Chapter 19
More than ten miles west of Chang'an, there is a pavilion. Li Chengqian and his party are taking a rest in this pavilion ten miles away.

One is that the snow is getting heavier and heavier, and everyone needs to replenish clothes and fill their stomachs, and the other is to check the supplies.

This trip to the west is a long way. If Li Chengqian was alone, it would be fine, but now including him, there are 23 people in total.

These are all my own team, even if the number is smaller, it must still attract Li Chengqian's attention.

Of course, excluding these two reasons, the last reason is waiting for others.

He has seen Li Shimin before, but he has not seen the eldest grandson queen who is called a generation of virtuous queens by countless historians.

And based on his own understanding of history, combined with his original body's memory, he is [-]% sure that the eldest grandson empress will come.And it was Li Shimin who acquiesced and even opened the back door himself.

"Your Highness, the supplies have been cleaned up." Just as Li Chengqian was warming up in the gazebo, Liu San and Chaozheng walked over trembling.

There were only about twenty people in total, except for a few who were resting in the carriage with serious injuries, the rest were either feeding the horses or guarding around the gazebo.

Although there are not many people, there is also a sense of orderliness.

Taking an order from Chao Zheng, Li Chengqian smiled, Li Er, a cheap old man, was not stingy, and the things he gave were solid.

Seeing Liu San and Chao Zheng shivering from the cold, Li Chengqian shook his head and said, "Aren't there clothes on the carriage to keep out the cold?"

They didn't call them in to warm up by the fire. The distinction between superiority and inferiority these days is also something they have engraved in their bones.

"Those are all His Highness's." Liu San said seriously after hearing that.

"That's enough, that's enough, I'll reward you." Li Chengqian didn't bother to argue with him, and couldn't figure it out at all.

Liu San respectfully knelt down on one knee and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!"

After speaking, he turned his head and ran away.

He also knew it was cold, but those things belonged to Li Chengqian, even if they died of cold, they would not move.Of course, Li Chengqian spoke up, so that's another matter.

Ever since they decided to follow Li Chengqian on a trip to the Western Regions, they considered themselves the closest people to His Highness. The retainers may not be worthy, but they still have the taste of domestic slaves.

Therefore, they would not refuse Li Chengqian's reward.

Liu San left, but Chao Zheng stayed behind.

"How does your Highness feel about the injury?"

Li Chengqian smiled and said, "It's okay." He didn't really want to kill himself, but just put on a show, "By the way, how about those serious injuries?"

"One case may be a little serious, but the others will be raised for a period of time, so they should be fine."

When Chao was talking, his face was full of joy.

He has been a doctor for so many years, and he has never seen such a thing.

Li Chengqian nodded and said nothing more.

At this moment, a fast horse galloped towards the Ten Mile Pavilion.

Those personal guards cheered up immediately, clenched the weapons in their hands, and looked serious.

"Relax, let him come over." Li Chengqian had already guessed who was coming.

Soon, the fast horse galloped up, and when it was tens of meters away from Li Chengqian, it jumped off the horse and ran towards this side at a trot. He was ushered in, but he was not allowed into the arbor.

"Your Highness, he said that he was sent by the empress, and he has something important to report." The personal guard Zhao Yan bowed.

Li Chengqian said: "Let him in."

After all, he still came, it seems that he did not wait in vain.

Thinking of this, the man came in, bowed and said: "Your Highness, the Empress asked Your Highness to wait for a while, the Empress will be here soon."

"Go back and report the letter, just say I'm waiting here." Li Chengqian ordered after finishing speaking, "Clean up."

In an instant, everyone was busy.

And the man also rode back quickly.

His mission was to catch up with Li Chengqian and tell the news that Empress Changsun was coming, and at this moment, he had to bring the news back.

When everyone was busy, Li Chengqian shook his head and smiled wryly. Sure enough, Li Er still let Empress Changsun come, and his purpose was self-evident.

For Empress Changsun, Li Chengqian was looking forward to and fearing at the same time.

The reason for looking forward to it is that after all, it is a generation of virtuous queens who will last forever. It would be nice to experience her demeanor with my own eyes.

As for the fear, it is actually simple, after all, it is Li Chengqian's biological mother, and he is also afraid of showing his flaws.

About two quarters of an hour later, a luxurious carriage, under the guard of a group of Habayashi soldiers, stopped outside the ten-mile pavilion.

Li Chengqian sighed, walked out, and saw the graceful and luxurious woman in his impression come down from the carriage, and immediately knelt down on his knees regardless of whether the snowy world was unbearable: "An unfilial son has no face to see his mother." .”

Empress Changsun was originally full of anger, but when she saw Li Chengqian kneeling on the muddy ground, and his waist and abdomen, even though he was bandaged, he could still see the scarlet blood stains on the white gown. Can't tell.

"Why bother?" Empress Changsun pulled Li Chengqian up and sighed helplessly.

On the way here, she already knew the ins and outs of the whole matter, which dispelled her idea of ​​persuading Li Chengqian to turn around.

As Li Er's good helper, she understood that it was not just Li Chengqian who wanted to go west, but Li Er felt threatened.

For the emperor, especially a hero like Li Er, he needs a prestigious prince to inherit the prosperous world he created, but the premise is that this prince must be within his control.

Obviously, Li Chengqian's performance was beyond his control.

Because of the injustice of his own country, he had to be more vigilant about his son, so when he felt that Li Chengqian was no longer under his control, he agreed to Li Chengqian.

"Mother, don't be upset, this matter is actually a good thing for the child." After Li Chengqian got up, he helped the eldest grandson empress and walked towards the pavilion.

Just two steps away, a little girl came down from the carriage crying, without saying a word, she grabbed Li Chengqian's clothes, with tears still on her face.

"Lizhi has grown up." Li Chengqian freed up his hand and touched the little girl's head.

He knew the person, Li Lizhi, the eldest princess of the Tang Dynasty, and the princess of Changle, were his own biological sisters.

Li Lizhi didn't speak, just grabbed Li Chengqian's clothes, and followed them into the gazebo.

A few rugs had already been placed in the gazebo, and Empress Changsun sat down and said, "This trip to the west is full of dangers, what should you do?"

After all, she was still worried about her son.

After all, this year's Li Chengqian is only thirteen years old.

Li Chengqian enjoyed the care of his eldest grandson very much. From the first time he saw this woman, he felt that it would be nice to have such a mother.

"Let mother worry about it." Li Chengqian said, "In fact, this trip to the west is not a problem, and even for the child, it is a god-sent opportunity."

For some reason, Li Chengqian was a little afraid of this woman who was called a generation of empress by later generations.

But when I really saw Empress Changsun, I don't know if it was influenced by the original body, so I felt more or less close.

Empress Changsun didn't know what Li Chengqian was thinking, so she asked, "How do you say that?"

(End of this chapter)

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