This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 185 Volume 2 Are Doing Everything 1

Chapter 185 Volume [-] is doing everything (sorry for the power outage today)
This rain of fire from Zhao Yan directly cut off Lou Ning's men and horses.

And Yi Yuanfeng, who happened to see this scene, suddenly burst out laughing.

Others don't know what's going on, doesn't he know?
It can only be said that the people around His Highness are better at playing than them!
"Warriors, Your Highness has sent people to help, so please give me credit! Don't let the brothers who came to support us see the joke." Yi Yuanfeng immediately shouted, "Full bow, shoot in volley!"

Although Lou Ning's team did create a lot of psychological pressure on them, he was not unprepared.

What's more, there are reinforcements on the sidelines right now, which immediately boosted morale.

However, Lou Ning's prestige in the army did not come out of flickering. Those guys who rushed to the front, despite the rain of arrows, still did not stop at all.

As long as there are enough people and dare to take their lives, even if Yiyuan Peak's arrows rain continuously, the threat to them is actually limited.

Soon, after dropping the corpses one by one, they pushed forward a lot abruptly.

And just when they drew their bows and arrows, and felt that they could fight back if they took a few dozen more steps, the horses of the few people in the front suddenly fell down. Disappeared in place.

At this scene, everyone hurriedly tightened the reins and prepared to stop the horse.

For a moment, there was only the neighing of war horses on the battlefield.

The people in front wanted to stop, but the people behind couldn't stop at all. Even though they were trying their best to control the horses under their crotches, they still inevitably bumped into them.

rear end!
As a result of the rear-end collision, the first few people disappeared from the spot again.

And where they disappeared, suddenly snowflakes flew.

"What's going on?" Lou Ning asked in the middle of the team, with an urgent tone.

The army raided, you stopped halfway, what do you mean?
Soon, someone from the front reported: "General, there is a deep pit ahead, about ten feet deep."

This is Yi Yuanfeng's backhand. Since he was stationed here, he did nothing but led the people to dig a lot of such holes in front of the position, in order to prevent Lou Ning's cavalry from charging into the formation.

Not to mention, although this method is simple, it is more practical!
No matter how fierce your cavalry is, can you still fly over?
Seeing this scene, Yi Yuanfeng was very satisfied, and immediately called everyone to draw their bows and shoot arrows.

Now that you have stopped, then he is a living target, don't blame me for not being polite to you!

Facing Lou Ning, Yi Yuanfeng would not have any soft-hearted thoughts, if he could, he would wish to kill him with one arrow!
On the other side, Zhao Yan was also surprised when he saw this scene.

Yi Yuanfeng's tossing and tossing during this time was not in vain!
"Others obey orders! Greet them with the crossbow! Just right, I want to see what Lou Ning can do!" Zhao Yan smiled, if he could kill Lou Ning by the way, he would definitely be happy!After all, this guy wanted to take action against Li Chengqian several times, and this revenge should have been avenged long ago.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yan looked at those guys who were still holding the wine jar with their bows and arrows in their hands, and said, "You guys have watched these people behind me to death. If they still dare to charge, continue to rain fire on them!"

It was a surprise to be able to cut off Lou Ning's troops with this thing.

Everyone laughed when they heard it.

I didn't expect the alcohol to have this effect, so someone looked down at the moment.

It's just that as soon as he poked his head out, an arrow flew past his scalp.

This made him so angry that he wished to rain fire on them again, but seeing that there were really not many people below, he held back.

After all, there is not much alcohol, so you have to save it.

Zhao Yan didn't care about them, but looked at Lou Ning, seeing that everyone's crossbows were ready, he waved his hand.

In an instant, arrows denser than Yi Yuanfeng and the others flew towards Lou Ning's rear army like raindrops.

The advantage of the continuous crossbow is that it has a fast rate of fire, but the range is not enough.

When Lou Ning was thinking about how to charge, he was taken aback when he heard the sound of swishing behind him.

"Be careful behind your back!" shouted, and he bowed hastily.

Others followed suit, and only a very small number of unlucky ones were shot by countless arrows and fell off their horses unwillingly.

Lou Ning, who had escaped the catastrophe, turned his head abruptly, and saw countless heads protruding from the top of the mountain on one side. Just as he was about to organize a counterattack, those guys lowered their heads and disappeared instantly.

This made Lou Ning very angry.

Since galloping on the grassland recently, he has never been so aggrieved!

Immediately shouted: "Qiu Hao, rush over with someone, damn it, can you do it or not!"

Qiu Hao was also helpless, how the hell did he rush?

As soon as you charge, there will be a shower of fire from above. The key is that this thing is like a tarsus maggot, even if it falls on a knife, it will not be extinguished.

In addition, it was the first time for everyone to encounter such a thing, and they were quite frightened.

After pondering for a while, Qiu Hao thought of a stupid idea, and immediately said: "Go to General Lou one by one, they must not have many things, if we really want to burn more than a thousand of us, let's see how many of them there are."

His voice was so loud that Zhao Yan above heard it too.

I was taken aback immediately.

Not to mention, this method is really good, if you want to pass one by one, Zhao Yan is really reluctant to do it.

Soon, No.1 walked carefully from below.

"Centurion, what's the matter? Using a pot of alcohol to deal with such a guy feels like a loss." Someone asked immediately.

Indeed, they still feel a little heartbroken to use a jar of alcohol to deal with one person.

After all, they did not have much alcohol.

Zhao Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Let them pass! I'd like to see how long it will take him to pass all of his more than 1000 people!"

He had just finished speaking, when Qiu Hao saw that the person passed by just now, he was overjoyed, and said, "Two two, go together!"

On the mountain, Zhao Yan and the others still did not respond.

Can't respond.

And as they remained indifferent, Qiu Hao became more and more courageous, and gradually developed from three people to six people at a time.

But he found that six people was already his limit, and he didn't dare to try any more.

The main reason is that the road is not very wide, and six people can still walk side by side. If there is one more person, even if they are staggered, they will probably be crowded together.

Qiu Hao was overjoyed when he saw this. Although this method is simple, it is practical!

However, even the past of six people and six people will take a lot of time.

"Just let them pass like this?" Those people holding the wine jar with bows and arrows were suddenly a little frustrated.

At first, they felt that they had restrained people like Qiu Hao, but they solved their fire and rain formation with an extremely simple method.

This made everyone somewhat embarrassed.

However, Zhao Yan didn't care, and said with a smile: "Just let them pass, I want to see where they will settle after they pass!"

This is indeed a problem, the terrain ahead is so big, Lou Ning and the others are still stuck there!
Even if it is to let all the people behind go, so what?

They don't even have a place to stand!
When everyone heard what Zhao Yan said, they also laughed, and laughed very easily. After this passed, wouldn't they still be their living targets?
Who knows, at this moment, Lou Ning shouted loudly: "Fill the hole, fill the hole with those dead bodies and horses! Today, no matter how much we pay, we will break their battle!"

As Lou Ning's voice fell, everyone was stunned, not to mention Zhao Yan and others in the high place, even their own faces were surprised.

"Why are you all standing still? Hurry up and fill the hole! Do you want to die here?" His words seemed to wake everyone up instantly.

The subordinates also reacted immediately.

"The front army shoots on their backs, and the Chinese army will point their bows at those rats who dare not show their heads on the mountain! The rear army fills in the hole! I want to see! Who will win the battle today!"

Lou Ning went crazy, and everyone was shocked for a while.

They just remembered that this guy is also a lunatic.

And more completely crazy.

Since the cavalry can't move for the time being, then he will shoot at Yi Yuanfeng, and everyone will be injured, it just depends on who can bear it.

For a moment, the rain of arrows in the sky was like a joke, you come and go.

This extremely untechnical confrontation lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, and people on both sides fell down from time to time, which made Yi Yuanfeng and the others uncomfortable.

Damn it, Lou Ning is going to trade his life for his life.

Who can fight this?
The point is, there are so many of them!
Even if they trade their lives for their lives, they can't win them!
On the top of the mountain, Zhao Yan also frowned, this is not good, if this continues, Yiyuan Peak and the others will not be able to bear it.

Especially when these guys from behind also passed by, Lou Ning's huge number of people could indeed kill Yi Yuanfeng.

"Push all the stones down!" Zhao Yan gritted his teeth and said.

He wanted to use falling rocks to completely divide Lou Ning's team into two.

But after he finished speaking, someone immediately said: "If we do this, we will have no cover, and we will really become their living targets, and we will have nowhere to retreat!"

"Retreat?" Zhao Yan glanced at the guy who spoke, and said, "We have no way to retreat. At this point, who has a way to retreat? Hurry up, don't dawdle, if Yi Yuanfeng and the others die, we will There is no way out at all.”

Hearing what he said, everyone stopped talking.

Indeed, if Yi Yuanfeng and the others were gone, this poor place would become a desperate place.

As long as Lou Ning blocked their way up, they would have nothing to do.

Everywhere has his strengths and weaknesses, there is no way around that.

Not long after, everyone began to push down the stones in front of them.

For a moment, the rocks rolled, and the people who had just passed by were smashed to pieces.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Hao also hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

If he is not afraid of death, he is not afraid of death, but he will never send someone to die.

This movement was also heard by Lou Ning, who immediately shouted: "Chinese army, shoot in salvo! A group of rats dare to show their heads!"

In an instant, a rain of arrows came towards Zhao Yan and the others, and everyone hurriedly lay down on the ground to avoid them.

But what everyone didn't expect was that although the dense rain of arrows flew over their heads, it didn't achieve the effect that Lou Ning wanted at all. They only heard the sound of countless metals hitting rocks, and they followed suit. Reluctantly fell down.

This made everyone happy.

Only then did they realize that even if there was no cover in their position, as long as they didn't poke their heads out, Lou Ning's bow and arrows wouldn't hit them.

Zhao Yan laughed even more, and said: "This is God helping me! Regardless of them, hurry up and push all the stones down, cutting off their escape route."

In just a moment of effort, the crowd pushed countless stones down from above.

In an instant, it seemed that the whole mountain had collapsed, and the falling rocks were rolling.

Soon, a small hill piled up with stones appeared in the middle of Lou Ning's army, which completely cut Lou Ning's army into two sections.

Seeing this scene, Lou Ning was not in a hurry at all, and immediately shouted: "Warriors, now we have no way out! If we don't kill them all, we will all be trapped and die here, rush!" "

In a short time, the hole was almost filled.

When the battle is over, the fight is about who is braver, who is more fierce, and who is less afraid of death!

But for Lou Ning and others, this is a desperate situation!

There is no way out, and the only way out is for them to make a desperate breakthrough.

"Come on!" Immediately, someone yelled violently and galloped away.

Soon, countless people rushed out.

They knew that if they wanted to survive, they had to kill all the enemies to have a slight chance.

Even against the rain of arrows, no one flinched.

There is no way out.

Zhao Yan also didn't expect that it was precisely because he cut off the retreat of Lou Ning and the others and completely enraged them.

The trapped beast is talking about them!

In desperation, they broke out with an even stronger fighting spirit!

Even though on the way towards Yiyuan Peak and the others, people kept falling off their horses and stepping into the trap that Yiyuan Peak had prepared in advance, but no one retreated.

There is no way out.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yan immediately ordered: "You guys stay here, they will definitely find a way to clear these stones, as long as the team dares to come forward to support them, they will greet them with alcohol jars, and I will take people to support Yi Yuanfeng .”

Seeing that Lou Ning and the others rushed forward recklessly, and they were no longer within the range of their crossbows, Zhao Yan immediately led people to prepare to go down the mountain.

Yi Yuanfeng's position cannot be lost!
Soon, everyone rushed towards Yiyuan Peak, the distance was only two hundred steps, no one stopped them, and it didn't take much time.

At this moment, Yi Yuanfeng also had a solemn expression on his face, he knew that the time to desperately came.

All the previous actions were actually just to eliminate the morale of Lou Ning and others, and to narrow the gap in the number of the two sides to the greatest extent. However, it is impossible to completely rely on the volley of bows and arrows to resolve the battle under the premise of close combat between the two armies. of.

In the end, it must be the hand-to-hand combat between the two sides that will resolve the battle.

They can only win this battle if they are frightened and frightened by killing them in close combat!
"Warriors!" Yi Yuanfeng said loudly, "It's time for us to fight for our lives, are you afraid?"

"Fight with them!" Someone said immediately.

This battle has reached this point, and they are already satisfied.

Yi Yuanfeng smiled and said: "Yes, we will fight with them! Behind us is Riyue Mountain, our clansmen, our wives and children, and our king!
Today, even if you are afraid, you have to fight with them!I, Riyue Mountain, and Daming Royal Court, are the last ray of light on this grassland. Today, let us fight to the death here together!
Let those people see!

On the grassland, even if he covers the sky with one hand, Lou Ning!

Even though Murong Shun is so powerful!

so what? "

In the last sentence, Yi Yuanfeng almost shouted, "Because we never surrendered to them! Never!
Warriors on the prairie have always been men who pee standing up!We couldn't learn the way of bowing our knees before, we haven't learned it now, and we won't learn it in the future!
Today, let them see what a real warrior on the grassland looks like!
Even if they are numerous and powerful, warriors, get on your horse and let them see what a real warrior is like! "

In an instant, everyone got on their horses together!
Even though they knew that this was very likely to be the last time they stepped on a horse in this life, none of them hesitated.

Even Fang Yiai's soldiers got on their horses together, and no one said anything for a long time, they all looked at the charging cavalry with resolute faces.

"How can such a scene be missed?" At this moment, Zhao Yan led his people over, cupped his hands and said, "General, the last general is begging for orders. In this battle, the last general is willing to be the vanguard!"

"Zhao Baifu is still as brave as ever!" Yi Yuanfeng laughed, "But in this battle, we are all vanguards. If we don't kill these enemies who want to touch our Riyue Mountain, we will not retreat!"

"Swear to the death!"

"Swear to the death!"

"Swear to the death!"

Everyone shouted in unison!

Back, there is no way back!
Even the soldiers who Fang Yi loved them had no choice but to retreat.

Everyone has someone to protect in Riyue Mountain, this retreat, Riyue Mountain is in danger!

"Kill!" Following Yi Yuanfeng's order, everyone rushed out.

But except for Zhao Yan and others, everyone raised their crossbows, and when the two sides were less than a hundred paces away, the dense and rapid rain of arrows rushed towards the enemy again.

After shooting ten arrows in a row, everyone replaced the sabers around their waists.

But in a short while, the two armies with murderous intent fought together.

"Louis Ning, I will kill you today!" Yi Yuanfeng roared and rushed towards Lou Ning.

For Lou Ning, one can imagine his hatred.

It was this guy who led people to slaughter their tribe.

Seeing Yi Yuanfeng, Lou Ning sneered, and said disdainfully: "A mere defeated general, how dare you speak nonsense? Die!"

With that said, Lou Ning also rushed towards Yiyuan Peak.

If I really want to say, although Yi Yuanfeng is not a qualified general, his personal bravery is not bad, and if he fights against Lou Ning, he can fight you back and forth.

Judging from their fight, the battle between them cannot be resolved in a short time.

And on this battlefield, whoever kills the fastest and most ruthlessly.

You have to count the soldiers brought by Fang Yiai and the others.

These guys are old soldiers in Datang. Although they don't look very brave, their killing skills are beyond the reach of many people.

Especially in terms of cooperation, it is more than one level higher than the others. Even Zhao Yan and the others are no match for this group of veterans.

Of course, others are also brave.

All of a sudden, everyone was fighting to a fever pitch.

 I'm sorry, there is a power outage today, and I won't call until ten o'clock...

(End of this chapter)

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