiu Lin's department, and it's not like no one has been here before, why did Lou Ning come in person?
"You inform Zhao Yan and the others, and ask them to watch it in person. Remember, don't expose it." At this point, Li Chengqian suddenly thought of something, and rushed out of his tent. He shouted loudly, "Hurry up and put out the fire, Lou Ning's people are outside the mountain, everyone is not allowed to use fire today."

With so many torches in the valley, the smoke produced by the burning is still not small. Even though Qiu Lin's department is far away, there is no guarantee that Lou Ning will not send scout horses to patrol around.

If they discovered this, Riyue Mountain would be in danger.

When everyone heard this, they hurriedly put out the fire with various methods.

Some people even covered the torch with clothes to prevent the smoke from escaping.

For a moment, the valley seemed somewhat flustered.

Li Chengqian watched this scene, but didn't say anything.

All of this is actually the result he wants to see. Only when everyone has the same fear can a better cohesion be formed.

After they finished tossing, Li Chengqian said: "Don't be nervous, even if Lou Ning really brings people here, as long as we work together, victory will eventually belong to us.

Our days are going to be tough today, but all this is for a brighter tomorrow. "

Recently, he has been thinking about how to use the charm of language to convince these people, but the effect has been minimal. After all, he is not a professional and has no talent in this area.

However, in this era, for the time being, it is enough.

Having said that, today is a really difficult day. In this weather, without a fire to keep warm, it is really fatal.

After explaining here, Li Chengqian asked in a low voice: "Can I get in touch with Fang Ping?"

Upon hearing this, Liu San immediately said: "Yes, Ma Ye has always been in contact with him, and now people on the grassland call them Yin soldiers, which really caused a lot of trouble for Murong Shun and the others."

"Hurry up and inform Fang Ping and the others, just say that Lou Ning brought more than 100 people to the old site of Qiu Linbu, don't say anything else." Li Chengqian immediately ordered.

After all, Qiu Linbu was still too close to Riyue Mountain, so he had to find a way to solve this problem.

In fact, it's not that he never thought of sending Yi Yuanfeng to surround and kill these guys, but Yi Yuanfeng only has three hundred people under his command, if Lou Ning came to fish, then their losses would be heavy.

That being the case, it is better to let those Yin soldiers try the depth.

As far as they are concerned, when they heard that there were only more than 100 people in Lou Ning, they rushed forward like crazy.

At the same time, Qiu Linbu.

Lou Ning looked at Qiu Bowen beside him, shook his head and said, "It's already happened, so I'm sorry."

"If it wasn't for you, how would such a thing happen!" Qiu Bowen was furious.

Although he is not from Qiu Linbu, but his wife is!

Moreover, when the massacre in the Qiu Lin Department happened, his wife returned to the Qiu Lin Department with several children. This incident directly killed him and left him alone, which made him, who was usually gentle and refined, reach the edge of madness .

Now, there are rumors all over the grassland that the people Lou Ning slaughtered have turned into dark soldiers and are taking revenge on them. Can he not point the finger at Lou Ning?

Lou Ning was also quite helpless, if Murong Shun hadn't asked him to escort Qiu Bowen, he wouldn't have wanted to get involved in this nonsense, reasoning with a dead wife and child would not work at all.

However, when Qiu Bowen accused him so convincingly, he was still a little angry, and immediately said dissatisfiedly: "Think about it, how many people are there in the Qiulin Department, and how many people are needed to kill them? What kind of conspiracy?" Bing, who has seen them so far? Those who have seen them are all dead, even if those tribes slipped through the net, but together they are not capable of killing Qiu Lin's tribe!"

If it was the past, Lou Ning would not talk to Qiu Bowen like this, but recently, people have killed a lot, and the hostility has become more and more serious.

Qiu Bowen was just angry, but he didn't lose his mind. How could he not know this truth, but he was always a little angry when he thought of the tragic death of his wife and children.

"Qiu Lin's tribe was slaughtered, nothing less than three results.

[-]. Dayan Mang Jiebo made a move. It is said that he has arrived in the grassland, but he has never shown his face. Maybe he is planning something in the dark.

When I dealt with the uncles and grandchildren before, the He family actually got involved. I suspect that the He family had defected to Dayanmang Jiebo long ago.

Second, someone united those tribes who were unwilling to surrender to King Daning. In this way, it is not surprising to deal with a Qiu Lin tribe.

Three, that person made a move. "

During this period of time, Lou Ning was really not idle, and carefully analyzed what happened on the grassland recently.

From the time when the He clan came to rescue the uncles and grandsons by mistake, until the Qiu Lin clan was slaughtered by mysterious people, then the Yin soldiers were like ghosts on the grassland, slaughtering their people with impunity.

All these seem to be unrelated, but vaguely, he always feels that something is wrong.

Qiu Bowen said angrily: "No matter who kills my wife and children, I will not avenge this revenge, and I swear I will not be a human being!"

"By the way, all the children of the uncles and grandchildren are missing." Lou Ning said, "After that battle ended, I had someone check it out carefully. No trace of those children was found on the battlefield or in their tribe. It is suspected that someone is secretly helping them."

For this matter, he did not spend much thought, after all, the Shusun tribe was the first tribe that Li Chengqian came into contact with when he entered Tuyuhun.

He suspected that Li Chengqian did it.

He Lu was also looking for these children.

He was more regretful than Lou Ning, mainly because he sent people to follow him back then, but in the end, all the people who went there died.

If I had known earlier, I would have sent more people.

Qiu Bowen closed his eyes slightly, let out a breath, and started ordering people to arrange sacrifices.

He wants to pay homage to his wife and children.

There is no way, now that it is snowing heavily, the corpses can't be found, so that's the only way.

And this vast snow not only covered up the corpse, but also drowned all the traces left by the previous battle.

When Qiu Bowen paid homage to his wife and children, Wan Tupu was rushing here with his people desperately.

Lou Ning, more than 100 people, from Qiu Lin's department.

These three pieces of information alone are worth their hard work.

For them, this is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If such an opportunity is missed, they don't know if they will be able to meet it in the future.So, when they got the news, everyone went crazy.

Without even thinking about it, he ran straight towards Qiu Linbu.

Today, there are more people than before. Firstly, they have taken in some homeless and unlucky people. Secondly, some of the guys who were less injured in the battle of Qiu Linbu before recuperated in Riyue Mountain. back again.

So, this is the only time when they are evenly matched with Lou Ning, are they willing to let go of such an opportunity?

"Brother Fang Ping, you can go back to Riyue Mountain later, I will trouble you during this time." Wan Tupu said when he was about to reach the place.

Today's battle must be endless, and he didn't want to drag Fang Ping into the water. During this period of time, Fang Ping was really interesting to them.

"Okay, all my brothers, what are you talking about." He knew the seriousness of the matter from the letter sent by Ma Ye.

This is not only an opportunity for Wan Tengpu and the others, but also a crisis for Riyue Mountain.

For whatever reason, he couldn't leave.

Wan Tengpu didn't say any more, they actually knew everything, including why the news was passed on to them.

But they came anyway.

It's not that there is no choice, but for them, there is no need to choose.

Revenge is the only driving force behind their survival.

"Lou Ning is not far away, today, let's fight to the death!" Wan Tengpu shouted angrily.

Lately, he seems to have become the leader of these people.

"Fight to the end!" More than a hundred people shouted angrily in unison.

Who among these guys didn't bear a few blood debts?
Who doesn't want to kill their enemies with their hands.

Without too much exaggeration, Wan Tupu led the crowd and rushed towards Lou Ning.

Today, there are equal numbers of people, and this is their opportunity.

When Lou Ning heard a group of cavalry with hundreds of people galloping towards them, his expression was wonderful.

Although the people he led today were not many, they were all the most brave group of people recently.

"Have you figured out who it is?" Lou Ning asked.

The lieutenant general shook his head and said, "I don't know for now, but it is very likely that they are those legendary Yin soldiers."

"Yin Soldier?" Lou Ning said disdainfully, "I thought I would meet that person, but I didn't expect there to be a Yin Soldier?

The notice goes on, everyone is ready to leave these guys here today no matter what. "

He didn't move, since he came to the door, he didn't mind teaching these guys some lessons.

Just when the war was about to break out, in Riyue Mountain, Li Chengqian was frowning.

He really didn't understand Lou Ning's move.

He doesn't know how hated he is on the grassland now?Dare to hang out on the grassland with a hundred people, are you really not afraid of being missed?

"Did Ma Ye say where Lou Ning's other subordinates are?" Li Chengqian was really hard to understand.

Liu San nodded and said, "They were all watching, because of the recent heavy snow, Lou Ning actually didn't come out very often. I don't know why, but he suddenly brought people out today."

No, although Lou Ning is reckless, he is not stupid.

Now that it is snowing heavily, it's okay for a few people to lurk on the grassland. With more than a hundred people wandering on the grassland, aren't they being targeted?
Even guys like Wan Tengpu know to hide first, so there's no reason Lou Ning doesn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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