Chapter 180 Volume [-] Burning Man
In the end, it was Yi Yuanlin who led the people there.

In fact, those soldiers don't understand, they only think that these people are loyal to Li Chengqian, but they are not. Although Li Chengqian has had a great influence on them during this time, and they are willing to trust him, but if you want them to fight to the death for Li Chengqian without hesitation, and unrealistic.

Of course, there may never be an answer to this question.

When anyone is willing to fight to the death, there is always a reason.

Yi Yuanlin and the others also have it, and the reason is simple and rude.

Because behind them is their family, that's all.

Don't say that these people were unfaithful to Li Chengqian, it's just a few months, if you really want to say that they are so loyal that they would rather die than fight, that would be nonsense.

Under the night, Yi Yuanlin led more than ten people, each of them looked determined.

If there is moonlight shining on their faces at this moment, they will definitely see that they all look at death as if they are at home.

Yi Yuanfeng is indeed not a qualified general, but in some respects, he also has his own cleverness.

For example, the death squad composed of more than ten people like Yi Yuanlin.

Everyone has close relatives in Riyue Mountain, like the unlucky one who dies and the whole family is left with only one bachelor, he is not selected.

Only those people with fetters in their hearts are the most suitable candidates.

"When there are [-] steps away from their camp, everyone crawls over for me and is not allowed to raise their heads." Yi Yuanlin whispered to everyone.

Everyone didn't speak, but nodded silently.

Soon, they arrived at a place where there were only five hundred steps, and they all hunched over and lay down.

Although the ice and snow on the grasslands gradually began to melt, there was still a thick layer of snow on Riyue Mountain.

In order for their operation to be successful this time, Yi Yuanfeng specially found more than a dozen white cloaks for them, so that they could better hide their whereabouts.

Just like that, a dozen or so people each carried two wine jars and struggled to climb towards the enemy's camp step by step.

The freezing temperature can't match their fanatical hearts for victory.

This battle is not for victory, but for more time for Riyue Mountain.

And when they were almost crawling forward, Yi Yuanfeng also moved!

He led more than 400 people from the camp to invade the nest. As long as Yi Yuanlin succeeded, he would take advantage of the situation and rush in to maximize the results of the battle!

Even if Lou Lin was killed, Yi Yuanfeng, who had only a few hundred people, dared to take the initiative to attack!
In his opinion, Yi Yuanfeng should be trembling behind his fortifications right now, sending people to urge Li Chengqian to send people to help.

In the team, those personal soldiers were all surprised.

More than 400 people!Even if they dared to attack Lou Ning's army of two thousand people, they didn't know what to say.

If the so-called resentment army is such a group of lunatics, even if the number is small, it is scary to think about it!
But in the front, Yi Yuanlin didn't know about the people behind him.

He was leading the people to climb the ice and lie on the snow at the moment, and from a distance, he could still hear the discussions of the people in the camp.

This made everyone's hearts rise to their throats.

Everyone has the courage of the moment, but when things come to an end, it is only natural to be nervous.

There's nothing to say about this, it's just human nature.

"Listen to me, you can be nervous, you can even be afraid, but when it comes to the critical moment later, give me more courage.

Don't forget, behind us is our family!

If you die in battle, there will be a monument waiting for you in Yongshan!But if we become deserters, our family will never be able to raise our heads in Riyue Mountain! "

Ihara Rin's voice was small, but enough for everyone to hear clearly.

Everyone tensed up when they heard the words.

Indeed, after Yongshan was killed in battle, that was their destination, but if they were to become deserters, that day would be over.

Thinking in this way, everyone strengthened their beliefs again, and began to crawl towards the goal slowly and carefully.

When they were getting closer to the camp, Ihara Suki stopped and said, "Wait a little longer, we will act after they are asleep."

He wanted to act sooner, and the original plan was sooner rather than later.

After all, the longer they stay under the nose of the enemy, the greater the risk of their exposure.

But at this moment, these guys are so active that they actually started a fire in the camp. God knows what they are doing?

If they rushed out now, they probably would have been shot into a hornet's nest without doing anything.

Plans never catch up with changes.

No matter how perfect your plan is!
And while they were waiting for the opportunity, Yi Yuanfeng was dying of anxiety!
The longer they stay out in large groups, the more dangerous they become.

But Yi Yuanlin and the others didn't know about all of this, so the wait lasted for more than an hour.

It's freezing and snowy, and you can't light a fire to keep warm. You can imagine the torture.

When most people in the camp began to fall asleep, Yi Yuanlin and the others finally started to move.

It's just because they have been lying in the ice and snow for too long, their hands and feet are frozen, and their movements seem a little slow.

Of course, this is them, and ordinary people may not be able to get up right now.

Fortunately, hard work always pays off. Although they have been in the ice and snow for more than an hour, fortunately, they entered the camp with ease.

This may be the best result.

Between gain and loss, who can tell clearly?
After they poured the alcohol in the wine jars on each tent, they were ready for the next step, but just as they were about to find the fire, a voice suddenly came from behind them!


This sound startled everyone, and they knew immediately that they had been exposed. They had already expected this, and without any hesitation, they directly rushed to kill that person.

But when the others were killing them, Yi Yuanlin was holding a wine jar full of alcohol, and ran over to the fire where they had barbecued and kept warm.

Because they have no fire!

No matter how you say this thing is flammable, Li Chengqian explained it on purpose.

Yi Yuanfeng only carried out this explanation more thoroughly.

He was really afraid that these guys would burn themselves before they reached other people's camps.

In order to ensure the greatest possible success of this mission, he deliberately did not allow anyone to bring fire.

The main purpose is to ignite the fire, which is really too simple.

In any camp on this day, countless fires will be lit at night, which is inevitable.

Right now, Yi Yuanlin was running towards the fire with the wine jar in his arms.

As for killing the enemy, it was not his purpose at this time at all!
"Night attack!" The guy who found them reacted before the two sides got in touch, and immediately yelled.

This sound directly awakened the originally quiet camp, and those who were patrolling in the camp immediately shouted and rushed towards this side at the same time.

But Yi Yuanlin didn't care about it, and went straight to the fire.

Even if they were patrolling at night, there were more people than them. Suddenly, a fierce battle inevitably broke out.

"Ten Commander, you charge, we will cover you." While speaking, everyone took off their crossbows from their waists.

The range of this thing is not far, but ten shots in a row at close range is still very lethal.

Hearing this, Yi Yuanlin didn't think about it, and still rushed towards the fire.

But there were too many enemies patrolling in the camp, and just as Yi Yuanlin was about to rush over, another group of patrolling soldiers came to kill him.

Yi Yuanlin dashed left and right, but was still stabbed twice.

But he still didn't resist, and rushed towards the fire ball firmly.

Seeing that he was less than ten steps away from the fire ball, Yiyuan Lin waved his arm and smashed the wine jar in his hand.

Just for a moment, there was a bang, and the flames were overwhelming!

The wine jar that just touched the fire exploded!
Sparks splattered.

I don't know if they were lucky, but the splashing sparks actually ignited a tent they had poured alcohol on before, and in just a moment, the tent was ignited.

Immediately, Yi Yuanlin endured the injury and took the crossbow from his waist to fight back.

At the same time, he was still moving towards the fireball. Even though a deep wound had been drawn on his face by the burst wine jug, the burning pain did not make him flinch, on the contrary, he became more energetic!
"Kill! For Riyue Mountain, kill!" Following Yi Yuanlin's roar, only a dozen or so people were shouting crazily.

And this thunderous explosion woke up the entire camp.

But what does this have to do with Yi Yuanlin and others?
They were all fighting crazily. When Yi Yuanlin succeeded, everyone rushed towards the place where there was fire.

They know that today they are absolutely impossible to escape!

More than a dozen people rushed to the camp, even though they were all experienced in many battles, they would definitely die in this battle.

In just a moment, the most tragic battle has already begun.

It's a pity that even though each of them was frantically fighting towards the fire, there were too many enemies, even if the enemies didn't know their intentions, they still forced them to death.

It's also because they are doing this kind of thing for the first time. They have no experience. Alcohol is a good thing, but this good thing needs an introduction.

Seeing that everyone was surrounded, Yi Yuanlin felt a little desperate and unwilling. He was not afraid of death, but this mission failed right now.

At this moment, one of them suddenly shouted angrily: "I will fight with you!"

Saying this, that guy ran towards the nearest place with Mars regardless of his care.

Just when everyone was at a loss, they saw that the guy was on fire all over his body!

This guy poured alcohol on himself before!

"Come on, come on! Ah..." In just an instant, he was swallowed by Zhu Rong.

This scene stunned everyone!

"Centurion, I can be considered a warrior! Ah, ah..." Even at this moment, the man still suppressed the severe burns and roared, "I can be considered a warrior! There is a place for me in Yongshan! "

"Yes!" Yi Yuanlin's eyes were red, and he roared, "On Mount Yong, there should be a monument to you!"

The rest of the people also said with red eyes: "Yes!"

"Ah, haha... ah..." The guy swallowed by Zhu Rong wanted to laugh, but the intense burning made him unable to laugh.

Relying on the remaining willpower, he ran towards the tent where everyone had poured alcohol on.

And this scene stunned everyone in the camp!

Is this a madman or a monster?

They had never seen a spontaneous combustion person, and for a while, everyone was a little terrified and uneasy.

People are like this, they have an inexplicable fear of the unknown!

"Brothers, kill, don't let him die in vain!" Yi Yuanlin was afraid that they would intercept him, so he simply led the crowd to cover him.

He is dead, and no one can save him.

But his death should be more meaningful. At this moment, all they can do is to help him accomplish what he wants to do as much as possible!
In fact, there was no need for them to use any cover at all.

The people in the camp were dumbfounded at the moment, no one had time to talk to them.

They were already stunned by the scene in front of them.

When the guy wrapped by Zhu Rong would cause a raging fire wherever he went, they were completely shocked!

They can't explain it all!
And when they encounter everything that cannot be explained, they are flustered and frightened.

"He is Zhu Rong, he is Zhu Rong!" Some people even shouted in disbelief.

If he wasn't Zhu Rong, why would he bring fire wherever he went?
And as more and more tents were set ablaze, more soldiers hurried out of the tents.

When they saw the guy wrapped in the fire, everyone was too frightened to speak.

Ignorance makes them start to fear uncontrollably when they see all the incredible things.

And at this moment, Yi Yuanfeng finally arrived with his people.

When that thunder-like sound exploded, they knew that Yi Yuanlin and the others had finally made a move, and immediately rushed over without stopping.

Even they were shocked when they saw that humanoid Zhu Rong.

But after thinking about it, it became clear, and with a sigh, Yi Yuanfeng shouted angrily: "Let the arrow!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dense rain of arrows flew towards the camp.

If the rain of arrows in the past was like a dark cloud, then today's rain of arrows is like a fireball dragging its tail.

Because all the shots today are rockets!

After a burst of rockets, everyone put on the Liannu and rushed directly towards the camp. The Liannu is better for short distances.

"Attack the camp!" Another loud shout!
This time there was too much movement, and soon, everyone who had just fallen asleep got up again.

In fact, it’s useless if you don’t get up. Even if Yi Yuanlin and the others hadn’t poured alcohol on the tent at this moment, it was still ignited by the rocket.

The war broke out in just a moment.

Fortunately, Lou Ning has been constantly reorganizing the army during this time. Like during the war, the whole army sleeps in their clothes. Otherwise, just waiting for them to get dressed, Yi Yuanfeng can lead people to dig through the camp.

Seeing that the reinforcements had arrived, Yi Yuanlin immediately shouted, "Kill!"

With reinforcements, they have confidence.

To be honest, it is already a rare miracle that they survived.

If that guy hadn't created a fireman and made these people dumbfounded, they wouldn't have achieved such a result at all.

The greatest possibility is that they all die here.

However, even so, when Lou Ning's people started to fight back formally, they still suffered heavy casualties.

After all, they are too few in number to be able to bear it at all.

Even if Yi Yuanfeng had already brought people to help, they still couldn't resist!

(End of this chapter)

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