This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 177 Volume 2 The Army Departs!

Chapter 177: Volume [-] Army Departs!
When Ma Ye saw King Ning's army suddenly returning to the city, he was taken aback.

Murong Shun!
At this moment, he never expected that Murong Shun was playing tricks.

If it wasn't for him, how could King Ning's army come here as soon as the city was broken.

Besides, there are thousands of defenders in Chishui City, not to mention the fully armed defenders, even if more than 1000 cattle and sheep block the gate of the city, it is not so easy to break the city!
Looking at the city again, the flames are soaring into the sky, which shows that those refugees have burned, killed and looted to the extreme!
The defenders all eat dry food?

Thinking of this, Ma Ye was startled. If they hadn't retreated then, they would have become Murong Shun's souls now.

I have to say that Murong Shun is really ruthless.

Choosing the most direct and brutal way solved the biggest problem in front of him in one fell swoop.

The refugees can't be killed, but can't the refugees who have broken the city be killed?

Shocked, Ma Ye immediately arranged for someone to send the news back to Riyue Mountain.

Your Highness's plan has failed!
Murong Shun is more cunning and ruthless than they imagined.

This night, Chishui City is a picture of purgatory on earth, killing and being killed are often only in an instant.

When Li Chengqian got the news the next day, he was also shocked.

He never thought that Murong Shun would be so ruthless!

Drain the refugees into the city, let them burn, kill and loot, and then massacre them!

I have to say that this is definitely a once-and-for-all solution, but this method is too insidious.

At that moment, Li Chengqian called Yi Yuanxi and the others to his tent.

Time to bang and bang these guys.

Such a vicious Murong Shun put a lot of pressure on him.

To be honest, for a long time, Li Chengqian actually looked down on Murong Shun.

After all, this guy is a famous unlucky ghost in history, even more unlucky than his original body.

This also made him despise this person.

But after this time, Li Chengqian found that the few strokes in the history books were really not enough for him to fully understand anyone.

Murong Shun definitely has the basic conditions to become a hero.

Soon, except for Yiyuan Peak, several people from the head of Riyue Mountain arrived.

And Cheng Chuliang, who just came to look for Li Chengqian, also happened to come.

This time, Li Chengqian didn't rule him out. It just so happened that they needed to know what kind of enemies they were facing.

"Okay, everyone is here, let me briefly introduce the current situation to you." Li Chengqian said, and introduced to everyone what happened in Chishui City in detail.

Before Li Chengqian finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

How can it be so?

Drain the refugees into the city and slaughter them?

Guys like Zhao Yan and Cheng Chuliang all looked unbelievable, but Yi Yuanxi and the others didn't feel anything except the shock at the beginning.

"This is King Daning." Pusiruo said even more, "He will always look like a hypocrite, but he is more ruthless than anyone else!"

Apart from being shocked, they all looked familiar.

Even in the past, they didn't know what anger and grievances King Daning had done, but it didn't affect their opinion of this man in the slightest.

To be honest, the reason is very simple. After all, they are rebelling against King Daning now. The more unbearable King Daning is, the more confident they are to resist.To put it bluntly, everyone kept looking for another reason to oppose him.

"Don't talk about that." Li Chengqian said, "Just now you also learned about the situation, who do you think those people who sneaked into the refugee team could be?

These people cannot be the people of King Daning, you also understand. "

Yi Yuanxi nodded and said, "Indeed, those people cannot be the people of King Daning, but besides us, there is only one person who wants to deal with King Daning on the grassland now."

"Who?" Li Chengqian actually guessed who it was.

Not only him, but even Ma Ye, who was belatedly aware of it, had guessed it.

"Dayanmang Jiebo." Yi Yuanxi sighed, and said, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Tuyuhun."

"When did these princes and grandsons treat us as human beings?" On the side, Pussiro also sighed, "Don't he know that this will put these people in a desperate situation? He knew, but he still did it, as long as If he can shake Murong Shun's foundation, he will control the lives of us people?
In the end, we are nothing but a tool for them to fight for power..."

Li Chengqian deliberately asked them to guess for themselves, just to see their attitude.

After all, Dayan Mangjiebo was their prince in righteousness, and he was also worried that these guys would have other thoughts in their hearts after knowing Dayan Mangjiebo's appearance.

At this moment, it is actually for them to recognize the true colors of these people.

Apparently, the trick worked.

"From now on, our life may be difficult." Li Chengqian said, "Murong Shun's perverse behavior has also shown us his ruthless side. When dealing with us, he may not be merciful.

With the addition of Dayan Mangjiebo who is watching from the side, the road ahead will definitely be difficult.

Are you ready? "

Li Chengqian asked in a low voice.

He had to confirm the attitude of these people again and again.

Don't want to fight together at that time, let alone Murong Shun, Dayan Mangjiebo sent two people, these guys will surrender, then he will be really embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, we know what to do." Yi Yuanxi didn't know what Li Chengqian meant, and said immediately, "Now we are all courtiers of the Ming Dynasty, and we must serve His Highness the Ming Dynasty."

He can't say a few nice words, so that's all he can do.

Pusiro on the side also hastily echoed.

In fact, they have no choice.

Murong Shun and the others had already formed a death feud. As for Dayan Mang's knot, hehe, because of Murong Shun, they didn't dare to believe it.

Coupled with the fact that Datang has already shown signs of mobilizing troops against Tuyuhun, it is better to surrender to Li Chengqian, who is backed by Datang, at least Li Chengqian and the others can be trusted.

From the beginning to now, they have seen Li Chengqian's actions, at least he is more reliable than Murong Shun.

Li Chengqian smiled and said, "It's not for me, but for the royal court of Ming Dynasty, and for yourselves."

"Yes, for the Ming court, I will fight to the death without regret."

Li Chengqian looked at Yi Yuanxi and asked, "How long will it take for the city wall to be completed?"

"It will take five days at the earliest." Ihara Suk sighed.

"Okay, let's go to work, the big battle is coming." Li Chengqian nodded and said, "We have already done what should be done and what should not be done. Next, it is time to test us."

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, the two of them left his tent immediately.

The big war is indeed coming, everyone can feel it.

And as soon as they left, Zhao Yan and others also left, leaving only Cheng Chuliang in the tent.

Looking at Cheng Chuliang, Li Chengqian said: "You heard it too. Next, there will be a vicious battle in Riyue Mountain, which is not easy to fight. After all, our strength is still not enough. Even if I tried my best, the time given to me is too long. not enough.

Even if I were given another year, I wouldn't be afraid of this battle, but now, it's hard to say.

Go back and ask them, if you want to go back, I will send someone to send you back now. "

"Your Highness is right." Cheng Chuliang was not happy when he heard it, and said, "I am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Besides, it's okay if I don't know. I know Your Highness is in danger and I want to leave. I'm really going back. Don't say whether the higher-ups will blame us, even the family won't make it easy for us!"

In fact, he wasn't worried. After all, he was born in the general family, so he more or less felt that a newborn calf was not afraid of tigers.

Li Chengqian smiled and said: "War is never as simple as you think, how about it, you have suffered a lot from Shusun Yu and Yao Da these days, right?

If you can't even deal with them, how can you go into battle and kill the enemy?
You know, even Yao Da and the others are not qualified to play. "

Speaking of this, Cheng Chuliang touched his head in embarrassment.

Indeed, they have suffered a lot from those guys recently, even though they all come from generals, they naturally have no shortage of martial arts.

But those guys are not practicing martial arts at all, but killing people!
The direction is different, the result is naturally different.

"Okay, go back and ask other people's opinions, can you be your own master, can you also be other people's master?" Li Chengqian waved his hand after finishing speaking.

Cheng Chuliang thought about it, yes, and left immediately.

These people are of little use now.

In the final analysis, they were just a group of middle-aged and middle-aged men. What Li Chengqian really liked was actually the soldiers they brought.

Good guy, as far as these guys' personal soldiers add up to less than 200 people, in Liu San's words, they are all defenders of a hundred battles.

If they organize temporarily, it will be a help at that time.

After all, today's Riyue Mountain is full of fights and calculations, and there are only more than a thousand elite riders.

At the same time, Lou Ning was also shocked.

He also received news from Chishui City, but he didn't expect King Daning to be so crazy.

At this moment, he looked at the grassland where the ice and snow were gradually melting, and said with a blank smile: "Everyone says that I, Lou Ning, is a butcher, but who knows that he is more worthy of this title than me as King Daning!"

After speaking, he sighed, feeling a little lost.

Even if he is a butcher, he can't do the deed of attracting refugees to slaughter the city!

For his own people, he really can't do anything, especially those ordinary people.

"I can't wait any longer. I'm sure there is no follower for Riyue Mountain." Lou Ning asked after he was relieved.

The lieutenant general said: "It's confirmed. In the past few days, our scouts have found many suspicious-looking people, and they are all heading to the same place."

"Notice, gather the army, and move out! I want to flatten Riyue Mountain!" Lou Ning said immediately.

The deputy general was a little puzzled, and said: "His Royal Highness just asked us to drive away the remnants of Riyue Mountain on the grassland, but didn't let us level up Riyue Mountain. If we do this, will it..."

"Haven't you seen it?" Lou Ning waved his hand and said, "Our Highness has used all means to achieve his goal. This time, the massacre in Chishui City was nothing more than a dispute between him and Dayan Mangjiebo. Just a fight.

As far as he is concerned, the biggest threat to him now is not the one from Datang, but Dayan Mangjiebo.

I'm afraid, I'm afraid that he will choose to join forces with the one from Datang in order to deal with Dayan Mangjiebo!

At that time, our entire Lou family will be his abandoned son.

But don't you forget, we have been robbing and killing that one all along?

At that time, as abandoned children, will we still have a way out? "

It has to be said that Lou Ning's concerns are correct.

Murong Shun can really do such a thing.

Moreover, in the original history, Murong Shun did indeed do such a thing.

It was the ninth year of Zhenguan, and Murong Shun killed the Prime Minister of the country, King Tianzhu, in order to vote for the Tang Dynasty.

Could it be that Lou Ning is more famous than Tianzhu King?
"Your Highness will really do this?" The lieutenant general was a little puzzled.

Lou Ning didn't answer him, just pointed to the direction of Chishui City, and said, "Do you know how many people died in Chishui City last night? How many people are his King Daning's fans? At least those who live in Chishui City Most of the common people support him, King Daning! Now, what will happen to them?
Don't think about it, pass the order!
Now we can only have a slight chance of survival if we completely confront King Daning and the one from Datang. "

Lou Ning was still awake.

If you want to survive, you must fight for yourself!

Counting on others, hehe, these days, it's really unreliable to anyone!

When the deputy general heard the words, he stopped talking. Indeed, Lou Ning's analysis made sense.

King Daning didn't even care about the people in Chishui City, would he care about them?
If King Daning really wanted to join forces with Li Chengqian to deal with Dayan Mangjiebo, they would really be in trouble.

At that time, King Daning only needs to say one thing, the robbery and killing of Li Chengqian is a great feat of the Lou family, and he made his own decision, presumably for the immediate benefit, Li Chengqian will admit it.

For those who do big things, how many people care about face?
After he went down to make arrangements, he hurried back and said, "General, if His Royal Highness King Daning asks, what should we say?"

"Let's just say that we have found the heel of Riyue Mountain. These guys will establish themselves as kings. My Lou family is willing to be the vanguard of His Royal Highness, and we will put an end to those who are not ministers." Lou Ning had already thought about the speech.

This time, he will definitely cut off all possible direct connections between King Daning and Li Chengqian.

Since I chose it at the beginning, I will go all the way to the dark!
It's upsetting to watch.

Soon, the grassland moved again, and countless cavalry moved towards Lou Ning's headquarters.

Lou Ning's big movement naturally couldn't be concealed from Ma Ye, who was collecting information on the grassland, and immediately sent someone to quickly pass the news back to Riyue Mountain.

Ever since they learned that the old man from Platts Division [-] had fallen into the hands of Lou Ning, everyone knew that Riyue Mountain had been exposed.

Whether it was the actions of Puluboqi and others before, or the refugees organized by the horse industry, their purpose was to hold Lou Ning and Murong Shun back.

It's just that no one expected that Murong Shun would be so vicious. Without saying a word, he directly slaughtered all the refugees and solved the problem once and for all.

This made Li Chengqian's various plans broken.

And since then, knowing that Riyue Mountain has been exposed, although the entrance and exit are also covered, it is not like detours from the Tang Dynasty in the past.

In addition, the intelligence is urgent, so everyone can't care so much.

How did they know that this fucking is still a trick...

(End of this chapter)

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