This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 189 Volume 2 Fang Lao 2 is an official

Chapter 189

Li Er is in a good mood!

Even if he knew that Li Chengqian had seen through his tricks, he was still in a good mood.

The tiger father is most afraid of giving birth to dogs.

But today, he was relieved.

For him, Li Chengqian's ambition is a good thing!
Not to mention that he is now a king, even if he is an emperor, he is happy.

Only in this way, can someone inherit and continue the prosperous Tang Dynasty he created.

Once Li Er was in a good mood, the people in the palace immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the emperor is in a good mood, the emperor will not care too much if everyone makes a small mistake.

Usually at such times, everyone would report some trivial matters to Li Er.

Li Er is also very face-saving, as long as it's not a big deal, he will expose it with a wave of his hand.

But today, hearing that His Majesty is in a good mood, the East Palace also reacted.

Since Li Chengqian left, life in the East Palace has been difficult.

Especially these eunuchs and court ladies.

Fortunately, Li Chengqian taught them how to make wine, otherwise these guys would have been overwhelmed.

Today's East Palace is called the East Palace, rather than a workshop.

A workshop dedicated to brewing wine.

Life is not bitter, but it is definitely not easy.

That is today, hearing that His Majesty is in a good mood, the eunuchs and maids of the East Palace had an idea.

Just when they were thinking about how to meet the emperor.

Li Er is here!

Many things are just like this, and there is no coincidence without a book.

Li Er thought of Li Chengqian, so he came to the East Palace to have a look.

Seeing Li Er, the former old eunuch directly knelt on the ground, pouted his buttocks, snotted his nose and cried, telling how he missed His Majesty...

Hearing this, Li Er felt emotional for a while.

Of course he knew this old eunuch, he also served him in the past, that is, after the crown prince was established, he was arranged in the East Palace.

"It's been hard for you these years." Li Er patted him on the shoulder and said, "I haven't been to the East Palace for a long time. Take me to the wine making workshop."

Since Li Chengqian left, he almost never set foot in the East Palace.

Today came the interest.

The old eunuch got up immediately and led the way.

"Has something not going well recently?" Li Er asked.

These words are actually polite, sensible people know how to reply.

But the old eunuch didn't care about that, Li Er didn't know when he would come again, if he didn't seize this opportunity, he might not have another chance in the future.

"Your Majesty doesn't know that the Eastern Palace is like a wine brewing workshop. The eunuchs and maids are constantly working, and they have to work for more than nine hours a day."

When Li Er heard this, he was startled and said, "Why did it take so long?"

"It's not because of the production." The old eunuch said, "The imperial hospital comes to take away a lot of alcohol every day, and every military camp also needs it. That's it, and it can't be fully rationed."

Li Er nodded, he knew this, it was his order.

"Then why don't you send more people?"

Speaking of this, the old eunuch wanted to cry: "I said it too, but the manager said that alcohol matters, so I dare not send more people without authorization..."

He didn't say anything else.

When Li Chengqian was there before, the East Palace was powerful, and they offended many people.

Now that Li Chengqian is gone, the position of the East Palace is a bit awkward. The people who were bullied by them in the past have now found a chance, so naturally they want to take revenge.

Whether it's civil and military officials, ordinary people, even eunuchs like them, isn't it one interest group after another?

Either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind prevails over the east wind.

As soon as Li Er heard it, he understood.

Even if he knew about this kind of thing, he wouldn't pursue it.

It is a good thing for him, the emperor, that everyone is fighting each other openly and secretly.

I am not afraid of you fighting openly and secretly, but I am afraid of you colluding.

"Okay, I'll call some people over when I'm done." Li Er said, "But until the alcohol technology is fully mature, it will be temporarily placed in the East Palace."

When the old eunuch heard this, he was immediately happy.

This is the result he wants.

"By the way, how did the crown prince find this way?" Li Er asked again.

In fact, he already knew the answer.

The old eunuch is also a good person, so he understood it as soon as he heard it, and said immediately: "At first, His Highness found it in an ancient book. After finding this method, His Highness shut himself in the study for several days, and finally figured out this one. His Highness said , What is called improvement.”

He couldn't get rid of Li Chengqian's label for the rest of his life, so he immediately boasted about Li Chengqian.

Li Er nodded and didn't say any more, followed the old eunuch to visit the wine making workshop.

Then he went to Li Chengqian's study and sat for a while.

Only then did he get up and prepare to leave the East Palace.

But before leaving the Eastern Palace, Li Er looked at the old eunuch who was hesitant to speak and said, "Just say what you have to say, why are you dawdling?"

"I...I...I miss Your Highness." The old eunuch said, wiping away tears, and said, "Your Highness has never suffered from hardships since she was a child, and now I hear that His Highness is in the desert in the northwest. How much suffering, how much suffering..."

As he spoke, the old eunuch was already in tears.

Seeing that Li Er felt sorry for him.

"Hey, yes, when did that kid suffer this much?" Li Er is still young now, and the influence of power has not yet eroded his family affection.

Thinking of the son who was outside was also quite sad.

Hearing what Li Er said, the old eunuch immediately knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I want to go to the northwest to take care of Your Highness!"

This is his purpose.

It is too dangerous to stay in Chang'an.

The East Palace without Li Chengqian is not worthy of its name.

Li Er was slightly taken aback, and said: "You are already old, and you have to go to the northwest by boat? It's hard to live there."

"Don't be afraid, I just feel uncomfortable when I think of Your Highness suffering there alone, without anyone to talk to, and I hope His Majesty will help you."

The old eunuch said firmly.

"That's all." Li Er waved his hand and said, "For the sake of your loyalty, I will obey you. By the way, I heard that the prince's seal is still in the East Palace, so you also brought it along .”

Speaking of this, Li Er remembered what was mentioned in Niu Jinda's secret booklet. At the beginning, Li Chengqian didn't know what to do, because he didn't have a letter, so he planned to make a fake...

Hearing this, Li Er couldn't laugh or cry.

The real prince, fake seal?
If it spreads out, people won't laugh it off!

The old eunuch thanked him immediately.

"I'm sorry to ask the queen to send someone to pick you up. There is a caravan from the queen's side to take you there."

After saying this, Li Er also left the East Palace.

When I came to the East Palace today, I just thought of Li Chengqian.

at the same time.

Chishui City, Daning Palace.

Murong Shun has already received the message from Lou Ning.

At the same time, there were other people who received the message.

Such as Qiu Bowen.

Therefore, the Daning Palace is very lively at the moment.

"Your Highness, it's time to send troops!" Someone said, "Lou Ning's [-] troops have lost more than half of them before entering the mountain. Huh, the tribes on the grassland who are dissatisfied with us may all come from here!"

Lou Ning is not a good thing either.

There are less than 3000 people in the area, and they dare to call it an army of [-].

What kind of strength should Riyue Mountain be able to defeat its [-]-strong army?

But Murong Shun said: "Where did Lou Ning get the [-] troops? He is part of the Lou family, can he get [-] troops for him? This is the end of the day?"

Murong Shun didn't quite believe Lou Ning's words.

"Well, I also sent him more than 1000 people." Qiu Bowen said.

His words made Murong Shun startled.

Although Qiu Bowen did not say this clearly, the meaning is obvious. I have given away more than 1000 people. What about the rest?

Seeing Murong Shun looking at him, Qiu Bo said helplessly, "Your Highness also knows that my wife and children were murdered by thieves in the Qiulin Department, and it was Riyue Mountain who killed my wife and children."

Speaking of this, Murong Shun understood.

Qiu Bowen wanted to avenge his wife and children.

It doesn't have to be said.

What is said on the grassland is revenge for revenge and kindness for kindness.

Even if he is King Daning, there is nothing to blame for this.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things." Another person said, "Now we are talking about how to contain Riyue Mountain, is it allowed to develop? If Riyue Mountain continues to develop? How can we rule Chishuiyuan?
During this period of time, people have been brutally killed on the prairie, people from various tribes, and the perpetrator is Riyue Mountain. Those tribes on the prairie who refuse to attach to us are all watching. What does this mean? Don’t you know? Know?
If we really want such a group of opposing forces to gain a foothold in Riyue Mountain, what choice will those tribes who are still on the sidelines make? "

"Indeed." Qiu Bowen also said, "If the cancer of Riyue Mountain is not eradicated this time, they will harass our tribe while establishing their own prestige, and they will become a serious disaster in the end!"

Murong Shun didn't speak.

He had nothing to say.

If possible, why would he not want to take down Riyue Mountain.

But this means that he has to confront Li Chengqian, and just confronting Li Chengqian means that he has to confront Datang.

This is something he doesn't want to face.

For Murong Shun, the biggest shortcoming is that he bullies the weak and fears the strong.

If he had the same ruthlessness he used to deal with Chishui City and those refugees in the past, why would his future be killed by his own people?

He will always be like this, he can be very cruel when dealing with those who are not strong enough, but he is extraordinarily cowardly when dealing with those who he thinks are invincible.

This was the case when the former Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty asked him to vomit that Yuhun would inherit the Khan. When he found out that his prime minister had been killed by his own father, he quickly ran back to Emperor Wen.

"Your Highness, Riyue Mountain has made itself king, is this a rebellion?" Seeing Murong Shun's hesitation, Qiu Bowen continued, "Why don't Your Highness invite His Highness Dayan Mang Jiebo to put down the chaos together?
I have found out that His Royal Highness Dayan Mangjiebo is in the He family. As the prince of Tuyuhun, it is His Highness Dayan Mangjiebo's duty to put down the rebellion. "

Qiu Bowen thought that Murong Shun was worried about Dayan Mangjiebo, so he deliberately dragged Dayan Mangjiebo into the water.

But hearing what Qiu Bowen said, Murong Shun shook his head and said, "You understand, this king doesn't want him to get involved in the Riyue Mountain matter.

Besides, why do I need other people's help with my Chishuiyuan matter?If it gets out, where will I put my face? "

Everyone is speechless!

You care about face, but you send troops!
It's not that you are not allowed to send troops!
It's because you don't want to, okay?

"Your Highness's words are wrong." Qiu Bowen said, "His Highness Dayan Mangjiebo came to appease the many tribes in Chishuiyuan, and it is better to let him lead the army to quell the chaos than to make some small actions on the grassland.

After all, he is the leader of the army, but the soldiers are still our soldiers. "

Hearing Qiu Bowen's words, Murong Shun's eyes lit up!
This is true!

He is still not at ease to let Dayan's mang knot wave on the grassland.

And let him go to quell the chaos, firstly, the hat that offended Li Chengqian was thrown to him, and secondly, the soldiers are our own soldiers, so they have the final say on how to do it.

It can do it!
"But how can we let him go? We can't order him, right?" Murong Shun asked.

Speaking of this, Qiu Bowen said with a smile: "It's simple. Speaking of it, this is also His Highness Dayan Mangjiebo's own fault."

"How to say?"

Qiu Bowen said: "Did your Highness forget that Chishui City has just experienced a massacre of refugees, and His Highness needs to sit here, how can he go away so easily?

His Highness only needs to use Riyue Mountain as an excuse to ask His Highness Dayan Mangjiebo for help.

His Highness Dayan Mangjiebo must be very willing to help, after all, he must also be interested in Riyue Mountain. "

Not to mention, it is true.

The matter of Riyue Mountain can't be hidden anymore.

In the past, everyone only knew that there was Riyue Mountain, but they didn't know where it was.

But as Lou Ning's army moved out, the location of Riyue Mountain had already been exposed.

It can be said that many people would be able to go to the current Riyue Mountain if Lou Ning hadn't been there.

Everyone discussed again, and it was basically finalized.

In this move, even if Dayan Mang Jiebo knew he was trapped, he would still jump.

It's not that he has no choice, but that he actually cares about the prince of Tang Dynasty very much.

Besides, the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty established himself as the king on his land, which obviously did not take him, the Crown Prince of Tuyuhun, into consideration.

On the contrary, if Murong Shun took people there himself, he would still be upset.

The reason is also simple, the only one who can face the prince of Tang Dynasty is him, the prince of Tuyuhun.

To put it bluntly, Murong Shun's status is not qualified!
While they were discussing, on the grassland, a team of hundreds of people escorted a carriage hurriedly towards Riyue Mountain.

As for who was in the carriage, no one knew.

Just looking at the guards around the carriage, you can see that these people are the real elite!

When they were about to get close to Riyue Mountain, Ma Ye's people noticed these guys, just when he was hesitating whether to call on Pluboqi and the others to attack them.

Lou Ning sent over [-] people to support him.

In this way, Ma Ye's curiosity was even more aroused.

Who is in this carriage?

Murong Shun?

If it was Murong Shun, Lou Ning would have come to greet him in person.

No, I have to figure it out!
With this thought, Ma Ye disappeared on the grassland again.

At the same time, in the valley.

That's called a heat.

Everyone reported that they worked tirelessly in their respective posts with the greatest enthusiasm.

Some guys have even been working non-stop for eight or nine hours. Whenever someone persuades them to take a break earlier, they will always say: "We are not working for others, this is building a city wall for ourselves, how dare we not With all your heart?"

Whenever he heard such remarks, Li Chengqian would always smile knowingly.

He knew that he had won some people's hearts more or less, so that's good.

As his power grows in the future, these people will be his most solid supporters!
In the future, their status will also be the highest.

No way, who made them catch up with the good times.

"Your Highness, Fang Lao Er said that he can join the Youth Army?" Cheng Chuliang, who was helping hammer stones here, dropped his work and asked when Li Chengqian was patrolling under the city wall.

The others also hurried over.

Looking at a group of sons who used to be pampered in Chang'an City, now they are helping hammer stones on the construction site like coolies, Li Chengqian patted them on the shoulder and said, "It's been hard for you during this time."

"Oh, what kind of hard work is this? What we are asking is whether Fang Er Er has joined the Youth Army." Everyone didn't care about this.

They were not willing to come to the construction site to help at the beginning. What are their identities?When did you do such a dirty thing?

It's just that the children in the schools in the valley will help move the stones after finishing their studies, and they can't hold back their faces.

Because they asked the children who were younger than them why they came to carry stones.

As a result, those children told them that only those who eat rice don't have to work...

Nodding his head, Li Chengqian said, "This king has indeed promised him."

"I'll just say it, you still don't believe me!" Hearing Li Chengqian's words, Fang Yiai said rather awkwardly, but he was sticking out his chest, looking weird.

"Aren't you recuperating in the hospital? What are you doing here?" Li Chengqian was a little puzzled.

Fang Yiai said proudly: "It's not just a little injury, it's okay! Now, I'm the first one in the youth army to be injured due to the war, so of course I have to set an example."

To put it bluntly, this guy is here to brag!
Everyone scoffed at this.

Li Jingren was even more unceremonious and contemptuously said: "Yes, yes, you are also the first one I saw to be stabbed in the butt!"

"Do you want to fight? Even if the young master is stabbed, he can knock you down with one hand!" Fang Yiai suddenly became unhappy.

Cheng Chuliang interrupted the two of them and said, "Come on, the one who got stabbed was Chang Sun Chong, what does it have to do with your second son?"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yiai stopped talking.

Damn, it's the first time in my life that I have to bear someone else's name on the battlefield, and I feel aggrieved just thinking about it.

Seeing that he shut up, Cheng Chuliang said again: "Your Highness, we also want to join the Youth Army!"

How good is the Boys Army!

They're all average kids!
Although they suffered from Yao Da and Uncle Sun Yu before, so what?
If you don't fight, you don't know each other!

Now, they have a good relationship in private.

This is actually inevitable.

These guys still admire people with real skills.

In addition, they have a lot of knowledge, and from time to time they tell the big guys something they have never heard of, and they get along very happily.

"Your Highness, don't promise them. I was able to join the Boys' Army only after being stabbed. I can't let them sneak in so easily." Fang Yiai said immediately.

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people pushed him to the ground, avoided his buttocks, and beat him up.

"That's enough, that's enough." Li Chengqian said, "You all join the Youth Army, you people, let Fang Yi love take care of you for the time being."

When Fang Yiai heard this, she immediately laughed!

Immediately got up from the ground, that is called arrogance.

"Stand up for me!" Fang Yiai flaunted his strength, and then asked, "Your Highness, I have been promoted directly, right? It's not a big deal for me to control these fellows under my command, right? "

"That's natural." Li Chengqian looked at the envious expressions of everyone, and smiled immediately.

These guys, placed in Chang'an, will be able to get a good job casually in the future. I didn't expect that such a small talent would make these guys so envious.

(End of this chapter)

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